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Disciplining His Runaway Wife

Disciplining His Runaway Wife



Gu Xiaomei is an intern doctor, administering shots on her patients, however, she didn't expect to accidentally jab a needle into her superior's leg, OMG! Alright, why is the superior being so petty? It was only a simple injection. Does he have to take his revenge on her by transferring her to the troop, "torturing" her day and night? The worst part is, the superior turns out to be her blind date?? No, no, no, she aims to marry a charming prince not a "rough" military man like him in the night. Therefore, it's time to pack up and run away~~~~

The early summer sunshine darted among the ginkgo trees lining the road, casting vibrant, emerald leaf shadows that danced in the breeze.

A black Toyota Land Cruiser sped down the road with aggressive elegance, moving as swiftly as the wind.


The vehicle came to a sudden halt in front of the military hospital.

The car door swung open, and a man in military uniform stepped out with assured poise. Young and handsome, his features exuded an air of dignity and authority unique to military personnel.

He was Lei Su, the youngest battalion commander in the Army field forces.

"Reporting, sir." The guard, Li Jian, ran over from the passenger seat and saluted. "We've notified the hospital management, and all medical staff is at their posts, ready for selection."

"Hmm, let Director Lou screen candidates based on qualifications, and then forward the list to me for final approval." Lei Su squinted, sweeping a glance across the outpatient building, his brows faintly furrowed.

The medical staff to assist the field hospital must possess exceptional skills and professionalism.

"Commander Lei, welcome, welcome."

Before they could see who was speaking, his voice reverberated through the air. The hospital's director approached them from afar, flanked by a few senior officials, and courteously greeted them.

Lei Su responded with a nod, moving forward to shake hands with the director.

"Director, I'm here to select a few supporters for a routine task, here's the official document."

He handed over a dossier as he spoke.

Seeing his stern demeanor, the director smiled and said, "There's no need to look at this. I've already received the notice from our superiors and have been waiting for your arrival. All the preliminary work has been completed. Let's go to the conference room to check the selection of our personnel. They're all top talents, I am sure you'll be satisfied."

The group leisurely strolled into the hospital gates, heading towards the administration building.

"Ah! Stop! Don't run!"

Suddenly, a shout tore through the quiet atmosphere, startling everyone.

Lei Su furrowed his brows as his professional instinct led him to look towards the source of the noise, wondering how such a heart-rending sound could result in a hospital's peaceful environment.

From the corner of his eye, a flash of blue swept past him - a man clad in patient's attire brushed past swiftly.

Clearly, the noise did not come from this man.

What's happening? Hijinks in a hospital?

As he watched the fleeting figure disappear, he turned his gaze to the hospital director.

"Ah? The patient might be in a hurry to the restroom which is why he ran," The director hastily explained, "It's not unusual in a hospital. Please, follow me this way."

The group proceeded towards the corner up front, just around the bend.

"You can't escape!"

From the distance, a small figure clad in white charged towards them. Agile like a bullet fired, she appeared in front of them within seconds.

"Where do you think you're running? You can't outrun me, I'm a hundred-meter race champion. Scared of injections, and you call yourself a hero? Thought you were tough? Let's see you take a shot!"

Gu Xiaomei, needle in hand, kept shouting while she ran like the wind.

Damn it, a grown man afraid of injections, fleeing at the sight of a needle. She had raced him several times before, and he was no match for her.


Suddenly, a group of people appeared before her, startling her to the point of breaking into a cold sweat. But her feet couldn't stop in time, "Move! Move! Get out of the way!"

She frantically shouted as she plunged into the crowd, like a runaway horse.


Suddenly, her foot stepped on a small stone. With a slick sound, her foot slipped, and her nursing shoes went flying. She lost her balance instantly and, like a propelled bomb, was launched forward due to inertia.


The moment her head hit something hard, the pillow in her hand punctured someone's thigh with a pop. Instinctively, she reached out to grab the life-saving straw in front of her, which was green.


Finally! She let out a slight breath of relief, luckily she didn't fall flat on her face. Thankfully, she grabbed onto this...this...

She calmed her emotions, patted her trembling heart, and tried to focus on the military green fabric before her eyes. How come? It wasn't a straw?

No, that's not right?

She pinched it again with her small hand, confirming it was fabric, not straw.

This is...

She coughed lightly, slowly lifting her head.

Lei Su stared sternly at the woman who had suddenly appeared before him, his face showing a disgruntled expression.

The woman was kneeling before him now, her hands tightly clutching at the pants on his thigh, her head bobbing back and forth. This image... severely damaged his military dignity.


Upon raising her head, Gu Xiaomei's eyes met his in a collision, causing her trembled gaze to twitch. Such a handsome man! But...but how could she...?

A cold expression washed over Lei Su's face, his attention drawn to his thigh. The needle had already been inserted, with the syringe cavalierly vibrating, as if in open defiance.

Gu Xiaomei shivered, following his line of sight and landing on the syringe. Suddenly realizing, she stretched out her hand to pull it out, but...

Ahem. She sneakily glanced at the furious expression on the dean's face, instantly understanding: she had caused a disaster!

His rank insignia of two bars and three stars could figuratively crush her with a stomp, yet she actually had the audacity to stick a needle into his leg. Oh no...