
Let’s Read The Word

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Awry Love 2

Awry Love 2



"I want to wear this on that day, I kill my nemesis. I want to put it on to hide and shadow my face. I want to reveal the strong woman I became from it. I want to see the shock on their faces when I raise it a bit upper from my face, to see I'm not more the weak girl they once knew. I want them to see the Mafia's lady through this. The black hat." This is my love story.... Larisa Winter a normal 17 years old girl who leaves a normal life. She loves a life the way it is. Until something happened and everything breaks loose. Meet Nathan Lockwood, is that even his real name or surname? your typical bad boy who is heartless and arrogant but handsome and hot. He isn't just a bad boy but a Mafia. In a school for a mission but gets the unexpected. Does he makes the right choices? Read and keep this in mind as you read this book: Love never gives up...



The Beast takes the front seat next to the driver while Demian takes a seat by my side.

I watch through the tint window as the Jeep starts and the warehouse starts to move from my sight. I sigh and look down on my laps as my eyes becomes blurry.

I felt like I just betrayed Anthony, no I actually did. I should have told him earlier, but I was just scared. I was scared he might leave me and willingly hand me to them. But he just told me he would have helped but my mind wouldn't think of the advantages but only thought of the disadvantages.

Demian drops his hand on my thigh but I tried taking it off but he just tighten the hold on my thigh which makes it hurt a bit so I just stopped trying. I hate my life. My happiness never last.

Demian quickly pecks my cheek, I faced him ready to slap him but his hard glare made me flinch.

"Don't you dare make me angrier than I am right now." He said still glaring at me. I quickly took my eyes off him and faced back the window.


The car parks inside a while huge unknown mansion which I have never seen before.

"W-what are we doing here?"

"It's our house sweetheart." Demian said before getting out the car. The nickname sending chills down my spine.

Just as I was about to open, I didn't notice The Beast was already out. He opens my side of the door wide and yanks me out making me gasp. He grips my arms so tight it starts to hurt. Demian at my back as the Beast keeps his tight grip on my arm, walking fast.

"Y-you are hurting." I managed to let out. My arm sore from his tight grip. Demian my so called husband does nothing but watches from my back.

"This is nothing." The Beast replies with anger dancing in his tone.

We finally reach the door and Demian walks pass us and took out his keys, unlocking the door. He faces me and gives me a sadistic smirk. I stare at him with blurry eyes.

The door unlocks and he opens the door and gets in while the Beast with me gets in after.

"Welcome home sweetheart. This is our lovely home." He said his back still facing me but he slowly turns around and smiles at me. "Hope you love it?"

"I hate you." I said with venom, starring at him with hatred eyes. He just smiles. But the Beast tightens his hold on my arm if that's even possible. I wince.

"Where is the room? I need to discipline my daughter before I take my leave." My evil dad says keeping his tight grip on my arm.


"Sir?" He guy says from behind him.

"Show my wife and father in-law our matrimonial bedroom."

"Yes sir." The guy steps forward almost as big as Demian. Yes Demian is huge almost like Anthony. His muscular arms shows through his suit. He looks well almost as dangerous as Anthony. But you would think he is Anthony's younger brother.

The guy named Lance nodes at me and the Beast gestures his hands for both of us to follow him. He stars walking up the miles of stairs while Mr Beast grabs me along.

We reach up the stairs then takes turns going up another few stairs this time before taking a left. My arm hurting badly and I'm sure it's already has a bruise there. We took another left before coming to a stop in front of a door a bit different from the guest doors I guess.

He unlocks the door and hands me the keys and I look the other way from him. The Beast grabs the key from him and orders him to go. He bows then left. The Beast pushes me and I stumbled in. He shouts the door and takes threatening steps towards me as I move back.

"What were you thinking running off?! You thought we wouldn't get you? Huh?!" He quickly moves closer and I drop to the ground from the slap. I hold my cheek in pain as my eyes becomes blurry. I blinks them back in and look up at him.

"Why? Why are you doing this to your own daughter?!" I yelled at him. Only earning a kick to my stomach. My eyes widen at the intense pain as I blinks repeatedly.

