
Let’s Read The Word

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Sexually Bound With Billionaire

Sexually Bound With Billionaire



Realistic Urban

I never expected to meet the guy in the wrong car I would never expect the guy is my billionaire CEO Boss and my contracted future husband. "look at me," He growled, grasped my chin, and cover his lips upon me. "Sign the marriage contract, right now!"

My name is Alexia … a twenty-five year old, optimistic girl; who is filled with wily charms and lofty aspirations for the future. But, at this particular moment; the current situation is forcing my future to seem not so bright … perhaps, looking even a bit bleak … as I numbly sit here, freaking bored out of my mind; suffering through what I believe might be the twentieth blind date arranged for me within the past three months, if I\'m not mistaken. The harshly sad reality is; I\'ve been on so many of them already … a virtual never-ending, redundant chain of meaningless dates that seem to overlap and blend together … that I\'ve lost count.

And; what\'s really making today\'s \'train wreck of a blind date\' so exasperatingly tiring, is the oblivious dullard sitting opposite me … who must be suffering from delusions of grandeur, being how he\'s under the insane belief that he\'s some sort of irresistible \'Ladies\' Man\'; considered to be a \'great catch\'. A pure narcissist through and through; who\'s clearly lacking a tight grasp on reality … in other words; he\'s a true \'legend in his own mind\'. It\'s obvious that this guy doesn\'t have a clue … or; a mirror, for that matter.

Let\'s put aside for the moment that he\'s a few inches shorter than I am … which could explain his apparent \'Napoleon Complex\'; that I instantly picked up on from the way he was treating the waitress … his overall appearance and looks are at best minimally average; even possibly being considered to be nondescript. And, if you were to take away that cocky arrogance and nasty rudeness; he\'d probably be left with a personality as bland as the stale taste of the evidently expired salt and pepper sitting on the table … and; after listening to him inanely rambling on … with just a barely higher IQ level than them.

Yet, despite all of his clearly evident shortcomings and flaws; he still surprisingly manages to exude an air of confidence … or, perhaps; it would be more accurate to say over-confidence. Case in point; we\'ve only known each other for about an hour, or so; and, he\'s already just proposed for us to get married.

Again … clearly lacking a tight grasp on reality. … I honestly have no idea what this guy is thinking … if he\'s bothering to think at all. Actually, now that I think about it; it\'s probably a case of him thinking with the wrong head … the little one resting between his legs.

This guy clearly lacks any substance … nor; has any appreciation for anything with it, probably … and; I could tell from that lustful stare in his eyes while he was ogling over my body when I first entered the restaurant, that he was only interested in my physical beauty. Which really isn\'t too surprising … after all; I\'m often complimented on my goods looks, and told that I\'m a very attractive woman.

Please don\'t misunderstand … it\'s not that I\'m trying to brag; or, claim that I\'m some sort of raving beauty … I\'m merely stating that I\'m frequently praised by others; saying how … in their opinion, anyway ... I\'m beautiful. Personally; I\'m not claiming to be some sort of beauty queen, or super model … but, compared to this guy; I can confidently say that \'I\'m all that, and a bag of chips\'.

But; that being said … I truly believe it when they say that \'beauty is only skin deep\'; and, that looks aren\'t everything. The worth of a person, in my earnest opinion, is more valuable on what\'s on the inside. And, even if this dullard believes otherwise … which; he has every right to do so … he shouldn\'t be so brazenly apparent that that\'s how he views a woman\'s worth. Especially not on their first meeting.

Again … clueless.

I can literally feel the sudden, stunned expression etched on my face; as I start with a stammer...

“I...I...I\'m s-sorry … I think I must have misheard you. Did you just say that we should get married?”

He nonchalantly replies; in an irritatingly blasé manner...

“No; you heard correctly … I did say that we should get married.”

He takes another forkful of pasta, and shoves it in his mouth; looking as if nothing out of the ordinary is happening. Once he swallows the food; he says...

