
Let’s Read The Word

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The Armor

The Armor




17-year-old Justina is a normal highschool girl so she was told by her parents the Strange changes in her body let her question her parents until an incident occurred that revealed what she had suspected all along. So many secrets and so many weird events it's only a matter of time before everything is revealed.

  Chapter 1

  .....some years Ago.

  I was watching the Stars with my beautiful wife Justine I kissed her on her forehead she smiled at me burying her face in my neck she went on about how pretty The night sky was and how the feeling was romantic. I gently caressed her cheek while slowly running my hands through her soft ginger hair.

  As I lay there I just wished I could freeze This moment I had with her Praying that This would never end.

  I sighed happily as I looked at The stars once more But, there was this one star That was Really Brighter than The other I thought maybe it was just a Satellite But then it glowed Brighter and Brighter It was almost as If It was Heading straight Towards Us!

  I quickly grabbed Justine and rolled with her, Out of the way As The Star or comet or meteor, Zoomed past us setting everything Ablaze in its path

  I pulled Justine so close to me as If my life depended on it not dare to let go of Her.

  "Honey, Are you okay?" I asked.

  "Yes Dante, My love" she replied her voice a bit shaky I can tell she's really scared.

  I placed a kiss on her forehead. Reassuring her everything's gonna be alright.

  As I got to my feet, I slowly helped Up Justine As I looked Around The place The Trees and grass were engulfed in flames.

  And Ahead, Was a massive crater in the ground it was obviously created by whatever fell from The sky suddenly I heard rustling in the bushes I motioned for Justine to get behind me as I reached for a big Branch that was couple feet away from me.

  The Rustling In the bushes became louder I gripped onto The Branch ready to destroy Anything That comes my way...But just as I was getting ready to swing Justine Stopped me. Then that's when I noticed, Two people a male and a female, Emerging from the bushes But Their eyes were like fireflies Their eyes glowed A Deep ocean blue As also Their Hair this isn't a human I step back a bit as they came closer to Us.

  "Stay back! I'm warning you"

  "Please we mean you no harm," said The woman her voice was soft and calm. The male reached for something on his back, That's when I noticed It was a child in the bag Even though I was being cautious I felt drawn to this child like I really wanted to protect her or Maybe because of the fact that Justine and I have been trying for a while now and to no avail. The Male Gently placed her in my arms that's when I noticed A big wound on his shoulder exposing The white of His flesh even his blood seems to glow. They both gave the child a gentle kiss They whispered In her ear a language, which I've never heard before. Tears Streamed down Their cheeks as they took one last look at Their Child.

  "Take care of my, daughter and Teach her your ways please protect her," said The Male, with That he held onto his beloved and They vanished into the night as If They were never here That's when I Heard dogs Barking followed by government Issue military jeeps blaring their lights through the bushes. I Held The child close to me and grabbed Justine by her hand running through the woods as fast As I can As I looked up I noticed the helicopter's searchlights were activated searching the ground. With quick thinking, I ducked behind a rock as. The lights passed over us. I took a short cut leading me to my home. I quickly went inside closing, the doors, and The windows and switching off the lights, We slowly made our way to the basement and lit a candle I gently placed the child onto the sofa.

  " what do we do now?" Justine Asked.

  I didn't think about my answer but I knew what I was about to say will change everything forever and Justine was ready to accept whatever I was planning to do next.

  "I'll raise Her," I said. Justine Entwined her hands with mine placing a kiss on my cheek

  "No sweetie, we both will" she smiled at me as she laid her head on my shoulder.

  " What should we name her Though?" She asked. I smiled knowing what I'd already planned to name her.

  " well I was Thinking Justina " I smiled At her

  " Awww Honey" she replied with tears of joy I slowly messaged the thumb of Justina her pinky finger clutched onto my thumb as If It had a mind of its own I kissed her on her forehead.

  "Welcome to Earth Justina".


  I slowly open my eyes, my focus now on the ceiling. The dreadful sound of my dad's pickup truck could be heard from outside the window followed by my mom yelling. Something about breakfast and school I reached for my phone checking the time which was now 7:30 AM I sat upright stretching I sighed as I lazily made my way to the bathroom I huffed every time my messy hair keeps falling onto my face while brushing the sections of my teeth.

