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Angels Deserve to Die

Angels Deserve to Die

Author:Authoress Wuraola


Realistic Urban

❇️SYNOPSIS✴️ History has it that some people among those that are living are angels which they (angels) are not supposed to live among humans. So the humans created an organization to eradicate the angel from the surface of the Earth, if possible, something that would never make them come back to Earth again. This organization was created to kill angels brutally and this organization only exist in one family, the lucky family is no one but the "Elya" family. Life became tough for Poxton when his father died, during his high school days. Dues to his dad's early death, he had to take up his family job {hunting angels: Angel Hunter} and schooling was never the same for him. Poxton Elya got encouraged by the people's doubting words but amidst all these people was a beautiful young girl that attend the same school as his. He got fond of the girl and they later found themselves in a relationship but everything changed when Poxton found out that the girl he loves so much is an angel. The decision is hard to make, though he knows what to do. Would he give up his love for the family job? Or would he give up the family job for his love? What happens when the humans find out that they are living with another monster? What kind of monster is it? You'd only find out if you read till the end.

  ❇️ EPISODE 1✴️

  Poxton Elya's POV

  I ran down the stairs, it was my first day going to the Angels Hunters Organization and I was already running late.

  "Good morning, mom and dad"

  "Morning, sweetie. How was your night?"

  "Fabulous, mom"

  "Here is your breakfast. I know you're running late but don't rush it"

  "Okay, mom!"

  "Are you ready for this, son?"

  "More than ready, dad"

  "That's my son. Eat up and let's go"

  I rushed my meal and dad took me to the Angels Hunters Organization secret hideout where they do their meetings and training for the new kids that had come of age.

  There, I met a lot of my uncles, even those I never knew to be my relation. Everybody there is a part of the Elya's family since it's a family job.

  Let me quickly introduce myself to you.

  Poxton Elya is the name, cute right? I'm just as cute as my name, the only child of Mr and Mrs Elya. I'm now 19 year old, though I ought to has joined this Organization when I was 18 but I told my dad I wasn't ready then and wouldn't like to mess up things for him.

  It has always been my dream to be part of this wonderful Organization one day and here I am, about to start my journey. Though I don't know the exact reason why we humans have to keep killing the Angels but I guess it's for our own benefit, maybe the Angels are wicked or too dangerous to live with human.

  I'm just someone you'd keep knowing till the world ends. You'll know me better as the story continues.

  My dad introduced me to my uncles and their sons, lucky for me, I found a guy who seems to be a little cold headed like me so I decided to make friends with him.

  The training commenced and we were taught the basic and reasons why the Angels are not supposed to live on Earth and have to die.

  Soon the meeting and training was over, dad drove us back home but I already collected the 'cool headed guy's' number and I later found out his name is Roger.

  "How was your trip, darling?" Mom asked Dad as we went closer to hug him. That has been a normal routine for them.

  "It was good and safe"

  "Sweetheart, how was the training? I hope it was not too hard for you?"

  "Nah! We only did the theoretical aspect and it was easy"

  "Prepare for the hardest, son"

  "No prob, dad." I replied and went to my room.

  I took a shower and went to bed, picked up the novel I was reading. Then, I saw Elina Sidney from my window. She has been my crush since we were in elementary school but she never sees me more than a friend. Even when I confessed my feelings to her, she took it as a joke, it really hurts me but I had to join her in laughing to hold back my tears that day. I went to my bed and continue reading my novel, I soon doze off.

  I was later woke up by my mom to have dinner. After eating, I went back to my room to sleep.

  I woke up the next day, feeling so happy for a reason I can't really figure. I took my bath, brushed my teeth and went to the living room to greet my parents. Mom set the table afterwards and packed my lunch. We only have a car so dad would drive it to his own office: he's a banker. So I had to trek to school and my school is just a 7 minutes walk from home so I don't see it as a stress.

  I got to school, brought out my novel, it's a very interesting novel written by Authoress B but it's yet to be out. The title of the book is Romance 1980, you wouldn't want to take your eyes off the novel once you start reading it. Soon, Elina walked in and waved at me which I replied with a smile. Another guy walked in, his name is Jefferson Smith, I think he's seeing Elina, they seem too close.

  I concentrated on my novel so that I don't get hurt, I'm too happy to be sad today. The lecture started and ended, it was lunch time. I sat in my class to eat my homemade lunch when I saw Elina walking towards me, my heart suddenly stopped.

  "Hey, Poxton. Isn't it bored to eat alone all the time?"

  "I guess I'm used to it already"

  "Seems you'll have to adapt to something new"

  "Something new? Like what?"

  "Eating together"

  ★Looked surprised★ "Eating together? With you?"

  "Sure, don't you like it?"

  "I love it" I replied and we both ate together.

  After some time, the bell was rang to signify the closing hour and to my surprise, Elina hugged me before leaving. I was so happy and excited, I felt on top of the world. I went home and found mom in the living room, watching a movie. I greeted her, went to my room to change and came back to the living room to watch the movie.

  After watching the movie, mom went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for us. Mom was setting the table when dad returned from work.

  "Welcome, dad"

  "Welcome, sweetie. How was your work?"

  "Fine, dear" he said, giving me his bag to take to his room.

  We all ate our dinner and went to the living room to watch the news before going to bed, it has always been our family routine. We were still watching the news when my dad's phone rang, seems it's his informant calling.