"Don't you ever raise your voice at me. Besides I'm doing this for our benefit. He has money and fully loaded. His entire family are fully loaded and you marrying him makes us part of the family and me. You marrying him makes my business work faster and never ending money." He said in a low scary voice slowly moving back from me.

"So you doing this all because of money?"

"I can see you have brain."

"I'm not a gold digger like you." I said with disgust. I earned another slap with a swift move.

"Don't you fuckin call me that!!"

"You’re not a father."

"We both know that's not true."

"I hate you!!" He walks closer to me and squat on my level. He takes hold of my jaw tight.

"I would have broken your pretty little face if Demian wasn't around." He harshly lets go of my jaw and got up. Walking towards the door. "Don't you ever in your life, think of leaving again. Besides I know you are smart enough to do that." He said then opens the door and shutting it on his way out. I heard the sound of door locking. I quickly ran to it and hold the nob trying to open but he really locked it.

I was already too weak to fight with the door. The embarrassment, betrayed, disappointment faces, making me weak. I slowly walk up to the bed and set on the edge. A sob escapes my lips as a single tear drops from my cheek. I disappointed everyone. I have officially lost everyone that truly cared.

My heart aching in pain from the disappointed and painful look on Anthony's face before he took off. I hold the chest area of my dress in my fist and cried harder.

I will keep this dress because it's the only thing I have from him.

After an hour of crying, I drift off into a deep sleep.


I was woken up with kisses from my neck slowly going down. I smiled at it.

"Anthony." I moaned out. Just when the smell of alcohol hits my nostrils I earned a slap. My eyes widen in shock.

"Now, I won't take it nice!" I heard Demian's voice bringing me back to the real world. My dress was suddenly torn off. I screamed in shock and tried pushing Demian off me but it was useless. I was left with just my bra and panties in front of Demian. I continue trying to push him off but it was useless.

"Demian stop!!" I screamed but it didn't stop.

"I'm begging you please!!!" I begin crying out.

"You deserve a punishment!!" He yells as he yanks my underwear off my legs making the air hit in-between my legs. I screamed and cried but earned another slap. Making me shut up for a while before I continue again. He slaps hard on my thigh. I cried and screamed in pain.

He lands a punch on my temple. I stopped screaming as the dizziness hit me hard and I was seeing double I put my hands on my head and try keeping it in place.

After few more seconds my dizziness completely gone. I felt a hard thrust inside me. I screamed in pain, my tears immediately fills my eyes and begins slide freely and Demian groans in pleasure.

"Why aren't you so tight?! Huh?!" He yells at my face and slaps me before holding my neck tight. He came out in a swift move and thrust harder I screamed and yelled in pain but it wasn't as loud because of Demian's hold on my neck.

I felt completely weak and my whole body fell completely numb, looking dead. In-between my legs already badly sore.

I felt everything in slow motion as I remembered all the event of today. My birthday.

Before giving up, letting the darkness take over.

I have no one now.

Three years later...


I continue washing the dishes. After washing the dishes. I started my cleaning and dusting of every room and corridors. I dust the couches and TV.

After past an hour, I was done. I sigh and drop on the couch filling really tired.

And drift off into a deep sleep.


I woke up after what felt like hours, I look around and it looks a bit darker. I quickly got up and open the curtain a bit to see it's getting really dark, I quickly went to the light switch and ran to the clock on the wall.

I checked the time, oh no. I should start cooking for dinner. I got up and decided on making pasta. I went quickly to the kitchen. I took the pot out, the pasta, butter, mincemeat, everything I needed and started making.

Your questions, doesn't the rich man have maids? Why am I doing all this when the maids suppose to? Why am I in hurry to make dinner with trembling hands? Most of them all, why am I acting just like a maid?

Simple, he always finds a reason to lay his filthy hands on me. Always look for the smallest thing to fight about. Always wants to remind me of my mistake three years ago. And yes, I wasn't even able to finish school. I am always in this mansion only coming out to buy groceries and using that as an opportunity to stay in the park for a while. He also takes me out for gala events meeting with business partners just to show he has a wife.