“I know that we\'ve just met; and, haven\'t known each other that long … but, frankly speaking; you\'re the hottest chick that I\'ve ever been out with … so; why not. My mother insists on me taking a wife, anyway … and, if since I have to get one; it might as well be a \'Trophy Wife\'. Nothing wrong that; am I right?”

Unbelievable. Now I feel my previously stunned expression contort into one of repugnant disdain; as my eyebrows tightly knit and furrow over glaring eyes.

“No; you\'re not right … in fact; you couldn\'t be any further from being right. You\'re totally wrong.”

An oblivious expression overtakes his countenance...

“I don\'t understand?”

I can\'t help but to chuckle in his face...

“Oh my God; there\'s a shock … not. … Of course you don\'t understand. Even after only spending about an hour with you; I didn\'t expect anything otherwise.”

A dumbfounded look now overtakes his countenance...


It becomes so ludicrously funny that I can\'t laugh. I look him dead in the eyes, and tell him...

“Allow me to explain. Frankly speaking; you\'re one of the dumbest jackasses that I\'ve ever had the misfortune of being out with. And, even though we haven\'t known each other for that long; I\'m absolutely sure that I no longer want to waste any more time spending it with you, now … let alone spending a lifetime in marriage with you.”

I abruptly push out my chair; and, quickly rise to my feet...

“I\'ll foot the bill for tonight\'s dinner … trust me, it\'s a small price to pay for never having to see you again.”

I start to step away from the table; but, turn back around to face him, while getting one last \'dig\' in...

“By the way … a little advice. Since you seem to be so keen on being with \'hot chicks\' … in the future; may I suggest that you dine out at fried chicken stands.”

Finally; the first sense of even a shred of satisfaction I felt since arriving at this \'train wreck of a blind date\' … now I can leave with pride, holding my head up high; while maintaining what dignity I have left. … Or; so I thought.

I hurriedly stomp off … making a \'beeline\' towards the exit … and, while keeping my sights focused on the door; I inadvertently hit the corner of a table with my thigh, then trip over the leg of a chair that someone\'s pushing out, to get up from.

My eyes instinctively draw tightly shut, as I instantly wince from the sharp shooting pain; and, I can feel myself beginning to fall forward. Suddenly … I feel my upper arm being firmly grasped and held onto in a strong grip; then, I\'m brusquely pulled back to my feet, before falling onto the floor … ending wrapped up in … what I can only feel are; since my eyes are still closed … a man\'s masculine arms.

“Ow.” My face grimaces from the pain; as I bite down on my lip.

Still being firmly held within the stranger\'s arms; I\'m hesitantly reluctant to open my eyes, just yet … mostly due from the embarrassment of the situation; although, I can\'t really deny that I\'m not feeling a burgeoning sensation of warmth and comfort from his embrace. Then; I hear it … a deep, hypnotically magnetic voice penetrates my ears...

“Miss; are you okay? You\'re not hurt; are you?”

It\'s a good thing that he\'s still holding onto to me; because, that deep, hypnotically magnetic voice uttering those words of concern are … for some unknown reason … causing my knees to buckle. So; between his tight embrace and captivating voice … it\'s as if he\'s cast some Svengali-like spell over me; causing me to swoon.

I can\'t hold out any longer … I\'m completely intrigued; and, the anticipation is killing me … and, I slowly opens my eyes. In an instant, all of my previously righteous belief that \'looks aren\'t everything\' suddenly \'fly out the window\', at that moment.

He\'s unbelievably handsome; with strikingly dignified facial features; currently displaying an amicable … yet, slightly mischievous … grin. And, of course; I can\'t overlook those adorable dimples indented upon his cheeks.

My body rapidly becomes flushed; and, my complexion quickly reddens … as a light, rosy shade of blush spreads out, and overtakes my cheeks. Not bad considering the alternative. Honestly speaking; if I were an anime character ... my cheeks would have been covered by two, large, dark apple-red circles; while my eyes are replaced with two, beaming, pink hearts.

