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The Third Love

The Third Love




The first love is mostly in our teen years. A naive love that comes to a painful end. Our second love is mostly more mature, we have learnt to not be naive. Yet it mostly ends as it is not suitable. Our third love is our biggest love. It is the one we will have for the rest of our life. The one we do not want to let go of. But could it be that our first love is also our third?

  Lea was surprised when she walked in to Ron. She had not been back in town for a long time but she knew that he still lived here. He smiled at her and came over. „Lea! Are you visiting your parents?“ So he did not hear yet. „Long time no see Ron, no I moved back.“ She replied calmly. But inside of her there was nothing that seemed calm. Now she was stood in front of this man again. This man that she had suffered so much pain for. Lea and Ron had a long history. „How is Alison?“ Lea asked. Ron s face darkened a bit. „She is fine, she will be really excited to hear that you are back.“ So they were still together Lea thought. They did some small talk but after a while she picked up her groceries and said goodbye to him. Lea smiled at Ron and left the store. Getting in to the car she could not hold back her tears anymore. What an Idiot she thought to herself. When Lea and Ron were younger they went to the same school. Lea had a crush on Ron. She fell so badly for him. When he finally noticed her she could not believe her luck. She was so happy. Every day seemed brighter than the day before. At the time she had thought she had found the love of her life. But very soon her happiness was crushed threw her best friend Alison. Ron and Alison had started to date behind her back and soon became a couple. After that Lea begged her parents that she could leave town. They sent her aboard and she fell in to her darkest place. Only now 8 years later she had returned. Her phone rang and got her out of her thoughts. She wiped her tears from her face and answered the phone. „Hello? „ „Hello dear, it‘s me Thomas! I am just about to go and pick up Maya from school, then we will go eat some dinner. Will you join us?“

  „No, I would love to join you but unfortunately I still have to go and look at an office where I can hopefully extend my businesses and have it located in town. But give Maya a kiss from me.“ „Ah alright then see you later.“

  Thomas hung up the phone. Lea put her phone down and started to drive to the location of the building where the office was. It was a very big building. In front of the building Lea‘s Assistent Chloe was already waiting with a businessman. She parked the car and took her handbag. Lea walked over to them and greeted both of them. The businessman showed them all of the office. It was massive so it took ages. Once they were done he asked Lea what she thought. „It is great, I will take it. Chloe please set up the contracts and bring them to me for signing them tomorrow. Also i need an architect, I would like to change some things around. If you could arrange that, that would be great.“ Lea said goodbye to them and left. She felt a bit exhausted as they had walked quit a lot. She parked the car in her garage and walked in to the house. Soon Maya came running towards her. „Mommy Mommy you are finally at home!“ Lea hugged her daughter. “ How was school?” Maya smiled “ I have made some friends.” “That is really great Maya. You should invite them over when we are done with the furniture in the house.“ Maya was really excited when she heard that her mother allowed her to invite her new friends over. The house was still a bit a mess because they had only moved in recently and Lea had not had a lot of time to do things at home as she had to deal with the company. Also their house was really big and was built especially for them as Lea wanted a perfect home for her daughter. Thomas walked over to them and gave Lea a kiss on her forehead. „Was the office a success? I left you some dinner in the oven.“

  She nodded walked over to the oven and got out her food. She sat down at the bar like counter in the kitchen and started to eat. Maya went up to her room to finish her homework. Thomas sat down opposite of Lea. „What‘s up?“ he asked. He knew Lea very well and had spent nearly 6 years by her side now. He knew her history in this town and all she had gone threw with her daughter. They were raising Maya as their daughter even though she was not his biological daughter. Maya knew it but she loved Thomas so much. Thomas had begged Lea to not move back to this town but he could not convince her as she missed her parents a lot and wanted Maya to have her grandparents around at all times and not only once a year for vacation. So here they were back in this town. „ I bumped in to Ron today“ Lea replied. Thomas face expression seemed very worried. „ He did not say a lot, just small talk“ she added. „Well you knew he still lives here so we knew you would bump in to him from time to time. Just remember you are not the same person you used to be! You are much stronger now Lea.“ Thomas tried to encourage her. She smiled weakly at him. „I will go for a swim to relax a bit“ she got up and put her empty plate in to the dishwasher. Lea first went upstairs in to her bedroom and then in to the walk in closet. She grabbed a swimsuit and changed in to it. Then she walked downstairs again and then further down to the basement where there was a large pool. Lea switched on the lights, she loved the purple lights in the pool. They had something relaxing. Lea dived in to the pool and started to swim from one end to the other. She felt her body getting tired so she turned on to her back and floated for a while before getting out of the pool and having a shower. Lea changed in to some comfy clothes and went to check on Maya. Maya was still awake watching TV in her room. „It is bedtime baby.“ Lea said in a soft voice to Maya. She switched off the TV and then got in to bed next to Maya. Lea kissed Mayas forehead and stroked her long beautiful hair for a while before leaving the room. Lea felt to exhausted to continue work tonight so she went to bed herself and fell asleep very fast.

  The next morning Lea decided to take Maya to school so Thomas who usually did this could have some time to himself. After dropping of her daughter she called Chloe and told her to meet her back at her house in her office there. Chloe was fast, she already stood at the door when Lea reached home. They got some coffee from the kitchen and then went to the office. Chloe handed Lea the contracts which she signed and gave back to her assistant. „What about the architect? Did you find anyone?“ Chloe was silent for a while until she replied: „There is only Ron around here“ Lea felt uncomfortable but she did not show her assistant. „What are you waiting for? Arrange a meeting.“ After that Chloe left. Lea breathed hard. Soon a text from Chloe came with the details of the meeting. It would be later this day.