
Let’s Read The Word

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Bestowed with great abilities just a few months to highschool graduation. I got involved with the Mystical world where I found out many unveiling truths about me. While striving hard to live a normal life,I was also trying to amend ways in the Mystical world which was also a responsibility.




Thousands of years ago we were all called sorcerers and we only make use of one thing- 'MAGIC'. That was before dark magic existed. So now dark magic and white magic exists. 'MAGIC',a mysterious power that makes impossible happen if you do a special actions or say special words- that's what magic means to everyone.

However,there are more to it and it is much more than that. Some people believed Sorcerers and sorceresses are evil but the truth is there are Sorcerer and sorceresses that are good and I include one of them.

Enough of the sorcery stuff,I haven't introduced myself,have I?.

Well,I'm Kiara Stones by name,5 foot 5 inches tall,long brown wavy hair,oh gosh

I have a pretty hair

. And my most amazing part,my eyes. I have a blueish green eyes which most people compliment frequently.

I'm eighteen and a highschool student. Guess what,I'm graduating next month. I'm so excited and the most important thing,I will be leaving for my dream university,Harvard university

oh my God, I'm super excited


About my family,I only have a brother as a sibling and my mom,she's very pretty

I got my beauty from her

. I don't know my dad but he's still alive. I only heard from my brother that he ran away when I was born. I don't really get along with my brother because he is not always at home.

According to my two best friends, Irene Brooks and Claudette Hart,I'm a super cool person. We've been friends since middle school and I hope we could be friends forever.

I know y'all will be wondering why I mentioned Sorcery first. Well,something happened to me two months ago and it changed my lifestyle.

I became a soceress two months ago and I've read thousands of book about sorcery. At first,I was not able to adapt with the fact that I have magical powers but with time I overcome my fears.

Some people became involved with sorcery because it was their family stuff but I became one because of a book 'THE MYSTICAL BOOK'.

I think it's time I explain how I became a sorceress.


It was the month of June. A month  full of casual activities for the final year student of Edmondo high school.Edmondo high school was named after the owner,Max Edmondo,the great socialist.

In my school Edmondo highschool,there is always an annual trip for the final year student and it is always during June. It isn't all fun because it is a two days activities.

We would be having a beach party at 'The Flames'. It was just opened recently and guess what the beach party is a total trash. I'm not that excited about it but I'm excited about the next day activity. A visit to the BUCKS PARK. Like a kid excited for an icecream,I was excited because of this.

Bucks Park is a well reserved Park that is only opened once in a year for important people. And luckily,my school is one of the reserved guest. To cut the long story short,we were already in the Park after the unending beach party. We were grouped into groups so that we won't get lost.

"Never ever leave a group member behind" Miss Tina,our homeroom teacher said.

"And you " she aired,pointing at me.

"Don't do anything recklessly and stick to your group" she stated and I nodded.

Like I care. I can't be stuck here with with a group of people,not me.

I saw Irene and Claudette at a spot,it looks like they are in the same group. I went to meet them .

"Hey babe" Claudette greeted

"Hey,enjoy the party? Irene asked and I rolled my eyes.

They both know I don't like parties but they forced me to come to the beach party,those idiots.

"I saw a wonderful spot at the end" I said.

"Don't tell me,you want to go on your own"

"Duhh,what do you expect?" I replied and left them.

Tightening my backpack, I slowly moved from my group to start an adventure of my own. I took pictures of the place and of the pictures.

After wandering alone for over 10 minutes,I decided,it's time I go back. I swear I would have really go back but something caught my attention, a butterfly.

The butterfly was different from the butterflies I've see. Its wings is a little big but what attract me most is the glitters around its wings. The wings shone so much that I felt the urge to touch it. Basically,I'm a nature person and I love butterflies.

I didn't know when I was following the butterfly but what I know was that I saw the butterfly enter a glowing gateway that looked like a portal. Oh no,it's a portal,a magical one at that. Even though I'm an average student,I still know what I've seen.

A portal in Bucks park? I've read about portal being a means of travelling from one world to another. If I pass through this portal, does it means I travelled to another world?.

"Kiara,just go back and pretend you've seen nothing" I told myself.

But before I could turn back, the portal was already closing and out of no where a large book flew out.

It started floating in the air and I could only open my month in astonishment. Still surprised at what's happening,the book suddenly stopped in front of me and was shining brightly. I felt the urge to touch it and I did. After touching it,I lose consciousness but before I fainted,I felt some connection but I could not process what was happening because I was already weak.


Dreariness was what welcomed me when I woke up. The familiar scent filled my nose and I knew I was in my room. I squinted my eyes to confirm if I was alive or probably in hell. Groggily, I stood up and head to the door. I heard voices from the sitting room but I couldn't recognize the voices.

"Oh there she is" it was Irene.

I could not even talk,I was just looking.

"Babe,are you okay?" Claudette was also there too and so was my mom.

"I'm fine" I managed to reply.

"What the hell happened to you?" Claudette asked.

I was just looking at her. It's not that I can't talk,I was just processing my thoughts.

"Breakfast is ready" my mom voice eased the tension and I head to the dining table.

"OK Mrs Stones" Claudette and Irene chorused.

"Hope you are okay?" My mom asked and I nodded in affirmation.

After breakfast, my mum left for work and it finally remained the three of us.

"Now tell me what the fuck happened?" Claudette asked sternly

she's a total badass


"Claudette" Irene called.

"She just recovered. A staff found you Kiara and you were found in the restricted area" Irene added calmly.

"I don't remember what happened but I saw a large...large..." I wanted to say what I saw but I could not just say the word.

"Large what?" Claudette asked.

"Cat,so that made me faint" I lied.

They seem to believe me but I knew I lie and I couldn't understand why I lied.

After they left I went back to my room and I saw the same book on my bed. I moved to it and on the front page 'THE MYSTICAL BOOK' was written.

I flipped through the pages but it was all empty. "What the hell is wrong with me?" I asked myself

Am I seeing things now? I was still wondering when I felt a gust of wind around me and I also felt someone's presence. With alertness,I looked back. To my surprise, I found someone. A woman probably in her mid thirties,her hair were extra long. She wore a long tight fitted blue gown,her lips were colored tinted red and her eyeballs were large which made her look pretty.

"Hey Kiara" she said. Her voice was pleasant to hear and it felt unpleasant when I heard a snort.

"I'm Florence. I was asked to deliver a message" she announced.

"What message and how did you enter here?" I asked.

"Haven't you heard of Sorcery and magic?" She asked.

"What?" I replied.

"Perky humans" she scoffed and continued" I am from Arienas,a different realm from the other side of the human world. You've been chosen to be part of the Mystical world. You are now are sorceress now and I believed you've experienced some little incidents. If you want to know more follow me"she finally stopped after a long speech.

This is not happening to me,follow her to where? I don't even get what she is saying,like how can I become a sorceress over a night? This is really not happening.

"I can't force you against your will but if you ever want to know more,just knock thrice on that wall" she said and vanished.

I decided to turn a deaf ear to everything that happened but I stopped it when I started seeing things.

There was a time,Irene boyfriend cheated on her. I was so annoyed that I blurted out rubbish.

"I wish he lose one of his legs"I said while trying to console Irene.

But guess what, he did lost his leg.

I was also craving for pizza the other day and I saw pizza on my bed that same moment. I started avoiding Irene and Claudette and I engrossed myself in Sorcery books and even ancient books.