
Let’s Read The Word

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Chasing Heleia

Chasing Heleia




SPG/R-18 Kalev de la Valliere --one of the most renowned businessman and ranked number three in the most hottest bachelor in the corporate world. A young good-looking sexy bachelor who can wet every women's underwear. Especially when every time he flashes his panty-dropper smile on them. Gwapo. Mayaman. Matalino. Mabait. But behind that 'Dream Man' features hides a ruthless sexy beast. He's a man who beds different woman every night then dumps them like trash after fucking their brains out. He could get any women to bed, buy all the things that he wants in the whole world in just a snap of his hand He was enjoying his bachelor life until he met someone who'll turn his life around.

"Have fun with me Kalev... I know you want me too..." Kalev grinned upon hearing the woman’s words in his ears, she is sitting right beside him. He's in his favorite bar right now drinking his favorite liquor when this lady approached him.

When he first saw her, he knew that she's a slut and he was right. She was even the first one to invite him to the bed but he ‘respectfully’ refused her because he’s currently not in the mood right now.

Kalev couldn’t do anything but shake his head.

He’s currently heartbroken because of a woman that he met years ago, she rejected him despite of him showing his actual, genuine, and sincere actions towards her. He fell in love with her because she’s unlike anyone he’s ever met. She never needed to seduce him to grab his attention—nothing. She was very natural, she didn’t fake anything about herself just to grab his attention, she was just being herself.

The first time their gazes met in that café, his heart skipped a beat and that was the time he knew that he's finally lost it, and fell in love with the woman he just met. They became friends but no matter how hard he tried, how he pursued her and courted her—he even used his money to lure her in but as expected of that woman, she never really got interested to those things and still rejected him despite of his best efforts.

It hurts. He never knew that loving someone genuinely could cause him pain.

Damn, it was his first time to be rejected by someone he loves sincerely—yes, he loves her, he still does actually. No one ever rejected him in his life, absolutely no one; as a matter of fact, he’s the one who rejects people. So, this is a first.

In the past, the old him doesn’t believe in love at all. In the past, he believed that love is just a hassle in life. Why would anyone want to be stuck with one woman only when you can be with a lot by not being locked in a single relationship? But that belief and thought was immediately proven wrong to him when he finally fell in love with someone. It turns out that, falling in love is not a choice—it just happens, like sickness. It can be prevented, but once it’s there, it’s there, the only different with sickness is that sickness can be cured—it can go away, but love? There’s no medicine for it, no matter how many times you get hurt, it won’t just disappear in a snap of your fingers.

It's a hassle indeed.

He's a playboy, he admits that. But he’s not the type of guy who would sell himself to women and approach them just like that. They’re the ones who are approaching him, not him. And the prime example is no other than the woman who’s sitting beside him.

"Come on Kalev... I'm lonely." She said and even pouted her lips to her. He couldn’t help and smirked at her. He leaned his face close to the woman’s ear and whispered:

"Fvck off will you? Or do you want to wait until I snap and break that beautiful neck of yours?"

He felt the woman’s body become stiff the moment he said those words to her. He was about to tell her off once again when she suddenly stood up from the chair and quickly ran off—away from him. He shook his head and played with the glass of wine in his hand.

"Hey bro! What's up?" His eyebrows furrowed in confusion when he suddenly felt someone encircling their arms on to his neck. He turned around to see who was that person and his lips parted when he saw a familiar face—Whinlan's face to be exact, he is grinning at him like a hungry hyena. He also felt other Whinlan’s other friends sit beside him.

"Long time no see Kalev! You disappeared from the Philippines for about two years. How's life?"

He quickly removed the arm of the man from his shoulder and glared at him.

"What the fvck are you doing here?"

"We're just having fun then we found you here."

"I know you're not. What do you want from me?"

He saw the men froze in shock; they were obviously taken aback by his words.

