
Let’s Read The Word

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The Disobedient Mate

The Disobedient Mate




To protect her mentally, after her mother caused an uproar throughout town, Hailey molded her personality into that of an anti-social nerdy girl. She hates men, because her mother was pregnant and abandoned by an irresponsible man, she doesn't believe in love and her only mission is to become a rich girl to buy the mouths of those who belittle her. Bastian is the son of the Alpha who is used to living wasting his money, because he is the son of a dissident who doesn't want to be his father's successor as Alpha, but when his uncle attacks the pack, Bastian loses his father and his sister faints trapped in a seal. The moon goddess then cursed Bastian to collect the rogue's soul in the bead wolf for 365 days. When he was almost at the end of his mission, Hailey accidentally saw him kill the rogue and it was against the rules, the fox bead moved into Hailey's body which is Bastian's mate. Can Bastian convince Hailey to be his mate? Can Bastian protect the fox bead inside Hailey's body? Can Hailey face the truth about her life, after she enters Bastian's pack?

They all bullied me about the sentence 'oops, sorry! '. It seemed like today would not differ from any other day. I wear headphones every time I come to collage, so I don't hear them shouting and calling me the nerd looser.

I took a deep breath and stopped standing in front of my classroom entrance. University changes nothing for me. A woman accidentally bumped into my shoulder and made the glasses I was holding fall. "Oops, sorry, Hailey! I thought you were a broken door that didn't move," said Cesiie, then she laughed at me with her friends.

I'm Hailey Mackenzie; nobody wants to be friends with me. Why?

Yeah, it's all thanks to Maurine. She was a schoolmate of mine from middle school until we were at university. I don't know what made her hate me so much. She and her friends constantly bullied me until no one dared to be close to being friends with me.

I always walk with my head down. If it wasn't for my aunt, I don't think I would want to continue my studies at Silver Wing University, Washington. At least I was lucky because I graduated with a major I was interested in from the start.

"Hi!" suddenly, a man intercepted my steps.

We were standing in the middle of the hall. I adjusted my glasses and clutched the notebook against my chest tighter. I was just silent when Nathan greeted me. He's the son of a landowner in this town. It was extraordinary for me when suddenly he greeted me like this.

"Sorry, me?" I said.

"Oh yeah! I'm talking to you, Hailey," he said with a perfect smile, like a charismatic man.

My heart skipped a beat when he said my name when usually people would call me a nerd. Rarely do they call me by my real name.

"Okay, but why?"

"Oh, what do you mean by why? I'm just blown away because today you look so beautiful," he said.

My throat was burning. I choked on a passion I didn't understand. Instantly my cheeks flushed red, holding back the unstoppable anxiety for me.

"Sorry, I have to go. " I lowered my head and was about to walk away, but Nathan stopped me.

"Hey, wait! I want to talk to you about something," he said.

"Talk about what?"

I feel uncomfortable, especially since Maurine and her friends are watching me. Yeah, although it's a common thing for them to do to me.

"You are so beautiful today!" he said

"You've already said that twice, thank you!" I smile thinly

"Yeah, hmmm, come closer," he said

He swung his index finger at me. "Why?"

"Come closer to me!" he said again.

Because of the curiosity I felt, I took one step forward. Nathan again asked me to come closer to him until the distance between us was so narrow. I couldn't meet Nathan's gaze at this close distance.

"What will we do now?" I squeezed my book tighter.

"Look me in the eye!" said Nathan's deep voice

I dared to lift my head. Nathan's honey eyes made me flutter. I've never been so close to a man like this before. I think the glare of light from Nathan's eyes is sincerity.

Suddenly Nathan kissed my forehead, turned to my cheek, and he stepped back.

"Hueeek!" he made a gagging sound and looked at me with complete disgust.

Maurine and the others laughed with satisfaction. "Oh, dude! You did that!" she tapped Nathan's shoulder. They took out the money and gave the money to Nathan. I just realized that they made me a stake.


It rooted me to my spot, staring weakly at those who had insulted me. This kind of thing is normal for me to accept. The other students who made me a spectacle enjoyed what they saw without trying to help me.

Maurine is the daughter of Mr.Joseph, a very influential businessman in the city and a donator at my university, which is why no one dares to interfere in Maurien's affairs.

"sweety nerd! Do you expect Nathan to really compliment your beauty?" Maruine patted my right cheek.

The people behind her were still laughing, while Nathan was holding his stomach as if I was some foul-smelling shit to him.

I couldn't help but be silent; my mouth was too heavy to speak. My body shook violently and I was terrified. I don't know why I didn't dare to reply to them.

"Give me the mirrors, guys!" Maurine said.

Megy took a mirror from her bag and handed it to me. I didn't want to take the mirror until Maurine put it in front of my face.

"You saw the shape of your face! Which part do you think is beautiful? You're not beautiful at all with those round glasses you're wearing," said Maurine.

I lowered my head to hold back the embarrassment I felt. Maurine cupped my chin and lifted my head to look at her.

"You're a loser who looks just like your mother; why don't you follow your mother? She will be happy to meet you," said Maurine.

My eyes widen perfectly; my emotions immediately spread to the top of my head. How could Maurine didn't have the heart to say anything about my mother when the whole town was shaken by the news of my mother committing suicide in the past?

"Argh!" I shouted, pushing Maurine's body back

"Ow!" Maurine squealed in her spoiled voice

My breath is irregular; they even laugh at my suffering. I never bother them; my goal is to finish college and become a rich woman who will not be underestimated anymore.

I ran away from the noise filled with ridicule about me. I hated all the students on campus because none of them reached out to help me.

I ran aimlessly down the back of the university and into a damp little alley. I lost my way because of the tears that flowed and sliced my heart. Suddenly, I stopped walking because of what I saw in front of me.

"Oh my God!" my throat feels suffocated.

A man was strangling, another man leaning against the wall. The strangled man struggled because his feet didn't touch the ground. I was even more astonished because I knew the man who was choking.

"Bastian?" I mentioned the man's name, all the students at my university know this cold man who is an idol for women, but why would he kill someone in this lonely alley?