
Let’s Read The Word

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Cold Blooded

Cold Blooded

Author:Don Ebuks



Lilliana Jade Steel is a twenty-eight years old woman who lives a quiet and simple life, she doesn’t hunger for things she can’t have, she feels satisfaction, and is overly kind to everyone, even the ones that take advantage of her. She has been waiting for her Mate for years, so she can begin the rest of her life, but all that changes when he rejects her publicly. Nathaniel Christian Carter is Lycan, from the Rhode Island Pack. He is the leader of the Pack warriors, and the Alpha’s nephew. He visits the Golden Claw Pack, in Boston, on an assignment with his best friend and cousin, unaware of how much is life will change in the span of one month. Their worlds collide when she ran out, with shame, only to run into him at a bar. Thus, begin the rest of their lives, riddled in loss and pain, accompanied by a great prophesy, will their love survive?


I dropped the book, noticing how dark it is becoming. I need to go home before it gets too dark, so I can make dinner, I am quite sure Mom will be out busy with work.

“Hi, Liliana.” I hear, and smile at Dorcas. “Hey, Dorcas.” My voice is low, and controlled, everything about me is controlled.

“I need to return this book, baby Cordelia spilled milk all over it. I know I shouldn’t ruin the Library books, but pretty please.” She smiles, and I am silent for a few seconds. This is not a library, it is a bookshop. She borrowed the book three weeks ago, she didn’t even pay for it, but I don’t say any of that.

“Of course, there’s no problem.” I smile, taking the ruined book from her, the damage looks and smells more like Vodka, but it isn’t my place to say something.

“Have a nice night, my regards to sweet Cord – “ She cuts me off saying “Could I grab Taylor Jenkins Reid latest book, I will just skim through, not much reading.” I stay silent for a few seconds then nod, taking the book and showing her the tag, despite knowing she wouldn’t pay.

“I will owe you a dollar.” She grins and walks away, leaving me with a smile on my face, one that feels more plastic by each second. I spend the next twenty minutes packing all my books inside, with the flowers.

It has always been my dream to own a bookshop, that is also a flower shop. I have been thinking of expanding, making it a cafe too, but that seems unattainable with every second that passes. I am twenty-eight, and still live with my mother. I have enough money in saving, to get my own apartment, and revamp the bookshop, but I can’t touch it, because I have to stay with her, she needs me, even if she doesn’t show others.

The weather is getting a bit cloudy, and I know in less than thirty minutes it’s going to rain, so I better move it. I stare round the bookshop, making sure everything is packed, so I head to the door, about to leave, when I hear a familiar voice.


“Collin.” I smile at him, his blue eyes gazing at me softly.

“Hey,” I look behind him and see he is not alone. “Oh, hey Raye.” I smile, when it is the last thing I want to do, considering the huge crush I have on Collin and the rumor flying about him and Raye.

“Where are you heading to, it’s getting pretty late.” I say, bringing out my keys.

“Late? The night is just getting started, but I guess you have a curfew.” She grins and I smile.

“We need some flowers and candles, there’s a party few streets from here, you’re welcome to come.” Collin says, and I stare at him. Collin is the Alpha’s first son, and he has been my crush, the ‘love of my life’ for a very long time, we grew up together, we were best friends, until we grew apart.

“Oh, we are closed, come early tomorrow.” I say, locking the doors.

“You are still here, Liliana.” He smiles and I frown.

“Yeah, but I have to go. Like Raye said, I have a curfew.” I smile, feeling pangs of hunger.

“Oh come on, pretty please. I will make it up to you.” I say nothing as I open the doors, and hand them everything they need. I pretend I don’t see the pack of condoms he shows her, or the kiss he gives her. I walk home, in the rain, and get home, soaking wet, just my luck.

“Jadyy.” Mom singsong as I walk inside the four-bedroom Apartment I grew up in. Our Pack – The Golden Claw Pack is a very calm Pack, and I grew up here, I have spent my entire twenty-eight years of existence within the border of this Pack.

“Hey Mom.” I say, seeing her sprawled all over the couch, I pretend not too hide. see the bottle of scotch she is trying to hide, I just have to pretend to not see these things, no matter how glaring there are.

I ignore it till it goes away. It has worked for me for years, why stop now. “Have you eaten?” I ask, pulling off my shoes.

“Yeah, ordered Pizza. There’s some in the Fridge.” She says and I nod. Today was a normal day, just like every other day, “Goodnight, Mom.” I say, and head to my room, the room I used through my childhood, through my teenage years. I have outgrown everything here, but it is like I am stuck in time, I have to be here, I can’t move, I am suspended in time.

My Dad died ten years ago. He was my favorite person, and the day he died was the saddest day of my life, he was angelic, a gift, the best man ever.

I pull off my clothes, lay on the bed, the toll of the day getting to me, and in a matter of seconds, I am out like a light, or not, because I am standing in an unfamiliar room. It feels weird, very odd.

“Mom?” I call, my voice echoing, like it bounces on the walls, like it reverberates.

“Oh, dear, do not call her, you do not know her.” I freeze, the words washing over me like a cold weather.

“Show yourself.” I snap, loudly, in a voice that doesn’t sound like mine. ”All in due time, Child of Steel.” I inhale harshly, staring round the room, there’s something vaguely familiar about it, yet strange.

“What do you want, who are you?”

“And, so it begins, the beginning of the end, with you, Lilliana in the middle of it all.” Violently, I wake, gasping for air, and in a second, I forget everything, having nothing but the distinct feeling that I am forgetting something important.