
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Tom Oyewole



Bride of the seven gods is a novel about a girl who finds herself stuck in an unknown world inside a body she knew not. Everything changed when the devine decree as come to the legendary lord to choose his bride. Will she end up being his bride or end up facing a lot of difficulties? Click on the book to read in order to find out.

Another session at school I’ve always hated school since I was young. Not because I was bullied. I really hate not being able to show my true self. Always pretending to be a shy and timid girl. Not that I choose to be but my mom told me to do so. Just to stay out of trouble but it never worked anyway. In fact, it got worse. A ball hit my head.

“Awww”. I gave a low cry.

“You should watch where you’re heading to”. One boy shouted and took the ball.

“Really? It’s you who should watch where you’re aiming at”. I mumbled.

“What did you say”? He asked.

“Nothing. I’ll watch out next time”. I left. I’ve always been the brave and charming girl but that’s just my inner self.

“Belia”. Ivy came out of nowhere and took my hand. “You came. I thought you wouldn’t”. Out of everyone, only Ivy understands me best.

“And here I’m. Let’s go of me”.

“Are you in a bad mood? What happened to your head”?

“It’s nothing”. We entered the class and took our seat.

“So good to be in our final year”. She smiled.

“Everyone’s talking about college. So where do you plan on going”? Ivy asked.

“Farming”. I brought out my books.

“Farming? Come on, cut the jokes. Tell me exactly where you’re going”.

“Do I’ve to tell you everything”?

“I guess you’re in a bad mood”. The teacher entered and everyone scurried back to their seat but her gaze was fixed on the big writing on the board. It says ‘GO TO HELL TEACHER’. The boys must have written it for they love to cause trouble.

“Who wrote this”? The teacher asked but no one dare to answer. “I’ll ask once again. Who wrote this”? We were all silent. “Wow! What a good cooperation but you know what, you’re all failing this class”.

“What? No way”. We all murmured.

“Then you just have to pick out the culprit. I’m sure one of you did it”. She looked at us all. “So who’s it”? We were all silent until a voice shouted.

“It’s Belia”.

“What”! I exclaimed. It was no one than Alison. That girl’s a crap. She’d always hated me and I don’t even know why. Well, I never liked her to begin with. “Look Alison, this isn’t the time to joke. I didn’t write it”.

“It’s her”. She pointed at me. “I saw her writing it”.

“That’s a lie. I didn’t”.

“Yeah she did not”. Ivy defended me. “She was with me all this while”.

“Well, who knows? Maybe you both did it”.

“What do_____”.

“That’s fine”. The teacher cut in. “Belia, go to the library and dust all the books. That’s your punishment”.

“All the books? But I didn’t__”.

“I’m sure you heard that right. Now leave”.

“Fine”. I stared hard at Alison and she looked away. I swear you’ll pay for this. I left the class.

I entered the library. Some students who’d no class were busy reading. I took the duster and start to dust the books. Dust filled my nose and I started sneezing.

“You’re going to pay for this Alison”. I kicked at the bookshelves angrily and a book fell from it. I bend and picked it up. The title looks quite catchy. “BRIDE OF THE SEVEN gods”. I checked the author name. It says T.O.M. “Sounds interesting”. I found a quite place to seat. I opened the book to read when something suddenly hit my head and I passed out.

“Awww”. I sat upright rubbing the back of my head. “I guess this is truly a bad day for me”. I opened my eyes only to find myself in a strange place. “Where’s this place”? I got up and looked around. “What am I doing here? How did I even end up here”? My attention averted to my clothes. It was all different. I was wearing a traditional silk robe. “Why am I wearing this and where on earth is this place”? I panicked.

“There she’s. Catch her. Catch the thief”. Group of people came running towards me.

“What? Me”? I made to run but they got hold of me. “Let me go”. I struggled with them.

“Isn’t she Minister Zhao’s daughter”?

“Yes she’s”.

“Isn’t this her third time stealing? What a shame”.

“Let’s take her to her father”. They grabbed me along. Just what on earth is happening right now? Am I in some kind of dream?

They all stopped in front of a house which I’m sure to be Minister Zhao’s. Perhaps, he might know how I got here. A man got out from the house wearing a frown. He was wearing a traditional silk robe.

“What’s this entire ruckus about”?

“Your daughter bought something from my stall and refused to pay for it. This is her fourth time”. The man shot me an angry look. Oh Lord. I pray I should wake up from this dream any sooner.

“Is this enough”. Minister Zhao threw a pouch of money at the young man. The young man smiled happily. “Now let’s go of her”.

“Sure”. They released me. “Everyone let’s go”. They all left.

“Follow me”. He walked back inside the house and I followed. The maids greeted as we entered. “Take the young Ms and beat her twenty strokes of cane”.

“What”! I exclaimed.

“Yes sire”. They walked over to me and held my hands.

“Don’t you dare touch me? Let’s go of me. Let me go. Hey mister. I think you got the wrong girl. I’m not your daughter. I’m Belia”.

“How dare you speak back”? A woman came out of nowhere. She was heavily adorned. OMG. Isn’t that a golden hairpin? It really is. My eyes can’t deceive me. “Such an insolent child. You’re just like your stupid mother”.

“That’s okay”. The man cut in. “Double her punishment”. He said and walked away.