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Accidental kiss

Accidental kiss




Ace gets hired by a top mafia leader (Aldo Lorenzo) to be his daughters bodyguard (Violet Lorenzo ). He only gets one rule which is to never fall inlove with her. He protects her and takes her everywhere while gradually falling under the influence of her elusive charm. He tries to rearrange the stars which doesn't get him very far but he breaks the rules and hopes for the best.

  "Have you ever just stared at someone for no reason? just watching the way they walk, talk and smile for more than a minute? Well that's what Ace did when he saw Violet. He was mesmerised he couldn't help but smile at her even though she wasn't looking. He knew that's very dangerous because he might be catching feelings". "Get yourself together and do what you here to do Ace", Aaron said. "Shut the fuck up and leave me alone". "Look at you", Aaron replied. "She's leaving let's get to work", he continued to say. Aaron and Ace followed Violet out the hall all the way to her car. "It's time", Ace said. He stood and leaned against the wall, folded his arms and watched her rush to her car. He placed one of his foot against the wall and took out a cigarette and placed it in between his teeth. Aaron walked further towards Violet "Hello pretty lady", Violet looked at him and threw her car keys and her purse. "Here's my keys and my purse take them and leave me alone", she said in a calm voice. Aaron looked at the keys and back up at her "I like that pretty dress you have on, I wonder what you look like without it". "You wouldn't dare!" "ooh feisty", Aaron said, looks like I'm in the right place, now let's take a sneak peek of that beautiful body". Aaron walked towards Violet and tried to cut her dress using a litte knife he pulled out from his back. Violet emmedietly grabbed the knife and placed it on his neck. "Listen here darling, you going to be a good boy and tell daddy when you get home that you almost died of stupidity, understand sweetheart? Now get out of here, it's not safe for a little boy to be out alone around here". She pushed him to the ground and picked up her purse and keys and got in her car and drove away. Ace stared at Aaron and smiled. "I like her already", he said.

  She was incredibly beautiful and well known, of course she was the Mafia's daughter no one dared to approach her, accept for the "Cykas", meeting them was just a horrible nightmare you can't wake up from because you are not sleeping. That's when her father Mr Aldo Lorenzo decided to get her a top bodyguard. Ace was the only bad boy available and was requested at the Lorenzo penthouse at break of dawn. If "anything" was to happen to Violet he would get killed that's how Aldo Lorenzo played. Ace wasn't easy he hardly smiled. His hazel eyes moved mountains, his hair, his lips, his body, his deep voice and his deep strong scent, man he was so sexy. He was gorgeous and never looked plain in black.

  "...If Violet gets a single bug bite you better get seven, is that a good choice of words to show you what I mean when I say keep her safe?", Aldo Lorenzo asked. "Yes sir, I totally understand what you mean". "Wonderful", Violet walked in her father's office and found Ace and her dad having a little chat. "Good timing kitten! allow me to introduce you to Ace, stand up and bow to my princess" he said to Ace. Ace stood up and bowed. Aldo Lorenzo laughed. "I'm messing with you that's kitten 'Miss Violet' to you, don't let her out of your sight, follow her rules and you'll be just fine, now get to work". I have important business to attend to. "What's your name?" Violet asked Ace. "Ace Walker" he replied. "Hmm...she said "I'm going to get ready we should go out for breakfast".

  Violet walked towards Ace and stood right in front of him and stared directly into his eyes. He stared back at hers "Is everything..." "...Here are my car keys let's go. "I have a car" he replied. "I don't care we're using mine today" she said walking away. "We're going to my favourite café", she said. As they arrived at the café she ordered the usual which was hot chocolate milk with milk on the side. Ace didn't order anything. The order was placed on the table and Violet poured the milk into her cup. Ace sat there and stared at Violet. "Are you going to keep on staring or you're going to say something", Violet said stirring her chocolate milk. "Why do you order the milk separate from the chocolate when you are going to pour it in anyways? " Ace asked. "Because it's interesting to see how the white milk gets dirty than to get something that's already dark and dirty", she replied. "You look..."

