
Let’s Read The Word

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Courting the Chaotic CEO

Courting the Chaotic CEO




Khalix Lhark Rios is the CEO of their company which is one of the most popular company in the Philippines. Khalix has a younger sister, their dad were always keeping himself busy in other country with work while their mother died two years ago. In other hand, Yxac Axel Smith is a college student who didn't give a fuck about what's happening around him and didn't give interest to anyone or anything not until he met Khalix in a not very nice way.


  "Sir Khalix, breakfast is ready please go downstairs as soon as possible." Khalix automatically looked at his room's door when he heard their maid knock. He'd sighed before even answering.

  "I'll be done in a minute." He said in a formal and continued fixing his hair. He heard the maid's footsteps walking away from his room.

  It's Monday and yet, it's another day for Khalix to just work inside his office. He sighed. Welp, his life isn't that wonderful like what others were thinking. Even they have enough money and even own a company and had a luxurious houses and cars, there is something that's been missing.

  He became the CEO of the company when he's 20 years old. His Dad let him manage the company and trust him with it. He actually needed to study about business management because that time, his Dad were always there to guide him. As they say, everything changes so the situation now is no longer similar with that.

  Khalix is already 23 years old right now and he's managing the company very well than he expected him he would. Their was this car accident two years ago which took his mother's life. He sighed again before glancing on the mirror infront of him.

  He goes down the stairs once he's satisfied about what he looks and go directly towards the dining area.

  "Oppa!" Khalix automatically smiled when he heard his little sister's voice welcoming him inside the dining area.

  *Oppa is used in Korean culture by a female to a male, who is older than her by the boundary of 10 years. Female's use this title for their older brother, older male friend, or even in a flirtatious way.*

  "Goodmorning oppa!" His younger sister named Kaziah greeted him again with a cheerful voice.

  "Goodmorning" Khalix responds. He sat on the chair and started eating. They were just the two of them living in their house together. Just like as i said, their father were always busy in other country.

  Their mother is Korean, while their father is a Filipino. They lived in Seoul, South Korea while Khalix is still in primary school and just moved here in Philippines about 4 years ago, that's why the two of them can speak korean. Kaziah were now 14 years old while Khalix is 24.

  "Oppa, can i ask you something?" Khalix then look to Kaziah's direction when he heard her calling him.

  "Mwoya?" Khalix asked while wiping his lips with a table napkin.


Trans: what is it?

  "Can i go with my classmates after class?" Kaziah asked formally. Khalix then stopped wiping his lips and furrow his eyebrows.

  "Eodilo?" Khalix seriously asked.


Trans: where to?


  "With who?"

  "Aish! Oppa, I'd just said it! I'm going with my classmates!" Kaziah then accidentally raised her voice on his older brother that made her a little shock right after he shouted.

  "joesonghabnida.." Kaziah apologized before looking down because of embarrassment.


Trans: sorry..

  Khalix then smiled a little before looking at his sister.

  "It's okay, I don't mind." Kaziah then sighed and keeps her head down.

  "Okay Kaziah, I'm letting you go with your classmates, but be careful okay?" He said that made Kaziah's face lights up because of happiness.

  "jeongmal?!" Kaziah asked again to confirm, Khalix then just nodded.


Trans: really?!

  "Thank you oppa! I love you very much! hehe" Khalix just flash a big smile as a respond for her.

  They've gotten inside Khalix's car once they were done. Khalix is always sending Kaziah in school because there is no one beside him who can do this for her sister.

  "Gaja?" Kahlix asked and Kaziah just nodded her head in a tiny way.


Trans: let's go?

  Khalix started the car and drives peacefully. He has his eyes on the road but was thinking about something else. He's so proud of his sister because at her very young age, she learned how to live a life without a mother. He pity her because she didn't get a chance to spend more time with their mother, but in reality, he was pitying himself more.

  Khalix continued to overthink their situation and didn't notice a boy whose crossing on the pedestrian line.

  "Watch the road oppa!" He them come back to his senses when Kaziah shouted nervously. He immediately stepped on the car's brake and turned his car sideways to avoid hitting the boy.

  The car made a scritching sound that makes Kaziah cover both of her ears. Khalix then inhales and exhales after that, he tightens his gripped on the steering wheel and immediately look at Kaziah.

  "Are you oka—hey! Kaziah where are you going?!" Khalix just watched Kaziah as she getsout of the car and goes towards the boy whose passing through just a minute ago. The boy seems unbothered and didn't know what just happened, the keeps his calm expression while talking to his sister.

  Khalix furrows his eyebrows because he finds the boy weird. He shook off the thoughts on his head and gets out of the car too, to get Kaziah.

  "Ah-uhm are you o-okay..m-mister?" The boy looks at Kaziah and raised his left eyebrow.

  "Do i look that old?" The boy then directly asked. Kaziah widen his eyes in shocked but immediately recover from it.

  "A-ah I'm sorry i didn't mean to—"

  "It's okay, it's a joke tho." The boy cuts off Kaziah's sentence by saying that. Khalix examined the boy's appearance. The boy have a smooth and white skin, a messy hair

it looks cute tho

, he's tall too but Khalix is definitely taller than he is, he's wearing a simple attire just as black jeans and a white tee but he looked extremely sexy with just those. He even had an headset, maybe that's why he didn't hear anything and keeps unbothered.

  "It's okay really, nothing happened to me so..yea" the boy said again with a bored tone and yawned afterwards. And with that, Khalix finally found him annoying tsk.

  "Ah we should—"

  Kaziah didn't finish his sentence again when Khalix handed a one thousand pesos towards the boy. The boy just stared of it with a blank face and show no interest.

  "Take it." Khalix said.

  "No thanks, i don't need it anyway." The boy said then turn his back towards the two. Khalix glared at the boy's back.

  'He's totally a weirdo.' Khalix thought.

  "Tsk let's go." Khalix said annoyed. They go inside the car and continue on driving through.