As I remain frozen in his strong, masculine arms … momentarily mesmerized by his aesthetically pleasing looks … my heart is all aflutter; while my brain keeps telling me to tightly embrace him back, and kiss the heck out of him.

All of a sudden … the mood is instantly killed; as I hear that annoyingly irritating dullard\'s voice blurt out...

“What\'s this?... I just proposed that we should get married; and, you\'re already in the arms of another man. Have you no shame?”

I rebukingly glare at him with intensely piercing eyes … truly wishing that I can use them to throw daggers at him … and, snap back; with repugnant disdain clearly evident in my tone...

“The only shame I have is that I actually agreed to go out on a blind date with you! … And; as far is that proposed marriage goes … jeez, I know your dense; but, even a piece of driftwood would have enough sense to realize that I totally shot that idea down, and blew you off!”

We\'re angrily glaring at one another … with our seething eyes locked … when I suddenly hear...


Once more, I\'m entranced by that deep, hypnotically magnetic voice; which instantly soothes my soaring ire. I gaze up at that gorgeous face; and, my knees begin to weaken again. Thankfully; I\'m still being firmly held in his arms.

“Pardon the interruption … but; you never did answer me before. Are you okay; Miss?”

Still feeling flushed; and, becoming excitedly aroused again; I nervously stammer...

“Y-y-yes … th-thank you.”

My heart is racing … pounding in my chest ...and; I can feel myself subtly panting. … God; I hope I\'m not drooling. … And, what\'s this; my cheeks feel as if they\'re on fire. … I wouldn\'t be surprised if they\'re vibrantly blushed; with a bright, red chili pepper coloring.

“You\'re welcome.”

He pauses for a brief moment … staring at me with his alluring eyes; while displaying that amicably, mischievous grin … before saying...

“Then; I suppose … since you\'re okay; and, not hurt … I should let go of you, now; and, let your stand on your own? Right?”

I\'m momentarily rendered speechless … struck a bit dumbfounded. Then; it hits me like a startling epiphany...

Shit! I\'ve been letting this guy … albeit, extremely handsome guy … hold me in his arms all this time; while gawking at him like some sort of giddy schoolgirl. … Get it together; Alexia, girl.

Again; I nervously stammer...

“Y-yes … r-right … s-s-sorry.”

Having that aroused excitement abruptly replaced with overwhelming embarrassment; I quickly break free from his arms, and rush out of the restaurant.


I\'ve been standing out front of the restaurant for nearly fifteen minutes already; waiting on the cab that I called for. It\'s a cold, wintry evening; and, unfortunately having dressed for a blind date … such a pointless appointment if ever there was one … I\'m not properly dressed for prolonged exposure to the season\'s inclement weather.

My nose and ears have become a bit raw, and painfully tingling; while my fingers are starting to become numb. And, to make matters even worse; my dress was torn when I ran into the corner of the table … leaving behind a long tear running down the side of it; having my right leg, up to my upper thigh, exposed to the occasional blustery wind blowing by.

I can\'t just keep standing here freezing, waiting for this cab to show up God only knows when; so, I decide to head to the bus stop, three blocks over. And, as I\'m walking; the wind steadily picks up … swirling about cold gusts of air; which encircles my under-dressed body. … I quicken my pace.

I\'m about a block away from the bus stop; when a car slowly pulls up beside the curb, and stops. Thinking it\'s the cab I called for … not giving it a second thought; because all I want to do right now is take shelter from this wintry night ... I immediately fling open the back passenger door, and hop in the backseat … slamming the door shut; as I emphatically complain...

“First a lousy blind date with the \'King of Losers\' … then, I\'m stuck outside freezing waiting for nearly half an hour. … It\'s about time you showed up. Hope you\'re not expecting a good tip.”