"Woah, you’re so brave now de La Valliere. You just quit the fraternity and you’re suddenly acting all boastful and brave.”

Yes, he was once a part of Whinlan's fraternity group, he was a part of the group for almost three years.

"What exactly do you want from me?" he said in an annoyed tone. He doesn’t want to be around these guys because every time he does, something bad—horrible even, happens.

"Have some fun with us." He quickly stood up from his chair and shook his head in response. He knows what ‘fun’ they’re talking about and he doesn’t want to do it. He was about to walk away from them when suddenly, Whinlan grabbed his arm to stop him from walking away.

"Stop it Whinlan, I will never join you in your so-called ‘fun’ anymore, that’s why I quit, remember?"

"Do you know what’s going to happen to your parents once you walk away from me, de La Valliere? You know how big the organization is. We can shoot your parents dead-"

"Shut up!"

He clenched his fists in anger, and Whinlan grinned at him.

"What do you want from me?!"

The corners of Whinlan’s lips curled into a mischievous, scary grin, and then he looked at the other members of his organization. He snatched something inside his pocket, something that was small and familiar, and his eyes widened when he knew what it is.

"You know how I fucking hate drugs Whinlan! I will never use that, even if you—"

"Even if I what, Kalev? I’m telling you; I can make your parents drop dead in just a snap of my fingers. Whinlan said and then smiled. His vision darkened when he heard that threat from Whinlan’s mouth.

He knows Whinlan and he knows what he’s capable of doing.

Damn it.

"This is the only thing that you must do, Kalev, and this will be the last thing that you’ll ever do to us, and we promise that we’ll let you after." Whinlan said and a smirk slowly crept onto his face.

He clenched his fists out of anger.


“H-Help! Please! I’m begging you to stop!”

“Stay put.”

“Stop please! I’m begging you please stop!!”

What’s going on?

Kalev tried to open his eyes but his eyelids were far too heavy that he couldn’t bring to open it to see his surroundings. He tried to move but his whole body was in pain. His head was spinning. Whatever drug Whinlan gave to him, it sure isn’t good. He feels so sick.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion when he heard a familiar woman’s voice, screaming repeatedly beside him. She was screaming in horror. The chair that he was on was moving like someone’s struggling.

The woman screamed again but it was muffled—like someone’s covering her mouth.

His eyebrows furrowed even more when he suddenly heard the woman crying beside him. The woman’s voice was familiar but he couldn’t remember who it was.

Nevertheless, why is this woman crying? Why is she screaming as if someone’s abusing her—no, worse than that.

He tried his best to open his eyes to help the woman but instead of waking up, he fell into deep unconsciousness.


The morning came and he woke up with a headache. He slowly opened his eyes, and when it was finally opened he quickly scanned the whole room and checked his surroundings.

What the fvck is he doing inside the bar's VIP room?

He tightly shut his eyes and proceeded to massage the temples of his head.

Damn, if he sees that asshole of a person, Whinlan, ever again,he’s going to kill him! Whatever drug he gave to him surely fucked him up last night! Luckily he’s just in that room, if he wasn’t, he’ll probably be somewhere else—kidnapped!

He groaned and moaned and slowly laid back on the bed, he took a very deep breath when he suddenly heard the door opened. He quickly bolted right up and looked at the door.

He froze in place when he saw Heleia—a waitress in the bar that he’s familiar with, whose eyes are widened in shock—no, fear while looking at him. She’s wearing nothing but a robe, and fear is visible on her face, and her face went pale the moment their eyes met.

What the fvck? Why is she looking at him like that? Why is her eyes filled with anger, pain, disgust and… fear?

What happened?

His eyebrows furrowed even more. He stood up and took a step forward towards her but she took a step back. Her eyes widened even more.

Why does she look so scared of him? And why does she look that way? So disheveled and out of place?

He was about to approach the woman but before he could even take a step towards her, she immediately rushed towards the door and ran out of the room.

What the hell?
