
Let’s Read The Word

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Destined to rise

Destined to rise




"No weapon formed against a righteous person shall prosper." At least that's what I thought, but enemies don't really care about your innocence, as long as you are standing in their way. Then at times you feel like the world has forsaken you and there's no one to come to your aid, but if you are destined to rise, nothing will stop you

  "Amanda !! Amandaaaaaa!! "

  Oh dear! That was my best friend Monalisa calling me from my living room.

  "Lisa I'm coming" I answered her before she could come barging into my room.

  I was late for school again, always was.

  Yesterday I was so excited that I had just finished writing my exams and I went out celebrating with my brothers. The hangover was really killing me and I overslept.

  I held my pounding head as I rushed to shower and get dressed, rushed down stairs to meet my angry bird, my best friend Lisa. She was fuming because we were already late for school.

  "Bitch what the f**K have you been up to? You know that Mr Martins said he wants to see us early in the morning, geez let's go!!"

  "But Lisa I haven't had my breakfast...."

  "Good for your next time you'll wake up early" she groaned and pulled me outside to her awaiting car.

  I left home hungry plus the hangover was killing me, and I was still a bit sleepy. Lisa was shouting at me the whole way because we all know Mr Martins is a tough one and we were probably gonna get a beating today.

  Oh Yes Mr Martins is our Maths teacher, you know how the Maths teachers are, they always use every minute available to have a lesson. But we just finished with our exams so I wonder what he wants now.

  I was silent until we reached the school and lucky enough, he wasn't in class yet. I sat down in my place at the back seat, yeah I was a back bencher!! I hated school ahhh!! But I had no choice but to attend as I had to make my parents happy.

  Soon, Mr Serious


entered the class with his glasses on the bridge of his nose looking at all of us.

  Then he started his speech, " I honestly do not know which method of teaching you really want!. I made the lectures fun and enjoyable and educational. I went out of my way to impart all my knowledge of the easiest subject -Mathematics- to you all. But still some of you wrote sh*t in the exams!! Why? You didn't even go above 30%. O I'm so disappointed in you....."

  He went on and on and on and I just felt myself zooming out. Unknowingly I fell asleep when he was still talking, only to be woken up by the guy next to me, his name was Ezra and he was a complete nerd, don't know why he was sitting at the back of the class though.