I begin to vigorously rub my hands together, while blowing on them; in an attempt to warm them up, and get some feeling back into my numbed fingers. All of a sudden, I hear a distinctly familiar voice...

“It\'s okay … tips are generally appreciated; but, not required. … But; I\'d still like to offer you a good tip … perhaps, in the future; you shouldn\'t just get into any random man\'s car. Just saying.”

In an instant; I realize that this wasn\'t the cab I called for … or; any cab, for that matter … and, I jolt my head up; then, stare into the rear view mirror to see if I can catch a glimpse of the driver\'s face. And, suddenly … my heart is all aflutter, for the second time this evening.

Even though I\'ve only seen them once before in my life; I\'d recognize those \'dreamy bedroom eyes\' anywhere. Shit … it\'s that gorgeously handsome guy that held me in his embrace, back at the restaurant! I feel myself starting to instantly warm up … with the source of the heat emanating from the inside of my body.

Once again; I become flushed … and; embarrassed. If I could; I would dig a hole, and bury myself in it. I quickly apologize, and explain...

“Oh; I\'m so sorry … I didn\'t realize … you see; I called for a cab earlier; but; it never showed up. I was on my way to the bus stop, when you happened to pull up; so, I naturally assumed that it was the cab finally showing up...”

That amicably mischievous grin of his suddenly emerges; as he suddenly interjects...

“I suppose that\'s why they say one should never assume … because, that\'s when you\'re bound to make an \'ass\' out of \'u\' and \'me\'.”

I shrink back into the backseat … again; where\'s a hole when you need one? My eyes slowly avert downwards; as I meekly utter...

“Sorry … I didn\'t do this on purpose.”

There\'s a brief moment of total silence … so, I look back up into the rear view mirror; and, see him smiling at me...

“It\'s okay. And; I was just messing with you when I said that. I apologize if I upset or embarrassed you … I really didn\'t mean anything by it.”

Still embarrassed; but, feeling a little better after hearing him say that … especially with those words be spoken aloud in that deep, hypnotically magnetic voice of his … I sheepishly utter...

“No, it\'s fine; you didn\'t upset me by saying that. And; as far as being embarrassed … I was the one who embarrassed myself; not you. Again; I\'m sorry … it was a mistake; I really didn\'t mean to get into your car on purpose … I really thought it was the cab I was waiting for. Sorry for any trouble that I caused you … you can just let me out here.”

“No need to apologize; it\'s alright. You didn\'t cause me any trouble; so, don\'t worry about it. … The only thing you said that I will disagree with … it\'s late now; so, I\'m afraid I can\'t just let you out here. I wouldn\'t feel right about doing that; so, I\'ll just drive you home.”

I got a better idea … why don\'t you take me home to your home? … is what I want to say. But, instead...

“No thanks, that\'s alright; you don\'t have to do that. Like I said; you can just let me off here. Driving me home would be too much of a bother; and, I really don\'t want you to go out of you way for someone you just met. … Oh, speaking of; I\'m Alexia, by the way.”

“Calvin Smith … it\'s nice to meet you; Alexia. And; it\'s no bother at all. In fact; I insist. So, tell me; where do you live … what\'s the address?”

I hesitantly murmur, “Well; if you insist … um … it\'s Avenue Burlington, No. 3 Downstreet.”

No; what\'s wrong with me?! I just gave him the wrong address … am I really that nervous around him; or, what? Oh well, what\'s done is done; it\'s too late, now. I\'ve already embarrassed myself enough, in front of him … I really don\'t want to look like a stupid idiot that doesn\'t even know her own address. There\'s no way I\'m about to tell him it\'s the wrong address.

I remain silent for the rest of the ride; hoping to keep myself from \'putting my foot in mouth\', or, looking like much more of a fool that I probably already look like, in his eyes. In the meantime … I frequently find myself stealing glances of him through the rear view mirror; usually focusing on those enticingly alluring, delectable-looking lips of his.

