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His Mania

His Mania

Author:Zelda Blair


Steamy Stories

Story revolves around a mafia boss his lust towards an innocent soul and what more, how his lust change into something dark, something like an obsession. How they will go through every difficulty. Will they ever have their happy ending or they will not meet again for a lifetime. What will happen to that innocent and pure soul when she will get to know about the real reason of aiden. __________________ HIM.. He set fire to the world around him, but never let a flame touch her.. HER.. I don't care if I will fall in love with a devil, as long as that devil will love me the way he loves HELL

Aiden Alexander Blade

He is 26 years old. He is a cruel mafia king. He is handsome and hot, girls dies to have a look of him. He uses girls only for his pleasure. He doesn't believe in love. He have two friends. He is also a hard hearted CEO..


Aiden's right hand in his dark bussines. He is  also 26 years old.


Aiden's third in command in mafia world. He is 25 years old.

Calista Aveline Whitlock.

She is 18 years old orphan. She goes to  highschool. She is kind hearted girl. She is pure and an innocent angel. She is also a waitress. She has one friend. She believes in love and fairytales.


She is also 18 years old orphan and best freind of calista. She is also a highschool student and work with calista. But she is bold and fierce,when needed.


She is a bitch and 20 years old. She wants every handsome's attention.



It was early morning, when I was frustrated and stress due to my work, as someone decided to deceive me in my workplace, so my PA arrange a slut for me to rake my frustration out on her.

As I am not a saint, but I love to enjoy new flavors every day and night. So, I was thrusting into the slut’s pussy roughly while pressing her big plastic boobs together. And she was a moaning mess. “Ahhh… Ahhh… Aiden fuck baby ahhhh faster and harder”.

“Her moaning was sexy, but how dare this slut to call me Aiden and also fucking baby. I won’t spare her, but I am definitely going to take pleasure from her body. As I can’t waste a beautiful body” Aiden’s thought.

As I was going to enjoy my time, my fucking cell buzzed, catching my attention.

I was going to remove my dick from this slut’s loose pussy, when she wrapped her fucking legs around my waist and started to act cute and sexy by pouting and biting her big lips.

I would be now turned on if the phone was not related to my work. So, I hold her neck tightly and shouted “how dare you touch me you bloody whore. I will kill you”.

“N… No, no si… Siiirrr. PLE…please j… Just Le… Let me… me g… Go siirrr” she begged.

My cell was buzzing continuously, so I just push that slut away and take my phone.

While holding the phone near my ear, I grabbed her hairs tightly in a fist and screamed at her face “GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE WHORE AND TAKE THE MONEY” you slut.

She was shivering from my voice and started collecting her clothes, and money. When she went out.

I took the call, and it was my right-hand Leo who was calling….

“BOSS” Leo asked.

“Yes” I replied.

“There is a problem in our warehouse” He replied.

“What is it” I asked.

“Boss, that bastard is not ready to open his fucking mouth and tell the damn truth” he replied.

I smirked, “I am coming” while thinking of the tools I would love to play on his body.

I was moving out of the mansion while puffing the smoke out of my rough lips.

Setting inside my expensive Mercedes, I was scrolling through my mails. When all of a sudden the car screeched and stop, when I look up at the intruder, there in front of our car, were two fucking girls, one has long hairs and another one has short hairs.

The long hair girl murmured something while passing by our car and dragging the short hair girl who was shouting like a bitch.

I just shake my head and continue scrolling, “fucking teenagers”. And moved towards my warehouse.


It was early morning, the birds were chirping near the windows of the orphanage. I woke up from my slumber and move towards the washroom and started getting ready for my school. While brushing my teeth, I suddenly remember my bestie who is not a morning person as she was still sleeping.

I shouted from the washroom “OLI COMMON GET UP, WE ARE GETTING LATE”.

She was lazily opening her eyes while rubbing them and taking her time.

She was going to make her way towards me and all of a sudden, her eyes contact the clock, and she screamed at me “CALISTA WHY THE FUCK DID YOU NOT WAKE ME UP BEFORE. Now because of you, we will be late for our lectures”.

We got ready, and were moving towards the bus as we are already late for our class because of MISS OLIVIA here, my bestie.

While crossing the road, we came across an expensive car, and the car stopped with a screeched. I was too shocked to react fast while my friend here was cursing the driver. When I came back yo my senses, I apologized and drag oli with me towards the bus stop…

Hey everyone!

Book first chapter, so what you think about this chapter let me know, please?

Bye bye, take care.

Thank you…