
Let’s Read The Word

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Billionaire's Trillionaire Ex-wife

Billionaire's Trillionaire Ex-wife



Falling in love with Lu Jingian was the biggest regret of Tong Xin's life. Because of him, Tong Xin lost her family and went from a high and mighty young lady to hitting rock bottom out of the blue. Despite everything, Lu Jingian seems to show no signs of letting her go. "Lu Jingian, we're already divorced, why do you still have to pester me?" "Tong Xin, until you've repaid your debts to me, you can't escape."

Tong Xin lowered her head as she exited the elevator, walking briskly over the exaggeratedly designed carpet of the hotel corridor and arriving at a huge European-style carved door.

Not because she had committed the room number to memory, but because she didn't even need to look – this was the only presidential suite on the top floor of Adler Hotel. It was impossible to miss.

Tong Xin had been here four years ago when she was still an esteemed guest. In this short span of few years, her glitzy life and her capricious self all seemed to have drifted far away from her. Now, all she could do was to use a farcical trench coat to cover her bare body, uneasily pushing open the door of a strange man's room, exchanging her body for money for her mother's treatment.

The room was unlocked; faint music was blasting from the room, signaling her arrival.

The bedroom door was slightly ajar, keeping its interior out of sight. Despite several years of marriage, this was her first time. The thought caused a bitter smile to play around her lips. Nervousness had her hands sweating, hesitating before pushing open the door.

The scene before her was a proverbial punch in the gut, leaving her frozen on the spot.

The man sitting on the bed was in a black bathrobe. The sash hung loosely, revealing a large expanse of skin that was so pale it was almost dazzling. The outline of his muscles was not at all weak, but rather exuded an unique, clear temperament. If not for his domineering aura, it would be hard to believe this was a man of great power in J city.

Tong Xin, however, had no capacity for admiration. Her face drained of all color, her eyes filled with waves of shock; the sheer surprise left her nearly breathless.

It took her a while to recover from the shock, gloomily she asked, "Lu Jinian, why... why is it you?"

"What, surprised?" The man looked her up and down leisurely, his gaze lingering on her face, seemingly satisfied with her shocked expression.

"Why?" Tong Xin repeated blankly, a look of confusion etched on her face.

Four years ago, her family went bankrupt, her father was jailed and she and her mother were kicked out of their home. They went from high society women to penniless inhabitants of the lower class.

Now, with her mother seriously ill and with nowhere else to turn but to sell her body, why was Lu Jinian, the man who spent ten million to claim her for the night, her client?

"Why are you asking? Miss Tong, since you're selling yourself willingly now that you need money, why are you surprised I'm buying?" Lu Jinian retorted, his voice derisive, as he stood up from the bed, walking toward Tong Xin.

Lu Jinian had a tall figure, well over six feet, imposing as he stood up. Seeing him coming, Tong Xin turned to run, only to be caught by him in a swift pull, her coat slipping off to reveal her half naked shoulder.

"Let go of me!" Tong Xin was both embarrassed and angry, struggling yet worried her clothes might slip further down.

Lu Jingnian’s brows furrowed as he grabbed Tong Xin with one hand, and with the other, he tugged her belt open.

Inside her inconspicuous trench coat, she was unexpectedly wearing only a bikini-style sheer bra, her well-rounded female symbol just barely visible. It revealed most, yet covered the crucial parts, silently exuding an invitation that seemed both reluctant and welcoming.

Both of them were taken back. Tong Xin hurriedly yanked her clothes back over her body, but heard Lu Jignian’s voice dripping with sarcasm, “I didn’t expect Miss Tong to dress so provocatively.” His casual comment, after having a quick glance at Tong Xin's body, left her speechless with anger, her face burning red.

"Or should I say, that’s the kind of person you really are, I just hadn’t realized until now?" He slowly approached, his gaze seemingly glued to Tong Xin, showing no mercy in piling on insult to injury.

Tong Xin halted her attempt to tie her belt and took a step back. She lifted her head, met Lu Jignian’s gaze, and burst into sudden laughter. Word by word, she said, “Lu Jignian, if it weren’t for you, how could I end up like this?”

If it wasn’t for Lu Jingnian, her father wouldn't have been taken away, her mother wouldn't have become sick, and she would still be a well-known young lady in J-city's upper-class social circles, probably studying abroad, occasionally traveling, or even staying in Britain's Adler Hotel.

"Your situation is of your own doing," said Lu Jingnian, looking at her openly yet helplessly, totally unmoved.

"Am I the cause of my own undoing?" Tong Xin pointed at herself laughing bitterly in utter resentment, her eyes filled with tears, “You’re absolutely right, it indeed is my fault. It's my fault for being blind enough to fall for a bastard like you, less than an animal!”

Raising an eyebrow, Lu Jignian gave Tong Xin a dangerous look, "Am I the animal? Tong Xin, it seems you haven't seen a real beast yet."

As expected, he harshly swooped in, seized Tong Xin by the shoulders, and kissed her ferociously.

Tong Xin tried to escape but didn't succeed. She promptly widened her eyes, she froze, forgetting to react. She only felt a warm tongue that wasn’t content with just battling with her lips, but was trying to pry open her teeth and explore her even further—

She gathered all her strength and fiercely delivered a knee strike squarely into Lu Jingnian's groin.


The situation changes in an instant. Lu Jinian gasps for breath, his body curled up like a prawn, gnashing his teeth in frustration.