I find myself becoming excitedly aroused; as my imagination begins to wildly run wild. My mind is inundated with images of all those hot, steamy X-rated sex scenes in the porno flicks I occasionally secretly watch; and, with sexually explicit passages from those trashy romance novels I often indulge in reading … again; in secret.

It\'s not long before I can virtually feel his scrumptious lips softly brushing up against me; sensually gliding all over my heatedly flushed skin … and; a sudden wave of euphoric pleasure surges throughout my body. My heart races; and, my breaths quicken into short, subtle pants. Then it happens...

My breasts start to undulate; as my nipples harden and tingle. And; my crotch slowly heats up and moistens. … What\'s wrong with me?! Calm down; girl!

Shortly … he pulls up in front of the address that I gave him; and, an incredulous … and amused … expression overtakes his countenance. That amicably mischievous grin emerges across his mouth; as he asks...

“So … this is where you live?”

It\'s the neighborhood 7-Eleven … the 7-Eleven that I used to work part-time at while in high school, to be more exact. I suppose that\'s why the address was stuck in my head; and, inadvertently popped out when he caught me off guard by asking for my address.

I just smile; and, cheekily quip, “Well, back when I was a teenager; sometimes it seemed like I did live here … at least; that\'s what my mom use to tell me.”

He laughs. “I see. … For me; it was the video arcade.”

I quickly try to come up with a plausible excuse that would exonerate me from that idiotic blunder of mine … I mean; what grown woman doesn\'t know her own address, after all? Luckily; it suddenly comes to me...

“Yeah; about this … sorry, Calvin; we just met; and, I didn\'t feel comfortable giving you my actually home address. Hope your not offended; it\'s just nowadays, a girl needs to be careful about these things. … Safety first; right?”

There; that sounds pretty good … he should buy that; right?

He smiles; then, nods...

“You\'re absolutely right, a girl\'s safety should be her main priority; and, she should do everything she can to safeguard it. So, no; I\'m not offended, at all.”

“Good … I\'m glad you understand.”

Yes … he bought it!

Then; he teasingly goads me...

“However … and; this is just my opinion, mind you … before you decide to use given out a false address as a measure of defense to assure your safety … again; you first might want to refrain from getting into strangers\' cars that randomly pull up beside you.”

He smiles. … Had it been that dullard I was on a \'train wreck of a blind date\' with; I surely would have smacked him upside the head for saying that. Wait; who am I kidding … I wouldn\'t even be caught dead in his car. … But, seeing how it\'s Calvin; I simply smile, and laugh...

“Yeah; I guess you\'re right. That would be the more prudent thing to do.”

I step out from the back of the car; and, I\'m immediately struck by a passing gust of that blustery, winter wind, across my heatedly flushed skin … causing me to start incessantly shiver. Calvin instantly takes notice of this; then, quickly gets out of the car, and hurriedly heads over to me.

Once beside me; he takes off the long, heavy winter trench coat he\'s wearing, and drapes it over my shoulders...

“Here … wear this. You look like you\'re freezing.”

A bit taken aback … in a good way, of course … I\'m momentarily quiet for a brief moment; before softly uttering...

“I was … freezing. ... Thank you.”

I slipped my arms into the sleeves; buttoned it up from the bottom to collar button; and, tightly tied the two ends of the \'belt\' affixed to the trench coat together. Its length was long enough to almost completely cover my nearly totally exposed, snowy-white complexioned, bare legs. I feel an instant warmth; and, instinctively snuggle up in it.

Calvin smiles … displaying that amicably mischievous grin … as he glances over me from top to bottom; staring at me, while looking as if he wanted to \'eat me all up\'. And; quite frankly … the way I\'m feeling now … I\'m more than willing to let him do it.

“My coat seems to suit you.”

“You think?” I can feel myself blush … good thing it\'s cold and windy out; hopefully he\'ll think that it\'s the weather turning my face red. “Thanks.”