  Never mind". "Say it 'weird'? "No I was going to say different. "Whatever", Violet said.

  Mr Lorenzo called Ace to his office. "You called me sir?" Ace asked. "I think I did", Mr Lorenzo said. "One of my acquaintances is hosting a fancy masquerade ball, it's not my type of thing that's why I want you to take Violet and fill in for me". "Aren't you going?", Ace asked. "I think I said so, didn't I? "You did sir", Ace said politely. "Anyways I have to remain behind and deal with the Cykas". “Cykas? Who's that?", Ace asked. "Someone who, until recently, has given me a lot of problems". "What are you going to do to them?". "That's non of your business". "Now get the fuck out of here". "okay boss" he replied.

  Violet had to pick a dress that would make all men stand ovation. She had a crush on Ace from the moment their eyes met. She walked down the stairs Ace just stood there and looked up at her and became motionless the only thing that moved was his jaw which dropped he was astounded by her beauty. "What time are we leaving?" she asked. "Instantly kitten, I mean mam, sorry Miss Violet, right this way mam" he said leading the way. They got to the car, Ace opened the back door for her. She blushed a little as she entered the car. Ace walked slowly to the driver's side catching his breath which was blown away by Violet. He was definitely falling for her. On their way he kept on looking at her through the rear view mirror. Every second he would try to fix it just to get a glimpse of her. They arrived at the ball and put their masks on right at the door "Name please", the doorman asked "Violet Lorenzo and this is my date Ace Walker", she replied. "Oh yes you're on the list, right this way" he said. "Wow this is rather beautiful don't you think?" Violet said. "It's stunning mam" Ace replied. "Please stop calling me that Violet is better". "Okay Violet". "Your table is right this way", the door man said. Ace pulled the chair for Violet and sat across her at the table. Violet drank her wine staring intensely into Ace's eyes, he looked at her while playing with his glass of whiskey. A lady who was sitting next to Violet couldn't ignore the sexual tension between them and moved. Ace stood up and sat next to Violet. "My dear why are you getting so close?" Violet said whispering. "Why are you trying so hard to get my attention", Ace whispered back. "Do you want me to lie or…do you want me to tell you how I like you or how I imagine your chest bumping against my back, with your chin on my shoulder and your hands on my waist. "Uhm, I... Ace stuttered

  "speechless huh?, Do you know who the most dangerous man in this room is?, Andrew Banks he's a very good friend of my father. He's smiling at me. Oh shit! he's coming over here", Violet said whispering". "Kitten! Fancy seeing you here". "Dad couldn't make it, I'm just filling in". "Oh that's okay, lovely seeing you". "You too".

  Violet got a little bit drunk and played dirty with the chair dance. She moved so elegantly while making eye contact with Ace, she danced sensually and sexualy when the beat dropped she dropped her assets, she wasn't only beautiful and sexy but sultry and exotic. Instead of gently touching Ace's shoulder she touched someone else. Ace looked disapointed, watched her and drank his whiskey. The stranger sticked his hand up Violet's gown and she got uncomfortable and stopped dancing, she walked over to Ace grabbed her purse and went outside. Ace followed her. "Are you alright mam?" Ace asked. "Well that was embarrassing" Violet said trying to cover up the embarrassment with a laugh. "It certainly was, when you asked me who the most dangerous man in this room is you didn't give me a chance to answer. "Yeah, cause you didn't know". "Well you are wrong cause the most dangerous man is a jealous one. "No" violet replied "Yes, the one that you turn on then leave hanging, the one that you think is a toy, a practice machine, a bodyguard that guards your body watching it from every angle day and night". "Ace you are crazy what are you talking about? "Shh...kitten you started it, you dropped the hints, I watched your pretty show, you picked this game, let's play.