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Serenity ,the misunderstood girl

Serenity ,the misunderstood girl




Serenity having lost her dear mother felt all alone left with her abusive father,her father remarries a woman Laura who also has a daughter Emilia ,she has to deal not only her abusive father but also her stepmother and her step sister who see her as nothing but a rag ,Serinity feels like a stranger in her own home.

  Please wake up mommy,mommy please wake up , serenity tried waking up her mother while constantly shaking her,her mother was gone ,she didn't know that though ,she was just an eight year old girl.she laid on top of her mom on the bed, a habit she was used to since she was little,hoping her mother would wake up.By the time serena ,a name her mother called her ,had woken up she was nolonger on top of her mom but in her room in bed with her teddy bear she named Cassie bought by her mom .She rubbed her eyes using her tiny fingers feeling tired,her tummy growled as she was really hungry , thinking of her mother she quickly got up from her bed and run towards her parents room ,once inside she thought her mother would still be sleeping but no,there wasn't anyone inside the room ,she was confused ,where is mommy,she opened the door to go look for her in the kitchen but she was met with her dad Robbert.

  "Daddy where is mommy I'm really hungry ,I've been looking for you and mom but I didn't find you in your room",serena asked her dad . I don't have time for silly questions little girl the slut you call your mother decided to kill herself and leave you piece of shit with me ,just go away before I hit you just like I've always hit your mother. Serena didn't not understand what her father was saying ,all she wanted was to see her mother ,so she walked on the stairs slowly and strode towards the kitchen to look for her mom but still she wasn't there ,she sat on the kitchen floor and started crying for her mom but when her dad heard her he came rushing to her and guess what he started hitting the little girl with his belt ,for the first time in her

  eight years her dad had hit her ,she didn't understand why her dad kept hitting her when she was just crying for her mommy. Robbert carried her daughter like log of wood and dropped her on her bed without giving a care she was just a little girl.

  She didn't eat that night and when she woke up in the morning her dad dressed her up in her in a little black dress with laces it looked like a princess dress even if it was black ,her dad backled her up in her car seat and and drove towards the cemetery ,once they got there she saw people sitting ,some crying while others were just really gloomy ,then she saw her aunty Mira and ran to her asking for her mother,Mira held her niece's little hands and took her to the casket where her sister Isabel , Serena's mother was lying peacefully ,she knew her sister was now peaceful wherever she was,she didn't understand why Robert kept using her sister as a punching bag .Serena saw her mother lying down in a box she called it and she thought she was sleeping ,so she called her but she didn't wake up,why are people crying she thought. Her mother was lowered into her grave , people crying while her dad just staring blankly at the grave ,when the ceremony was finished by the priest ,the croud started dispersing and serena hold tight onto her aunty Mira but her father took her forcefully from her,that was the last day Serenity saw her mother and also felt happy .

  Mira , Serena's aunty wanted really bad to take her niece with her so she could take good care of her but she couldn't simply because Robert wasn't the man who married her dear sister isabel,the man had changed to this unbearable human being with a drinking problem who instead of seeking for help for the sake of his family ,his very own wife became his place of blowing off steam ,Mira couldn't handle being hunted down by Robert for his daughter ,she really felt for her niece but there was nothing she could do but only hope that some day Robert would see how precious his daughter was and change for the better.

  And if one day Serena is old enough and could not handle being with her father anymore she hoped serenity would look for her because she was more than willing to take her in ,she was like a daughter she was craving so much to have.

  Serena was now seventeen years old now ,she just had one year to graduate from school she just wanted to graduate and leave her home for good ,she didn't want to ever go back home again. She was tired from the constant beatings ,the bullying ,the never ending house chores and being starved ,so as she walked from school that's the only thing she kept thinking of ,going far away from her deranged father and her abusive stepmother and sister, several times she'd wished her step mother Laura would for once just acknowledge her as her own daughter ,she had yearned so much for a mother's love for atleast that would mean she had one parent's love but it was unfortunate Laura didn't like her at all, because to Laura, serenity was just a hindrence to her happy and complete family, that's why she hated serenity, because her mother was the woman who Robert loved till date even if he doesn't show it ,she could feel it and that's what added more fuel to the burning fire of her hate towards her step daughter Serena. She really hoped that one day all the nightmares be over and be a normal happy girl again because honestly she felt broken both physically and emotionally.