
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Rhea cooper



When thirteen year old Alicia's marriage is fixed to a sixteen year old boy called Preston, she thinks nothing about it.But when she meets him on her twentieth birthday for the first time , he strikes her as arrogant, full of himself and slightly dangerous. Too late to do anything about it , she has no option but to marry him and as soon as they are married she understands why everyone calls him the "Dark lord ". She struggles between being the good wife as everyone expects from her and being an independent woman . Preston leaves her no choice but to obey him and being a faithful wife or else she has to face his fury.


  I groan as mother shakes me and yells at me to wake up. There are guests coming at our house and for some reason my mother thinks it's wise to get ready two hours before they arrive. I ofcourse politely asked her if I could stay in my room and she sternly said No. I honestly don't understand why they are making a big fuss out of this. Father always has guests coming over and I'm always allowed to stay in my room then .

  Mother frowns as she sees me on my phone. Her frown deepens when she spots me texting. She mutters something under her breath and moves out finally leaving me alone but I watch in horror as she shuts the fan and closes the door. I groan in annoyance and get up. I hastily take a bath and wear the clothes that mother left for me ironed and neatly folded. I leave my hair open and once I'm done applying some makeup , I flop down on my bed and start scrolling on Instagram.

  My mother as usual barges in my room without knocking and when she spots me on my phone yet again , she shrieks at me to come down .

  " The guests will be here any minute! You will be on your best behaviour and you better keep your eyes out of the phone. You won't utter a single word in front of them !" She rants and I roll my eyes and nod. I quickly snap a picture and post it on my insta. When mother catches me doing so , she snatches my phone and keeps it with her.

  I follow her down the stairs , my mood already spoiled. I know the guests must be important when I spot the dining table neatly arranged. Mother has used her grandmother's tablecloth that she never uses and always saves it for important occasions. This is the first time she has used it and it piques my interest. Who could possibly be coming that is so important.?

  My question is answered when we hear the doorbell ring. We quickly go in the living room to welcome them. As soon as the door is opened , a tall man stands in the doorway with a quite small but cute woman. The man politely greets my mother and then my Dad and him give each other a hug , quite a long one too. Mother and the lady share a hug as well and already start complementing each other.

  Omg your necklace is so pretty ! You look the same even after so many years! Bla bla bla !

  I awkwardly stand as they speak to each other . The lady spots me and quickly starts gushing over me .

  " Do you remember me ? You must be Alicia ! You look just like your mother. Look how much you've grown ! "

  I do not remember her ! I have absolutely no idea who these people are but I'm flattered by the complements anyway. So I try and be nice.

  " Ofcourse I remember you ! Mother has told me so many things about you" I lie

  My mother gives me a warning glare and that shuts me up. We quickly gather in the living room and take our seats. The man does not give me a mere glance. He and daddy are still speaking to each other and they pay us no attention. Likewise , mother and lady do the same and I just awkwardly sit not knowing what I should do in my own freaking house. I just wished for my phone .

  " André , this is Alicia " the lady says pointing at me.

  I smile sheepishly and the man gives me a fleeting glance and then continues taking to daddy. I frown and ignore him as well.

  " What are you currently doing Alicia?" The lady asks

  " I'm in eighth grade as of now "

  She nods , "It felt like it was just yesterday when Preston was so little. You'll be shocked to see him! He has changed so much and he behaves exactly like his father which honestly scares me a little " the lady says

  " I understand! I'm sure he must be a good boy Carla "

  " Oh that he is! Have you told her though?"

  " Um , we haven't ! I think it's best that we don't mention it now ! I will tell her myself personally"

  " But.." the lady starts to argue when mom cuts her off

  " It's for the best, trust me ! Kids these days are just so adventurous, I'm just doing what's best for her " mother says

  They both keep talking as if I'm not in the room at all. I quickly get bored when the topic shifts from me to the mystery boy. I remind myself to ask mother about this.

  I try to eavesdrop on Dad and the man but they speak some different language altogether. I quickly get bored . I try to sneak off to my bedroom but stop when mother glares at me. I glare back and sit back on the sofa frowning.

  " We should discuss the marriage!" The man says suddenly and I sit up quickly.

  Marriage? What marriage?

  " André ..." The lady starts to say but the man stops her and speaks " Alicia here is thirteen and when she turns eighteen , she and Preston will marry each other ! This will bring our family together and will be beneficial to our companies. This was already the plan when me and Damien started our business years ago. We will try to do this as soon as possible. Preston is sixteen and has already agreed for this arrangement. "

  " Marry ? Me and marry someone! No a stranger ! No way!" I shriek in anger. Mother tries to make me shut but ofcourse I don't. " What do you even mean that Preston agreed? I haven't seen Preston! I don't even know who you are! I'm not marrying anyone!"

  " Alicia! " My dad says and I shut my rant. " Let's have dinner , we will talk to Alicia later " he says

  I go red faced and sit on my seat. My face burns with anger and humiliation throughout the dinner ! I angrily shove the food in my mouth without even tasting it. Everything on the table was my absolute favourite , butter chicken, naan,paneer tikka and buttermilk. I frown and finish the glass of buttermilk. When I'm done with my dinner , I excuse myself and go to my room.

  Tears threaten to come but I refuse to cry. I won't be marrying anyone and certainly not a stranger . Even if it's not now , it's still too early. I had always imagined me traveling and doing all sorts of crazy stuff but marrying was never one of them. I watch from my window as they leave and sit on the bed. Mother will barge into my room anytime now and she does a mere seconds later.

  " What was that !" She screeches

  " You tell me !" I scream back.

  Dad quickly comes in my room and asks mother to go outside. " I'll talk to her " he says.

  " I know you are upset and you have every right to but just hear me out okay?"

  I nod and he continues

  " Me and André were around 22 when we left our hometown and went to different countries. We wanted to start our own business and our parents wouldn't let us so we just ran away. We didn't want to rely on each other so we decided to go different ways. We both struggled ofcourse but eventually everything worked out. We met again after a few years and in a drunken haze made a contract , to be precise he made a contract and made me sign it . To this day I genuinely don't know if it was his plan or merely a coincidence nonetheless I wasn't losing anything and If not him your marriage would have arranged with some other man. I was secretly glad that it was him as I know him since I was a child and I know his son will be as respectful as him . I know you're mad at me but I promise that give this a chance . We still have a few years , we will stall and then once you turn twenty you can meet the boy, if you don't like him then we'll handle it . I promise you that if they harm a single hair on you head , I will personally castrate each one of them."

  " But I have dreams, I cannot get married when I'm what twenty!"

  " I know honey but don't stress yourself out now . We have plenty of time. Anything can happen. Just don't worry okay ? You trust me don't you? Do you really think I would ever put you in harm's way knowingly?"

  I shake my head and sniff. " Fine" I say . " But you have to tell mother to stop bothering me ! Tell her to knock on my door before coming and never taking my phone and letting me sleep for as long as I want !" I say and he laughs

  He kisses my forehead and then goes out leaving me with hundreds of thoughts of my future husband.