“I\'ll be on my way, now. Be sure to get home safely.”

“I will; thanks … you, too.”

Calvin starts to go back to the front driver\'s side of the car; when it suddenly dawns on me...

“Calvin; hold on … if I wear this coat back with me; how will I be able to return it to you?”

He flashed that amicably mischievous grin back at me one last time; and, ambiguously said...

“Don\'t worry … we\'ll see each other again. You can give it back to me then.”

And, with that; he got into the car, and slowly drove off … leaving me standing there a bit on the dumbfounded side; as I utter aloud...

“\'We\'ll see each other again\' … what did he mean by that? … God, don\'t tell me that he really is interested in me; is he?”

I snuggle back into the trench coat … this time taking in an elongated sniff of the manly scent he left behind on it. I allow the aroma to linger in my nostrils … allowing me to relish in the olfactory pleasure … before I start walking the last the few blocks to my house.

On my way back; I take the time snuggle up in the coat, while taking in more sniffs of that enticing, masculine scent.


The first thing I do when I reach home is complain to my mother about how atrocious her best friend\'s selection of a blind date for me was … adding that she was either wickedly evil, or just has a lousy taste in choosing men.

Although, to be totally honest, I\'m not exactly sure how convincingly disappointed I came across; considering that I was still \'on cloud nine\' from the time I spent with Calvin … with my mood elevated at least ten fold after cutting free from that arrogant dullard.

I\'m lying in bed, happy as a lark, snuggling under Calvin\'s trench coat … which I have draped over me like a blanket … taking in sniffs of that enticing, masculine scent; as the occasional erotic thought passes through my mind. But; this happiness is rudely interrupted by the ringing of my cellphone … immediately followed with some disturbing information relayed to me from my best friend, Anni Jones.

“Alexia; you\'ll never guess who I ran into today … that conniving whore, Abby Williams!”

I\'m instantly \'floored\' after hearing that name … totally taken aback and stunned; with my mouth left fully agape.

Abby Williams was my former best friend, years ago … that was until one day she admitted to me that she was pregnant; and, that the father of the child was none other than my high school sweetheart, Johnny Evans. And; not only was it bad enough to find out that my best friend had been cheating with and screwing my boyfriend behind my back … the unrepentant bitch had the audacity to tell me that she wasn\'t about to let the child be born without a father; so, I just step aside and let her be Johnny\'s new, official girlfriend.

But, still … the worst was yet to come. Because, as if Abby … my so-called best friend ... didn\'t hurt me enough by what she did ; it was nothing compared to the hurt I received from Johnny … my so-called boyfriend. Abby was the one who \'stabbed me in the back\'; while Johnny followed up by \'twisting the knife\'.

The bastard tried to justify his cheating with Abby … in the most irritatingly, annoying nonchalant manner … by saying that he only slept with her once; and, that he didn\'t mean to get her pregnant. Right … as if by only doing it once, without the intent on impregnating her, was a legitimate excuse to exempt him from any accountability for his actions … not!

And, of course … the \'straw that broke the camel\'s back\' … he had the gall to say that since Abby was sleeping around with other guys at school; he wasn\'t even sure that child was his, or not … but, since Abby said she was sure it was his; he needed to be a man, and take responsibility for her pregnancy.

Sure … now he wanted to be a man. Why couldn\'t he have been a man before; and, stay true and loyal to the woman he was already with … instead of jumping into bed with an apparent slut whore.

I must have gotten wrapped up in my thoughts of those \'bad old days\', and zoned away from the conversation; because, I suddenly hear Anni calling out over the phone...

“Hello … Alexia. Hey; are you still there … are you listening? Alexia!”

“Huh … yeah … I\'m still here. Go on.”

“You could\'ve fooled … you haven\'t uttered a word since I mentioned that ho\'s name. Are you alright?”

No; I\'m not … but, I unconvincingly reply, “Yeah; I\'m okay. … Sorry; I guess a got a little distracted there … what were you saying?”

