
Let’s Read The Word

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Smerald Thunder

Smerald Thunder




Cassandra is a sweet girl, sometimes fun but not much visible as she wants to be, she seems shy at first you look at her but if you make her angry she will never forgive and her revenge is the hidden thing when you look at her..

  -"I wish i had the chance to make you believe there's other things when you passed out Atamina you will be a precious collection in my Sehezra" -

  - 6th of June '66 Ramona selfish concubine of the most powerful man in a little city of Melanchonia, first born was Jerg next blood in succeed and esemplar of devoted child to parents, his eyes is light brown with splash of green seeds.

  Second one in line succeed was Bersell a beautiful sweet baby with beautiful giant blue eyes, curly blonde hair and porcelain skin, she have a twin his name is Exeko.

  Exeko is different from her sister, he born with a rare desease,all his vein is visible black and his eyes is half grey half blue ice, his skin is porcelain pink like his sister.

  Since, Ramona get pregnant to the twin Votler thinks they are an abomination so she pull his wife to make an abort with the help of oracles, she denied, but after 4 months Drusika the personal doctor of her give her a purple drink telling her is for painless, so she take it.

  In one of the night of 6 June plenty full red moon and venus lighter after sunset,she goes to the bathroom thinking she have to poop, but she realize soon that she lost her babies.

  All the castle in the middle of sunrise and night, heard a huge scream from the concubine room.

  Her scream was heard since king garden when Vusall and Votler was entertaining by Lusaka girls in the Jorjaruka Rusake means "Little chapel of Orchids" in the middle of the king garden plenty of Jorjaruka flowers, similar of orchids, where the rich men share multiples high prostitute for their unhealthy pleasure and using orchids drugs on them to purify their souls before being use for sexual things.

  Atamina and Drusika run into Ramona's room and find her shocked in the ground with a lot of bloods all over her body, Drusika first check the bathroom where she sadly find two unborn childs.

  Shocked she carried Ramona with the help of servant and take her in infermiery.

  Meanwhile Atamina, a little teenager girl studying science with Drusika, was carried to take the unborn babies to laboratory for being checked.

  When she firstly trying to take one of them she found with surprised that they are still breathing in a full water blood,she grab one of the baby and by shocked she threw up in the water again because he was still moving.

  When she look again in the dirty water, she finds out that the babies are eating all the water and the blood all around them and seems like feed them.

  In the corridor, Atamina heard Drusika yelling "Miinaaa! Where the heck are you? Why the babies aren't in my laboratory yet?" so when she arrived Atamina push the button to pull out the water like the moden wc.

  Drusika, scream "Whaaat the hell you did??" slapping her,

  "Did you threw the babies? Are you damn crazy?" she continued.

  Atamina was sit in the ground with bloods in her dress and face "I'm not sure what I've saw... But i decided to push the triggered to let them out" she finally said.

  Drusika pull her both hands in the face "You firm our sentences, Ramona will kill us and probably they will burn us in the middle of the forest like the other"- she said with trembling voices.

  Atamina look the ground "That kids seems demons, seems like they are sucking their mother bloods, i was afraid and i decided to kill them".

  Drusika run out of the room crying, Ramona was in intense therapy, which means she have times to go at home and drink some bottle of tomatoes distillate.

  She knows that when the day after comes, Voltler will write the sentences for her and Atamina, and when Ramona will wake up the sentences will be done by burn them alive in the dark forest.

  Meanwhile, when Drusika run away.. Atamina go in her room take a large "bento box" and put the twins in it, she takes a knife and cut one of her hand,and then drop the tear bloods on them "Ellenatium, Illuminum" she said.

  -After 6 years-

  Ramona: "Bersell come here i have to brush your hair!" soon a little piece of marmalade comes out of the room and hug her mom "Yuma

Ramona nickname for Bersell

, can you make me a beautiful enchanty princess please?" she asked "Sure, Biba

Bersell nickname

every men will fall in love e with you everytime they will look at you!" "Okay Yuma i live you!"

unfortunately it's not a grammar mistake if you are thinking of it, she actually can't say, only "live" not "love" she's a particular of her character

  Enaka, walks in the golden zapphire room, then the silver methist room and at last the bronzer one, called "Quartzphire".

  "Naka can i go out today?" the boy asked

  -"im sorry darling you can't today... Enisha said you're not ready yet to go out.." "But Naka.. I'm freezing here it's so cold"

  - "Dear you need that cold because you have to train more and more before facing the hot" -

  -"But Naka.. Biba said Yuma takes her out already" -

  -"You're different from Biba, Exo.. Your skin is like a beautiful rare pearl need to being protect in a shell honey" -

  3 years before :

  -"Ataminaa!!! Ataminaa" -

  Ramona comes out from recovering, she yelling at all servant around her and threw them all things she finds out in front of her.

  Drusika drunked, goes quickly in her sister house being sad and confused, she knocked the door but the door was opened.

  She enter the living room and kitchen but there's no trace of her sister - "Minaaa!!" -

  -"Ataminaaa!!" - she scream loud, while walking in her sister room, when she opened - "Ataminaaa!! Atamina!! Oh my!!" -

  Her bread fall down from her hands, all room become iced and smokey.

  Atamina was found whitey and greeney looked, dead in her bed, while the blankets near her was moving.

  Drusika with the help of a friend named Enika called police and doctors. Left alone in that room she choosed to opened that blankets.

  -"Atamina.... What did you do?" she fall in the ground crying.

  While Drusika was crying, Ramona comes by because she was in the zone for buying belky pork for Jerg, she saw Enika and recognized - "Enika!! What are you doing here?" - the woman trembling said - "Drusika and i are supposed to invite Atamina in our Wesshua festivity but it seems Mina decided to commit a ad thing my majesty" -

  The woman looked up a window and decided to enter, Enika talk and talk but Ramona seems didn't care..

  When she find Drusika laying in the floor and crying, she go closer.. And when she look at the blanket, she finds out there's two small babies laying and sucking up Atamina's bloods like a predator to prey.

  Ramona continue to watch the babies consume all the woman last enegy.

  Drusika continue - "Ataminaa.. Ataminaa.. Why you lied to me?" -

  With a quickly hand order Ramona called a servant to take Drusika away from her sister body.

  When she finally alone, she takes the two babies in her arms - "Now you are both mine"-

  She called Enika to take out the twin away, and when she's in front of Atamina death body she finally says while sitting in the chair - "I wish i had the chance to make you believe there's other things when you passed out Atamina, but he fact is, you will be a precious collection in my Sehezra" - Ram Dokust.