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Befriend Top Billionaires

Befriend Top Billionaires



After being dumped by his girlfriend, Chen Xuan happened to join a group of tycoons. To his surprise, everyone in the group was a wealthy person... When he had free time, Chen would casually chat with Jack Ma, discuss social affairs with Richard Liu, talk about goals with Wang Jianlin, and vie to catch Pony Ma's million-dollar red envelope... The pure school beauty said, "He is the most amazing man I've ever met!" The aloof CEO exclaimed, "He has bought my entire corporation!" Empowered by this circle of tycoons, Chen Xuan assumed the role of CEO, married a rich and beautiful woman, and climbed to the peak of his life!

Qingyun University, Dormitory Room 301.

Chen Xuan, who is browsing through the talent network on his computer, wears an unprecedented bitter face. He will be graduating in half a year, and almost all his classmates have already found suitable jobs.

Even his three best friends in the dormitory have all found decent jobs. Only he is still job hunting.

It's not that he couldn't find a job rather the salaries being offered for many jobs were not satisfactory.

Chen Xuan pulled out his phone, glanced at the wallpaper — a charming woman. Looking at the woman, Chen Xuan smiled genuinely and murmured to himself: "We've been together for over two years. This time, I must find a good job to offer you a stable future."

A beautiful figure emerged in his mind, making his determination to find a high-paying job even stronger. He continues to navigate through the talent website.

"You are my Little Apple, no matter how much love is not too much…"

The song "Little Apple" rang. Chen Xuan glanced at the caller ID and a warm smile spread on his face. He promptly answered, "Xin xin, what's up?"

Calling him was Lu Xin, his girlfriend, who had been with him for over two years.

There was a few seconds of silence on the other end of the phone, and then Lu Xin's voice came quietly, "Chen Xuan, can you come out for a bit? I'm on the sports field, I need to find you."

"Alright." Chen Xuan would agree to whatever his girlfriend asked of him, and would always be enthusiastic.

He quickly turned off his computer, picked up his cell phone, put on his shoes, and ran towards the sports field.

Soon, he saw a slim woman with a beautiful face and appropriately applied makeup - quite a decent beauty.

"Xin Xin, what's the matter?" Chen Xuan, whose physical condition wasn't great, was slightly panting after running out of the dormitory.

"Chen Xuan, have you found a job yet?" Lu Xin asked directly.

Speaking about his job prospects, Chen Xuan seemed a bit disheartened, "Not yet."

After a brief pause, he quickly added, "Don't worry, Xin Xin, I'll certainly find a good job and will be able to take care of you as well."

"Take care of me?" A smirk flashed across Lu Xin's lips as she gestured towards her shoulder bag, "Do you see this bag of mine?"

"Xin Xin, didn't I buy that bag for you?" Chen Xuan was puzzled and the bag appeared to be quite expensive.

"Of course, it's not from you," Lu Xin scoffed slightly, her eyes showing a trace of disdain, "It's an LV bag, over ten thousand yuan. Even with a good job, it would take you several months' salary."

"Xin Xin, how did you afford this bag?" Chen Xuan started feeling awkward. An over ten-thousand-yuan bag would indeed require him several months to accumulate the amount.

"Enough said, let's break up," Lu Xin said casually.

"Break... break up?" Chen Xuan's face changed instantly, his voice trembling slightly, "Xin Xin, what are you talking about? It's not April Fools' Day today..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Lu Xin interrupted him, "Chen Xuan, let's break up!"

It was clear to Chen Xuan that Lu Xin was not joking, he asked painstakingly, "Why?"

"We're not suitable for each other!" was Lu Xin's indifferent reply.

"In what way are we not suitable?" A bitter smile appeared at the corner of Chen Xuan's mouth.

"Just look at this bag of mine, it's over ten thousand, and this outfit of mine, the same price. Plus, the shoes I'm wearing...," Lu Xin enumerated her branded items, each one of them beyond Chen Xuan's purchasing power.

"So, you are breaking up with me because of these things?" Chen Xuan clenched his teeth, his pupils reddening slightly. If the reasons were different perhaps he could accept it, but these materialistic reasons were hard for him to swallow.

"Are these not enough?” scoffed Lu Xin, "What do you have? You don't even have a job!"

"Even without these things, I worked and studied for two and a half years and spent all the money I earned on you. Isn't that enough?" Chen Xuan howled like a wild beast.

This scene made Lu Xin somewhat afraid, but she still coldly said, "Heh, the money earned from two years of work-study programs adds up to less than ten thousand. You have the audacity to mention that to me?"

Just then, a black Mercedes pulled up to the playground. A man's head popped out: "Xin Xin, have you finished talking?"

"It's done," Lu Xin looked at Chen Xuan with disdain. "This is my boyfriend now, Xie Tian Ning."

After saying this, she ignored Chen Xuan's extremely ugly expression and walked towards the Mercedes, leaving only the back of her head to Chen Xuan.

"Why bother talking so much with this destitute?" Xie Tian Ning seemed a bit displeased.

"I didn't talk much, just a few minutes," Lu Xin cooed and then got into the Mercedes, which sped away.

Chen Xuan clenched his fist, his eyes fixed on the departing Mercedes like a wild beast, ready to erupt at any moment.

Although it was the weekend, there were still many students on campus and this break-up drama seemed nothing new to them.

"Graduation is the break-up season."

"Poor kid, his girlfriend ran off with the Mercedes man."

"There's nothing you can do, if you're poor, you have to accept your fate."

"Too pitiful."


Chen Xuan, carrying his heavy body, stumbled back to the dormitory in a daze. He didn't even know how he got back. Everything that had happened seemed like a dream, incredibly unreal.

But he was acutely aware that he had been dumped by his girlfriend of over two years. Originally, he thought Lu Xin was not a type of woman fond of money, but it turned out that she was indeed a gold digger.

The thought of Xie Tianning stirred up a colossal wave of fury in Chen Xuan. How couldn't he be furious when his girlfriend was poached?

"Lu Xin, Xie Tianning, sooner or later, I'll make you regret this!" Chen Xuan roared out as if swearing to the heavens.

"Ding dong..."

Just at that moment, his phone sounded a short alert. Picking it up, Chen Xuan saw that a new message had arrived on WeChat. Opening it up, he found it was a group system message.

"Ma Yun

Jack Ma

has invited you to join the Tycoon Friend Group."

"Ma Yun?" Chen Xuan paused in confusion. Who's this silly fool actually thinking he is Ma Yun? But curiosity got the better of him, and he tapped accept.

Upon entering the group, he stumbled upon a startling discovery.

"Holy crap, this group is badass! Ma Yun, Ma Huateng, Liu Qiangdong, Wang Jianlin..." Chen Xuan was somewhat baffled. These weren't just any regular group members, each one of them was a renowned tycoon in the country.

However, Chen Xuan didn't really believe it, he sighed and thought to himself: "What a bunch of people, living without a tycoon's fortune but suffering from the disease of tycoons."

"Welcome to the newcomer, male or female, if you're female, please share a picture or your measurements". A message popped up from one 'Liu Qiangdong', whose profile picture even bore Liu Qiangdong's photo.