
Let’s Read The Word

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The Pact

The Pact

Author:Angel Trace



Us four was never wanted at our old pack. They would call us weak. We were trash. No wolf would want us. That pack was so wrong. They never saw us strong. until that day we were sold to The Royal Pack to be his son's maids. We four didn't care. we just wanted to be free. When Our old Alpha saw first hand how powerful we four were. when the king ordered us to change into our wolves. That's the day. War began. Us four will protect our Alpha with everything we have..

Here I stood with three of my bestfriends. In front of our whole pack.

Alpha James stood in front of us with disgust in his eyes. He spit out to his pack that us four. We're nothing to him and his pack. We were useless wolves. Hell we didn't even have a wolf.

We four stood there staring at him knowing we all had a wolf and a powerful one at that. We just didn't want that vile man to know.

Him and his pack would of locked us up. Or forced us to mate with his four sons. They were all playboys. They would sleep with anything they could.

Now they never did with us . We were to them. Ugly and nasty trash. We all would laugh because no one would ever know. How beautiful we are.Let me tell you how our wolves look and what their names are.

I was a rainbow wolf with all five elements. My wolf's name is Mystic. Her fur is the color of a rainbow. I have all five elements. Earth, air, water, fire and spirit.

Now Jasimen is an Earth element wolf. Her wolf is chocolate brown. Her name is Carmela.

My other friend Cassandra. Short for Cass. Her element is Water. Her wolf is blackish blue. Her name is Spirit.

My last friend is Gabrielle. Short for Gabby. Her element wolf is Air. Her wolf's name is Ariel. She's a white wolf.

Mean while we stood there listening to our Alpha. He kept saying things bad about us four . We just looked at him with disgust in our eyes.

When six black SUV's drove up. Out stepped six men and one open the door. There stepped out a man. He was tall with Jet black hair. He wore a navy blue suit . He growled out at our Alpha. He stepped quickly to us.

He looked at us four. He touched each of our hands. When his eyes went wide. He could tell we were powerful. He smirked and then pointed to the guy behind him and said, " Give Alpha James the papers."

The guy behind him bowed and went over to Alpha James. He handed him four pieces of paper and a pen. Then he said, "Sign each one at the yellow X. "

Alpha James took the pen and the papers. He didn't even read them. He just signed them. Then he handed the guy the papers back.

When the pack mark faded off of our hand. We all four fell to the ground.

Then the man brought the paper to the king. He then handed him the paper and pen.

The king signed the papers. Then the Royal Pack Sign appeared on our hands. Showing us we were in the Royal Pack. I smirked at our old Alpha.

When Our new Alpha said, Girls change into your wolves. We all smirked and said together, "Yes Alpha. "

We all changed. The king stood there staring at our beautiful wolves.

When Alpha James screamed, "Those are our wolves.Those girls want leave. He motioned his guards to grab us and to throw the King in the cells."

Us four stepped in front of our Alpha. We growled at his puny pack. We knew we could destroy his pack. We watched their every move. We knew what they were going to do before they even done it.

When his fifty guards charged at us. Our wolves took over and we froze them and then blew them in the cage Jasmine built. Locking them up. My wolf stepped in front of the King changing back into my human form. Fully dressed. I held my hands out and fire lit up in my palms. I looked at our old Alpha and said, " If you take a step towards my Alpha. I'll burn this whole pack to the ground. My eyes flickered fire. Then the fire traveled up my arms surrounding my body.

I was a walking flame.

Alpha James stepped back. He told his pack to stand down. Today wasn't going to be the fight. Soon he will come for us four.

I looked him in the eyes and said, "Bring it old man. We will bring you and this pack down."

The King gently laid his hand on my shoulder and said, That's enough little wolf. Let's go home."

I closed my eyes and the flames disappeared. Us four picked up our bags and headed to the SUV's. We all got in and left this pack behind.

We were on our way to our new home. We really didn't care if we were his son's slaves or maids. We were finally free.