After thirty minutes, I was about to be done when I heard the door shutting in so much force. I flinch at the sound, my heartbeat quickens. My whole body filled with fear all over again.

"Sweetheart!! Sweetheart!!" I quickly drop everything I was doing and ran to the living room where he wouldn't stop pacing.

"Y - yes h - honey, you called." I called him by the nickname, he forced me to, my second night of pure pain and several bruises almost everywhere including my breasts filled with purple bruise because I wouldn't agree to call him that. But after I couldn't take it anymore, I finally agreed to call him that every day.

For some reason, I only smiled at the happiness he wasn't the one to take my virginity but Anthony.

He looks up at me and quickly walks straight to me as I slowly take few steps back, only for him to grab me back forward by my dress. He lands a slap on my cheek. I whimper.

"Don't ever try running away from me! Am I understood?!"

"Y - yes." He takes hold of my neck.

"Yes what?!"

"Yes honey."

"Good wife. Guess what?" He said letting go of me and was quick to turns his back at me.


"They wouldn't accept my contract, the deal?"

"Why is that?" I asked in a little voice.

"They said I was being rude! Freaking rude!!"

"You can find other clients." I said scared to talk any loud because he might just say I am raising my voice at him.

"What?!" He turns back at me. "Those ones were worth billions!"

"Oh." I said staring at him pacing around. "Maybe you might even get clients with trillions, next time."

"What is that smell?" I start sniffing and my eyes went wide as I ran back into the kitchen half filled with smoke already. I quickly take a cloth and use it to take the pot off the stove switching the stove off and dropping it at the sink.

"Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!" I cried, already having an idea of his reaction. He coughs at my back and I was grabbed by my arm, he pulls me out the kitchen and up the stairs while I begin begging him to not hurt me till we finally reached the room. He tossed me on the bed making me bounce a little.

"You want to burn down my freaking house?!!" Tears sliding down my cheeks in fear.

"I'm sorry."

"You were planning to burn down my house?!" He yells then slide out his belt making me flinch.

"I'm sorry please." He raise his belt high and lands it down on my skin, it hits my hip. I whimper in pain. "Please I'm sorry." He lands another stroke on my arm.

After about ten minutes later, I was given twenty strokes almost everywhere on my body. I sobbed loud but that didn't stop him as he lands two more strokes then drops his belt on the floor. He turns me around and starts undoing his pants.

"Please just stop I'm begging you!" I continuously sob weakly. He spreads my leg and takes of my panties before quickly thrusting inside me.

The undying pain and brokenness in my darkness continues.


After almost an hour he finally was done. "I'm going out for dinner." He said breathing heavily before leaving and shutting the door with so much force. I screamed and cried louder. In-between my legs hurting badly as usual bringing back the previous pain.

I cried and slide down the bed using my trembling hands to take me to the bathroom. I finally got there. I took a clothe with my hands and move to the tap, dabbing water on it before dropping it in-between my legs wiping his disgusting stuff from me, but wincing once in a while. Reminding myself to take the non- pregnancy pills after I'm done.

I don't want to lose another baby.


Next day...

I took the last pill left and drank a huge gulp of water before throwing the empty box inside the bin.

I let out a tired sigh. How am I going to ask him for money for the pills he doesn't even know I take since I lost my first child.

I was pregnant during the beginning of last year. I was even gaining more weight, getting fat and fatter every day, I decided when I'm going to the market, I'll stop by a clinic to buy pregnancy test. I did and immediately I reached home. I checked and it was positive. I checked few more times still couldn't believe my eyes.

My crying everyday only increased. I wouldn't stop crying, I didn't know how he would react to the news. Until a day came he finally noticed I'm gaining more weight which angered him saying that's why I'm always asking for money almost every day, his beaten for me increased.

I was beaten badly until I started bleeding badly and blanked out. I found myself in the hospital and I was told I was gone for three days, they told me that day that I have lost my unborn child and when Demian heard the news, since then his beaten for me doubled.

I decided I wouldn't have a child for him again.