
Let’s Read The Word

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Asher Williams, a 25-year-old model, never thought of getting married, her father Martin Rodriguez left her in the care of her mother when she was young to marry a wealthy lady. Since then, asher has vowed never to marry but to become a single mother thanks to surrogacy, everything changed when her childhood friend brought her over for a weekend night. Read on to know what happened thanks.

     Hi am asher, a model, i make a living through taking up advertisements and walking on runway for fashion designers, I have three best friends, Lilly, Natasha and Jake. Natasha and Lilly are models also, i met them while we are in college, we shared the same dream of becoming a model, now we are working together at elite entertainment industry.   

     Talking about best friends, Jake is coming back today, he asked me to pick him up from the airport.

  He has been my friend since childhood, so he do prefer, i pick him up than anyone else. Finishing up my shoot with the stardom advertising industry, i called Natasha and Lilly, ''babes, i won't be able to come by the company today, we will meet at Hilton's restaurant in the evening for hotpots''.

''Cool babe, remember its your treat'', they said.           

    I left the stardom shooting site in my ash sports car, that's Jakes favorite car, amongst all my cars, i specially brought it out today because of him, i don't usually drive any of my cars, i use the company car because i love laying low, so i won't bring much attention to myself, that will result to scandals.

    Reaching the airport, i put on my sunglasses with mask, so that i won't be recognized by my fans or people, i walked out of the car, with my signpost that contains Jake's nickname which i gave to him.

   I was standing at the arrival, waiting for jake, which seems like ages, but that's what friends do for each other. ''Hey mug head over here''i said grinning, ''ash'' he rushed to me, ''jay i have missed you'', ''Me too asher'' he said with a smile plastered on his lips.

       ''Ash, you are looking more hot and energized, what have you been up to since i left the country''.

  ''Cut it out mug head, i have always been hot, that's why i have got tons of work to wrap off'' i said rolling my eyes.

   ''Wow, my model best friend is being proud of her self, he chuckles, what about Natasha and Lilly, they didn't come with you'' he asked. 

    ''No, they are at the company, we will meet them at Hilton restaurant in the evening,  they didn't even know you are back'' i said.  ''So its a surprise you mean'' asked Jake, ''yes and its your treat'' i said smirking evily.

    ''This is my house, you can stay here as long as you want, even after you finish furnishing your house, you can still stay here, you know i can't stay without you mug head'', i said making a puppy face.

  ''Don't be childish Asher, i will move out when am done furnishing my house'',he said. ''Well, the room upstairs by the left side is yours, you can make yourself comfortable''.

   ''Even Natasha and Lilly also have there rooms here, so the room belongs to you, in case you feel like coming by''. I said gloomily. 

   ''Thanks girlfriend, you are so nice and thoughtful, i will be upstairs, unpacking my things, will be down in a while'' he said.

   I called Natasha and Lilly after settling down waiting for Jake, ''ladies you guys should be heading to Hilton's now, am on my way''.

   ''Right ash, we are on our way'',they chipped in together. ''Ash am done, let's go, we don't want to keep the ladies waiting''.

    ''Fine, here are the keys, you will drive'' i scowled, ''my pleasure ma'am, after you'' he said.  ''Thanks buddy, that's a relief, am so stressed today, i think i will be needing a massage and soaking myself in jacuzzi for relaxation, what do you think buddy''. i asked Jake.

    '' That'd be good, for someone like you who is a model, that got tons of contracts, you really need a break, soaking yourself in jacuzzi is a good idea''.

     ''Yes, i have been looking forward to it Jake'', i said. ''Here we are milady, is Natasha and Lilly here already, i can't wait to see them,'' Jake whined, ''their cars are packed over there, probably they are here,'' i said to him.

     ''Welcome to the Hilton's ma'am, sir, the waiter greeted, this way please,'' he said. The waiter took us to our table where Natasha and Lilly are. ''What the hell, is that not Jake'' asked Natasha, ''yes its him'' replied Lilly.

    ''Looks like we have been deceived by Asher, she didn't tell us he is coming back today'' the both of them said.

    ''Hey ladies look who is here'' i called out to them, ''yes its Jake we know'' they replied. ''Why the hell, you didn't even tell us you are coming back today, we could have joined in picking you up from the airport''said Tasha.

    ''Sorry girls, Asher wanted to give you girls a surprise, that's why she invited you girls to Hilton's, to have dinner together'' Jake replied. ''Yes buddies, i only wanted to surprise you girls, promise i won't hide anything from you two again''.

    ''Fine, said the two of them, come here Jake, we have missed you a lot''.

   ''Finally, you are back, is good you have decided to manage your fathers company, to stay here with us, am so happy'' said Lilly with smile evident on her face, ''finally we all can hangout together after a long day'' Tasha said.

''How are you girls been coping, any romantic relationship going on with you girls'', asked Jake. ''No romantic relationship, but me and Lilly are hoping for one, except for Asher who wants to be a single mum, she is seriously looking for a sperm donor'', Natasha replied.