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Between Love And Hate

Between Love And Hate

Author:Xil mutati



Kelvin Kingston (KK) is newbiltons city's richest but arrogant billionaire he owns hotels ,hospitals, airport's all over the world he inherited his worth from his late father . While anastasia miles (ana) is the only daughter of John miles who owns a hotel in newbiltons city.Anastasia 23 years is a well cultured girl her parents raised her well while kelvin 30 years is arrogant rude selfish billionaire who always gets what he wants at any means. Mr miles had gotten a loan at the bank and the bank would collect his assets if he didnt pay within a week. fear of losing his wealth he went to kk for help. Kelvin had put a condition forth was that he's daughter would marry him within 2 days after he signed the money to him. Kelvin had come across ana before at a bar she had insulted him and he swore he would get his revenge so he pulled some contacts and made sure the bank would ask for their money and in full. He wanted to make mr miles bankrupt. But what he didnt expect was that anastasias father would come to him for help.

Anastasia POv

"Marry him !" I said in disbelief.

"Yes my daughter "he said.

"But dad this is not the past where you could just arrange someone to marry someone " i said.

"Or do you want us to go bankrupt and lose everything I worked for in life" he said.

"Dad dont i have a say in this its my life is mobey important to you than your own daughter" I said.

"Do you think I wanted this I only took the loan to save your mothers life or did you expect me to just let your mother die" He said.

"I wont marry him dad" i said.

"You have no say in this unless you have 5million to pay the bank by next i suggest you go get yourself a wedding gown" He said.

I ran out of the room and went to my bedroom drowning in my tears i heard my mothers sweet and soft voice behind me.

"He loves you , you know "she said.

"Does he mum" i said .

"He does my dear your father loves you so much he just wants whats best for you "she replied.

"Have always done everything father has said but this time its a matter of my future mum , I am only 23 am not ready for marriage and that too to a complete stranger" I said .

"Its not just anyone my dear its kelvin Kingston hes a good man and hes going to make you happy." She said.

"If hes a good man why did he put this condition forward why mum" i said, while wipping my tears .

"Only God knows best my dear if not for yourdad do it for me my daughter" she said.

I knew i couldnt refuse my mum besides she already felt guilty for everything i didnt want to see her sad so i smiled and nodded my head.

"You tell dad that i accept "i said .

"Thanks my dear i love you" she said. And left the room.

I sat for a long time and decided to google kelvin he was handsome with beautiful blue eyes he had blond hair and he had a masicular body , I bet every girl would drull at his sight but all i saw was an arrogant man who took advantage of his power. How dare he i thought to my self while feeling angry.

I was gonna lose my virginity to a stranger i was so upset i just wanted to die rather than let that arrogant man insult me.

I looked at more of his pictures then i realised it wsd the man i had insulted in the bar not so long ago .

For a while i couldnt help but think it was all a set up.