“Nothing really … I was waiting for you to say something; but, you never did. Are you sure you\'re okay?”

I try to quickly recompose myself; in hopes of sounding a little more convincing...

“I\'m fine; really. Is there anything else you wanted to tell me; other than seeing the bitch?”

Now, Anni remains momentarily silent; before hesitantly informing me...

“Well; um … Alexia; I really hate to hate to have to mention this now … especially since I just told you that I ran into \'that person\', today … but; there is actually something else that I think I should let you know about...”

Anni becomes silent, again; and … even though I\'m starting to feel a slight bit of trepidation creeping in; and, I\'m not really sure if I want to hear what she has to say … my curiosity is piqued...

“What is it?”

“Well...” Anni sheepishly tells me, “I heard through \'the grapevine\' that Johnny Evans is coming back next month...”

There it was; a \'hat trick\' of lousy disappointments … the perfect \'ruin my day\' trifecta. The \'train wreck of a blind date; Abby Williams; and, Johnny Evans … aka: \'the bore\'; \'the bitch\'; and, \'the bastard\'. Right at this moment; my mood has plummeted. My previously \'happy as a lark\' mood over my chance meeting with the gorgeously handsome, charismatic Calvin Smith is suddenly overshadowed and quickly wanes; all thanks to those three.

Once again, I find myself zoning out from the conversation; this time more so than the last … and; can\'t even remember what Anni and I talk about from that moment on. I don\'t even recall when I hang up the phone after we\'re done talking.

I end up lying awake in bed for the next few hours; staring up at the ceiling in a trance-like state.


The following day; early in the morning...

Anni … who was probably still concerned over last night\'s discussion; and, eager to find out how I was coping with the news … comes barging into my bedroom.

“Alexia … you up, yet? How are doing; girl?”

I hardly got any sleep last night; spending most of the time tossing and turning … only having managing to drift asleep about half an hour ago. So, needless to say; I\'m still a bit out of it and cranky, as I groggily grumble in a hoarsely, rasp murmur...

“Do I look like I\'m up, yet? … And; I was doing fine until you came busting in here like some sort of S.W.A.T. Unit.”

Anni quips; in a \'way too early in the morning to be that cheery\' tone...

“Oh, you; \'Miss Grumplestiltskin\' … looks like somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed, this morning.”

I really do love Anni … but, after a restless night\'s sleep … or; lack of sleep, shall I say … I\'m finding it hard to feel the love; and, am becoming a little perturbed. So … with my eyes still shut … I once again grumble in a hoarsely rasp, murmur...

“Says who? … Again … does it look like I\'m up,yet?”

I lethargically roll over onto my stomach, and bury my head under my pillow; pressing the ends down against the mattress with my hands, in an attempt to drown out Anni\'s \'early bird chirpiness\'. This was obviously done in futility, however; because, I soon hear Anni excitedly blabbering...

“Judging by the men\'s trench coat lying here in the side of your bed; it looks like last night\'s blind date was a success. I take it you\'ve finally found your \'Mr. Right\', then? Why didn\'t you say anything about it last night, while we were talking?”

UGH!!! … Guess I\'m not going to be able to get anymore sleep this morning. I brusquely toss the pillow aside, and flip over onto my back; then, struggle to open my lightly encrusted, eyelids. Once they\'re open, I briefly stare up at the ceiling; trying to focus my vision from its blurry state. Then, I let out an exasperated huff...

“I didn\'t say anything about it because it was far from a success … in fact, it was a total \'train wreck of a blind date\'; a complete and utter failure.”

“Sorry to hear that … but; was it really that bad?”

“Anni … dude was a troll-like, arrogant dullard with a severe Napoleonic complex, who is self-admittedly on the hunt for a \'Trophy Wife\'; and, actually had the nerve to suggest we get married … saying it was because I was the hottest chick he\'s been out with in a while. Psycho, pervert creep!”

