
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Author Jane



We are rivals at work, always at each other's throat, we hate each other but when we are alone, it is different, we f*ck like two lovers but yet we don't know how it affect us, and the people we claim to love. Our greed and our urge for each other blinds us to see we are each other's doom. We claim not to love each other but yet we act like lovers. Sex partners, that is what we claim to be. Only to satisfy each other but f*ck that, we know we are more than that. Damn, I hate him but what can I do, my body aches for his touch. Meet Jasmine Peters, one of the most competent employee of sterling corporation, she's ambitious, she's beautiful, and smart. With all this attributes there's an hindrance which makes life difficult for her. What is it? Or rather who's he? He's Lucas, her boss at work, handsome, tall, smart, funny, a playboy, he has always been on Jasmine's neck since they started working together but that isn't all, he wants her, he wants her body especially when he had a taste of it once. He doesn't like her but he wants her body. What happens when Jasmine's best friend also wants Lucas, and she will get rid of any hindrances. Oh, do I forget to mention Lucas girlfriend who's crazy in love or should I say obsessed with her boyfriend. What is going to happen? Find out in this Crazy love triangle.


  My alarm rings, "arrgh" I stood up from my bed and start my morning preparation for work.

  My name is Jasmine peters, rich, attractive, black skinned, smart, ambitious, if not for that bastard who is hindering me from moving higher. Son of a bitch.

  You must be wondering who I was talking about, Lucas Michaelson, he is my rival at work. He is a bastard and a jerk, I hate to admit that he is handsome and when it comes to sex he is good, well I know because we had a thing together before.

  I hate him because he is the obstacle hindering my promotion, if my project gets picked instead of his own then I get promoted and be his fucking boss, I can't wait to see the look on his face when that happens, It will be thrilling.

  I picked a black, straight skirt showing my curves and a blue t shirt. I made my hair in a desirable style. I put on my heels, and picked my bag with my documents. I looked at the mirror I look so beautiful as I flicked a stray hair.

  I exited my house after making sure I locked everywhere. I entered the car, put my bag and document at the back seat.

  I started the car, and drove to my office.


  "Good morning jasmine" the bastard said as I stepped out of my car.

  Yea, it is Lucas

  "Morning to you jerk" I said irriated by his presence.

  "Just try to be nice" he said and smirked.

  "To hell be with you and your greetings" I said and entered the company leaving him outside. I head straight to the boss office.

  I knock on his door and entered, Lucas also entered with me while I rolled my eyes.

  "Mr Lucas, good morning" our boss greeted while I sneered.

  "Morning sir" he said.

  Both Lucas and our boss Daniel are close.

  "Jasmine you are here" he snorted.

  "Yes sir" I snorted back at him, it was totally obvious today is not going to favour me.

  "So about the project, your idea miss Jasmine, am sorry to say the company's thought about it, but it's worth pursuing.

  "So on account of this Mr Lucas idea best suits the company's objectives, and for that he's been promoted" he said while James chuckled.

  God, I hate it when he does that.

  "I understand sir" I said and left his fucking office, and slammed the door at him.

  "Shit!" I said depressed.

  That son of a goat. I can't believe he got promoted.

  "My promotion, my promotion!" I said crying.

  I went to my office, I sat on the chair and put my head on my table, feeling dejected. I worked so hard for this.

  "Did you hear, Mr Lucas is holding a party for the planning and strategic department for his promotion" some girls said as they walked by.

  "Party, what is the big deal about it?" "It is not like they haven't been to one before"

  "Jas!" Vivian barged in and jumped on me.

  Vivian is my co worker and my best friend.

  "Are you coming to Lucas party?" She asked.

  "No," I said. "Why?" She asked. "Is there any reason I have to be there?" I asked. "Yes, if you don't go that means you aren't happy your co worker got promoted and not you" she said.

  "Well, am not happy" I said and brought out my phone.

  "But if anything happens to Lucas, you will be the first person they will suspect" she said. Well she is actually making sense.

  "I will come along" I said.

  "Ok" she said and left.

  After work, Vivian and I went to where Lucas was having his celebration. I heard he booked the whole restaurant for them.

  We arrived at the event, I sat down at the same table with Lucas. I have no choice because other tables were already occupied.

  "Jasmine, I was not excepting you to come" he blurted out.

  "It is not like I have a choice" I murmured. "Congratulations on becoming the director of the department" I said with a fake smile.

  "Can't you try harder, it is obvious that you are faking it" he said while I hissed.

  "Jerk" I murmured. "At least you accept that am your boss" he said with a wicked grin. A total bastard, I wish I could slap his stupid face but I can't he is my boss now.

  "Of course" I said and drank the glass of water on the table before me.

  "Hmm, Mr Lucas since you are our boss now hope you won't forget the time we spent together right?" Vivian said smiling stupidly.

  "Of course not" he replied back with a smile.

  'What a jerk' I thought. I stood up from table and went to the restroom.

  I can't stand that stupid jerk, I don't know why I hate him. I wash my hands and got out of the restroom.

  "Aren't you happy that I got promoted," someone said behind my back which startled me.

  I turned back to him with a frown, "you must be feeling yourself" I said.

  "Of course, I got promoted and am your boss" he said. "Stop fooling yourself jerk. If I wanted I know the way to get myself promoted, so stop being so full of yourself bastard" I said.

  "You know, I hate it when you say these harsh words to me" he said.

  "What? Jerk, bastard, bitch?" I asked.

  "Excuse me," I said about to leave but got pinned to the wall.

  "" I asked breathing heavily.

  "I told you to stop calling me that, I know a perfect way to make you pay" he said and opened the restroom door. Push me inside as he also entered and locked the door.

  "Lucas what are you doing?" I asked.

  He move closer and turn me, turning me away from him with my back towards him.

  "What are you doing?" I asked as he smacked my butt.

  "Lucas!" I shout more like a moan.

  He unzipped my skirt, and pushed it down. "Lucas" I said trying to move away but I couldn't. He placed my hand on the water closet.

  He removed my G string. "God I have missed you" he moaned

  "Lucas, people are here"

  "Like I care" he said knelt down, brought his face closer to my butt, sucking my clit.

  "Shit Lucas!" I moaned.

  He was eating me up real hard, God am going to regret this.

  "Lucas!" I moaned. "Oh shit!" I said as he continued his work. I was breathing heavily, "shit Lucas I'm about to reach my climax" I shouted. "Do it on my face" he said. "Sh......." I said and released on his face.

  "Damn, dirty Jas" he said and slapped my butt. He stopped as my clit became sensitive and stood up.

  "See you at work tomorrow" he said and left.

  Shit, I fucking hate him but what can I do when my body can't resist him.