Tong Xin's chest heaved with the recovery from previous suffocation. She looks at the pained Lu Jinian, with no sympathy in her heart, only anger and humiliation from being offended,

"Lu Jinian, no matter how down and out I am, it's not your turn to act recklessly!"

In the midst of intense pain, Lu Jinian lifts his gaze. His eyes conveyed an emotion as if he wanted to devour Tong Xin alive, he grinds his teeth and says, "Ha, Tong Xin, do you think you can escape just by giving me one kick?"

Lu Jinian summoned the strength to stand, a powerful oppressive aura gradually approaching. But Tong Xin was undaunted. She has put a great deal of effort into that kick just now, Lu Jinian should not be feeling well now.

And precisely because of this, Tong Xin stood in place, watching Lu Jinian clutching his crotch while approaching her, she carefully observed his face.

Lu Jinian is good-looking, and not just because of his face, otherwise the young Miss Tong of those days wouldn't have given him the time of day.

He has a cool and sharp temperament like a blade, which existed even when he was a poor high school student. After several years of tempering and settling down, it stood out even more, even the current Tong Xin found it somewhat hard to turn her eyes away.

However, after such a brutal crushing, she will never repeat her mistake again.

She looked at the man clutching his crotch, his complexion ashen, and she couldn't help but chuckle, gently opening her mouth, "Lu Jinian, do you think that you became successful and wealthy, and you can do whatever you want? Let me tell you, even if I were to sell myself to a pig or a dog, I wouldn't sell to a scum like you."

She deeply stung Lu Jinian with her words. He tried to grab her into his arms, but Tong Xin preemptively turned on her heels and walked out the door with poise.

Tong Xin hasn't changed anything. Hardship in life might have smoothed out her corners, but deep inside, she will always be that arrogant young lady.

He slowly got up, the corners of his lips involuntarily curling up into a smile.

He was confident he could make Tong Xin regret her actions.

Tong Xin stared blankly at the night scene outside of the stairwell window. It seemed as if she was deep in thought, yet empty-headed at the same time.

She had just hung up a call from the hospital.

Her attending physician had informed her that her mother had suddenly fallen into a coma. Though her life was not immediately in danger, her condition had rapidly deteriorated, showing symptoms of uremia. But there was still hope—if she could settle the preexisting 1 million yuan medical debt and find a matching kidney for transplant.

After subtracting the 200,000 she had managed to get from selling herself, she was still 800,000 short.

Tong Xin closed her eyes, holding back the stinging in her eyes, and ended the call. After standing still for a while, setting her jaw, she walked down the stairs, crossed the street, and entered a small motel on the other side.

It was only a matter of money. If she could sell herself, what was there to fear about raising this little amount?

Tong Xin went upstairs and anxiously yet determinedly knocked on the slightly ajar door of Sister Na's room.

Sister Na always claimed her occupation to be a middleman, but in plain language, she was a brothel madam. However, she dealt with high-end business, recruiting only young girls as good-looking and well-shaped as Tong Xin, or those with an outstanding charm to introduce them to discerning and wealthy patrons, like Lu Jinyan.

"Come in."

Tong Xin entered the room to find Sister Na standing by the window, smoking while gazing into the night sky without uttering a word. Tong Xin had no choice but to speak first.

"Sister Na... I just received a call from the hospital. They said my mother's condition has worsened..."

"There's no need to say more." Sister Na, cigarette in her mouth, turned around and waved her off impatiently.

"Tong Xin, are you really unaware, even now, that you've stirred up a great deal of trouble?"

Tong Xin widened her eyes in surprise. She had created trouble? Could it... be about Lu Jinyan?

"You damn fool..." Sister Na muttered under her breath, throwing the cigarette on the ground and stomping it out harshly with her shoe.

"Don't come looking for me again, just damn it, get lost. You’re the one who has offended a big shot, and yet you still want to drag me into your trouble... Scram, I never want to see you again!"

Sister Na had done her heavy makeup, black thick eyeliner, lusterless skin paired with her grim tone, it was slightly terrifying.

Tong Xin didn’t dare ask again, carrying a belly full of doubts and frustration, she walked for half an hour and finally returned to their dilapidated rented house where she and her mother lived.

Money for treatment could not be gathered by just doing a part-time job. Thinking it over and over, Tong Xin really couldn’t figure out any other means except selling herself.

A few days passed and she had been rejected by several entertainment venues she visited. After questioning persistently, Tong Xin finally found out the reason: It wasn't because she had a problem, but because some big shot had ordered her to be blacklisted—Ivy-like power, they wouldn’t dare recruit her, not even if they had the guts.

Tong Xin couldn't imagine who else she might have offended, other than Lu Jinyan, such a powerful figure.

In the past four years of her struggles, for the first time, Tong Xin genuinely felt desperate. Work was hard, but at least there was hope. After all, money was less, but it would accumulate over time.

She walked aimlessly on the street, all of a sudden she heard someone calling her from behind. The voice was both icy and resolute:

"Get in the car, don't let me drag you."

Tong Xin glanced at Lu Jinyan, walked past the car and kept going.

"I can't afford the ride in Mr. Lu's car, please leave me be."

"Leave you be? Heh," Lu Jinyan chuckled, his fingers rhythmically tapping the steering wheel, "I paid 500,000 for Miss Tong Xin's first night. I’ve paid the price, but yet haven’t gotten the person."

Tong Xin was stunned for a second. Lu Jinyan had not finished his sentence, but the meaning was as clear as could be.