“Yikes! Talk about a loser … with a capital \'L\'.”

“I know; right?”

Anni purses her lips tightly together into a thin line; then tells me...

“I feel for you girl. I think your mom\'s way too anxious for you to meet a guy and get married.”

“Yeah; well … that\'s all thanks to Abby Williams\' \'exemplary example of a mother\'. Like mother; like daughter, I suppose.”

Anni knows exactly what I\'m referring to; and, quickly nods...

“Like they say … \'the apple doesn\'t fall too far from the tree\'.”

Years before Abby \'back-stabbed\' me, and took my boyfriend away; Abby\'s mother had an affair with my father … of course; I didn\'t know that when I first befriended Abby. It\'s no wonder my mother never liked me being friends with Abby; and, would always pass subtle ... and; not so subtle … comments for me to be on my guard around her … or, better yet; just end my friendship with her altogether.

Still … while I was friends with Abby ... Mom never derogatorily badmouthed Abby directly; nor told me anything about Dad\'s and her mother\'s affair. But, after Abby slept with Johnny; Mom filled me in on all the sordid details. She explained that the only reason why she didn\'t tell me sooner, was because she wanted to give Abby the benefit of the doubt; and, didn\'t want to falsely label her for being an adulterous whore just because her mother was one.

Thinking about it now; I kind of wish that she had told me sooner … this way I wouldn\'t have been blindsided by my so-called best friend and boyfriend back then. Who knows; maybe I might have been able to prevent it from ever happening. Then again; maybe not … who knows.

Regardless; there is one thing that I\'m pretty sure about … and, that is; what happened between Abby\'s mom and my father, and Abby and me, is probably the driving force behind my mom\'s obsession with me meeting a decent man and marrying him.

“Okay, then … so; tell me...”

Anni picks up the trench coat, and inquires … while displaying a little impish grin etched across her mouth…

“What\'s the deal with this coat, here? I\'m guessing since you were so turned off by your blind date last night, that this doesn\'t belong to him; right?”

I nod. She asks...

“And; I think it\'s fairly safe to say that this isn\'t yours ... right?”

I nod again. She asks...

“Then; whose is it?”

I remain silent; as my brief, yet memorable, encounter with Calvin comes rushes into my mind … and, I can feel a huge smile expanding across my face; while almost certain that I must be blushing.

Now … Anni displays a huge impish grin; while intensely staring at me with discerning eyes...

“Hmm … judging by that look on your face … could it be that this coat belongs to...” Anni quickly leans in towards me, and sharply shoots out her index at me; while emphatically exclaiming, “Your \'Mr. Right\'?!”

Although it\'s true that I didn\'t see anything wrong with him during our brief time together; it\'s too early to say that he\'s my \'Mr. Right\' … but; I\'m certainly not ruling that possibility out. That said … now\'s not the time to discuss this with Anni.

I quickly try to change the subject; as I jump out of the bed...

“Jeez; will you look at the time … I didn\'t realize it was this late. I better hurry up and get ready for work. … What about you; don\'t you have to get to work, soon?”

“If I didn\'t know any better, I\'d say that someone was trying to dodge my questions...”

Anni shoots me a knowing-look; while grinning...

“Okay … I suppose I could let you off the hook, for now. … But, no; I don\'t have to get to work. I took the day off; because, my mother and brother will be stopping by for a visit.”

“Oh, really; that\'s nice. Be sure to say hi to them for me...”

I head over to my closet to look for an outfit; and, facetiously kid...

“Also ... be sure to enjoy yourself; and, don\'t worry about us poor, schleps who have to work hard at making money to earn a living.”

Anni impishly grins. “Don\'t worry; I won\'t.”

I chuckle. “I\'m sure you won\'t”

Anni puckers her lips out; then, blows me a kiss. “Love you.”

“Love you, too.”

Anni leaves; and, I get ready for work.