  I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. As I came face to face with my reflection in the mirror I noticed my hair was covering my left eye it was when I noticed a scar well more like a scratch actually. it was there for as long as I can remember I almost forgot about it because my hair was hiding it all this time when I was little I got into this accident and it left this hideous scar according to my parents.

  I got into the shower and applied my favorite shower gel cherry blossoms immediately fill my nostrils the cool water running down my back and all over my body felt so relaxing I closed my eyes taking in the feeling, that's when my phone suddenly rang. I quickly finished my shower and stepped outside feeling refreshed.

  I smiled as I noticed the caller ID it was my boyfriend. Dave A bubbly feeling washed over me As I answered.

  "Hey Ba-

  "Am sorry Justina...but I don't think this is gonna work anymore "

  " Wait what do you mean, Dave come on don't mean that right ?"

  "I'm sorry Justina it's over "

  With a beep, he hanged up in my ears. My heart sunk it felt like someone crumbled my heart like a piece of paper and threw it away I waited hoping he would call back saying it was a prank but reality finally hit me that he had just ended things with me Slowly I sat down on my bed. My brain trying to process what just happened

  Tears slowly streamed down my cheeks I tried to wipe my tears but it was no use I sobbed uncontrollably as I scrolled through my phone looking at our pictures together then there was a knock on the door.

  "Go away!" I shouted.

  " Sweetie, it's me, Are you okay?" Mom asked. her voice was sweet and concerned about me as always. As much as I would like to talk with her I wasn't in the best of moods right now.

  " I am okay mom, it's fine"

  "come on sweetie you can talk to me"

  Suddenly a wave of anger washed over me the veins in my hands now thick and visible my heart raced with each breath I took.time seems to stop

  "MOM ENOUGH I SAID I'M FINE !" My voice came out more of a roar than a shout.

  " um...okay I Ju..."

  "Look mom I'm so sorry I just -

  " I totally understand..... sweetie you at that age where Teenage mood swings and stuff is something you have to deal with you know I'll be downstairs " she sighed.

  I threw myself onto the bed burying my face into the pillow as I sighed wearily.

  " I upset the one. The person who is always there for me, great going Justina"

  I got up and changed into my red jacket and black jeans without combing my hair I head downstairs where my brother Jamie and my sister lucy was seated at the table having breakfast Jamie looked up from his bowl of cereal slowly a smirk crept on his face.

  " Wow talk about The Birds Nest Ain't that right Justina?"

  Lucy rolled her eyes at Jamie's attempt at making fun of my hair which was obviously a mess. I Ignored his silly comment and went outside where I saw. Mom I stood there trying to find the words to apologize but I couldn't I chickened out and ran off to school.

  Arriving at school the same as always the different groups and what, not the wannabe cool kids and the bullies taking money from the freshman the jocks up to there usual stupid stunts, and The mean girls well not the ones from the movie but these ones are completely the worst of the worst.

  As I entered the hallway I saw Dave locking lips with this blonde girl supposedly she's the one he ditched me for the Anger bubbled like an overflowing pot of soup inside as I stared directly at them I just wish he would just drop dead just like that as if it was waiting on my command Dave dropped to the floor clutching his chest and blood flowing from his nose as the other students in the hallway were screaming for help.


  I quickly slipped away around the corner to the bathroom I closed my eyes trying to figure out if what I saw was actually real. As I looked into the mirror things got weirder my reflection was staring back at me with red blood eyes I quickly dashed out of the bathroom unable to believe what I just witnessed. That's when I bumped into Madz my best friend.

  "Woah hold on there gossip girl what's up?"

  I wanted to tell her everything the look in her eyes she was really concerned and wanted to help but right now I think it's not a good time I could be going crazy for all I know.

  " I'm sorry Madz but I gotta go "

  " um, okay bye ? "

  I ran straight out the door immediately I dialed the first person who popped up in my mind my mom she's the one I wanted to talk to more than anything right now