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CEO's Numerous Proposals: Pampering My Spoiled Wife

CEO's Numerous Proposals: Pampering My Spoiled Wife



Jiang Ruoching was hit by a car, and the person responsible thought he could dismiss her with just 50 bucks. Prideful, Jiang Ruoching retorted, "No way in hell!" Little did she know, her younger brother had racked up a huge gambling debt. In the end, she fell into their hands anyway. A marriage contract was drawn up, permanently binding the two of them together.

The night, carrying a certain heaviness, witnessed the thick dark clouds freely spread across the sky. Successive sounds of thunder heralded the nearing storm and suddenly, a downpour slammed against the earth.

A black car zoomed along the road, its windscreen wipers swaying rhythmically. Through the misty windows, one could vaguely see the impatiently handsome face within.

"Mom, I have my own plan for the big decisions in life. You keep urging me, but I can't just pull a bride out of thin air. As for those ladies you introduced me to, I didn't like them."


The car's sudden brake sprayed a string of water droplets.

Illustrated by the car's lights, a small figure fell in front of the vehicle. The rainstorm continued to persevere, the wipers tirelessly working, stamping the person's visage on the window as a mix of blurry and clear.

He did not step out of his vehicle, instead, his pair of sharp eyes stared at the figure before his car, the corner of his mouth lifted in a mocking smile.

After a while, the girl stood up, the violent rain making it difficult for her to open her eyes. She slowly moved towards his car, and knocked on the window.

The window was rolled down, revealing a handsome face filled with an unshakeable smirk of mockery.

"Sir, don't you have a shred of gentlemanly manner? You knocked someone over and you won't get out of the car?" The girl's body shivered slightly, her lips turning purple from the cold. Her wet hair hung down, standing in the rain curtain, surprisingly giving off the freshness of a newly-emerged lotus.

"With all due respect, are you sure it was me who knocked you over and not you knocking into my car?" Bending his lips into a curve, his black eyes shone with a hint of severity as he looked her up and down, "To go the lengths of 'touch porcelain' like you did, that's pretty gutsy of you."

"You…" Trembling with anger, the girl glared back, "Anyway, you hit me! You need to give me an explanation."

"Explanation? Should I offer my body to make amends?" Occasionally mocking, he took out his wallet, pulled out a fifty-dollar bill, and extended it through the window.

"Just fifty?" The girl widened her eyes, unbelievingly staring at him as she pouted indignantly.

"Do you think it's too little?" Remaining sarcastic, he casually tossed the bill out of the window, quickly rolled the window up and the car sped away.

Jiang Ruoching, who was standing next to the car, was honored to be soaked with rainwater. She vigorously wiped her face, her eyes focused on the departing car, her expression somewhat complicated.

Charming Seduction, the largest entertainment venue in S City.

Jiang Ruoching stood behind a group of women dressed in skimpy clothes, occasionally pulling at her dress, her big eyes full of worry.

"Relax, just cling on tightly to him. What are you afraid of?"

Manager Erik extended his orchid finger, his white shirt and patterned bell-bottom pants made him especially visible.

"Are you sure there won't be any problems?"

"What can possibly go wrong? This is the only chance to get close to him. Think about it." Erik took a deep look at her, pushed open the door to the private room, and led the girls in.

Jiang Ruoching bit her lip and followed the crowd into the room, which was filled with smoke and dim yellow light gives a hint of unease.

She took in a deep breath to calm her nerves and slowly lifted her head, finding him among a bunch of pot-bellied men. He was tucked away in a corner, holding a cigarette, smoke drifting up slowly. The corner of his mouth was slightly hooked and his eyes were somewhat blurred, giving off a lazy aura.

"Attorney Cheng, are any of these women to your liking?" Boss Wang in the center of the sofa, holding a cigar, slowly spoke up, his triangle-eyed giving the line of women an almost imperceptible once-over.

"Boss Wang, you're a regular here. How do you not know about the girls here?" Erik buttered him up with a flattering smile.

"This one is new here. She's definitely suitable for Attorney Cheng." Erik positioned Jiang Ruoching to the front, giving her winks of encouragement.

Cheng Yichen squinted his eyes, the look in his eyes sharp as a knife, assessing Jiang Ruoching. A faint smile traced his lips, "I don't really fancy this type, but she's not bad."

He pointed to a voluptuous woman in a leopard-print body-hugging dress standing next to Jiang Ruoching. The woman's face immediately broke out in a smile as she launched herself at him.

"Wait a moment!" Jiang Ruoching's face showed nervousness as she grabbed the leopard-print woman, her voice carrying an edge of brashness, "He's mine!"

Upon hearing this, everyone in the private room was startled, including Cheng Yichen, who had an interested expression on his face.

This was the first time a woman had dared to utter such audacious words, especially in a seductive place like this.

He was curious about what this woman intended to do.

"Oh? Since when did I become your man?" His voice was slightly rough, low, yet it sounded incredibly intriguing to the ears. Under the dim yellow light, his features were as sharp as a knife-cut, emanating an air of mystery.

"I've taken a liking to you!" Jiang Ruoching managed to muster up courage to voice out, brushing aside the leopard print clad woman and plonking herself next to him.

"You like me? But did I ever say I like you?" Cheng Yichen promptly pushed her away, smoothing any wrinkles on his suit. The look in his eyes clearly reflected his disdain.

"It appears it's a case of unrequited love. How is it that you, Attorney Cheng, remain so stoic in your private life too? Men should allow themselves some tenderness at times." the owner, Mr. Wang, cheekily added, pulling her over. "No worries, since Attorney Cheng isn’t doting on you, I will."

"Get lost!" Jiang Ruoching stood up abruptly, "Cheng Yichen, do you really think 50 yuan is enough to dismiss me?"

The room’s atmosphere turned tense, an image appeared in everyone’s mind, and even Cheng Yichen’s smirk froze.

"It's you."

"That's right, it is me!" Jiang Ruoching, crossing her arms, retook her spot next to him, "You promised to give me an explanation."

"Heh, so you've changed professions?" Cheng Yichen pulled her into his arm, raising her chin to get a good look at her.

Upon confirming she was the same woman from that day, he couldn't hold in his laughter, "It really is you."

"Don’t think you can shake me off just by giving me 50 yuan." Jiang Ruoching confidently stated, causing everyone in the room to perk up their ears and listen attentively.

After all, Attorney Cheng Yichen is a well-known eligible bachelor in S City. Besides his looks and wealth, countless women wish to share his bed, yet they can't even get close.

How did this woman get involved with Cheng Yichen?

"How much are you worth?"

Jiang Ruqing nearly spat out old blood. Of course, she was priceless. But now that he had asked this question, regardless of her response, it would certify that she exactly such a woman.

In any case, she was at a loss.

"Just try and get rid of me easily," she said, stubbornly clinging onto his neck.

"Why so serious, miss?" The boss, Mr. Wang, joined in from the side, "otherwise, state your price, and I will compensate Attorney Cheng on your behalf."

Cheng Yichen's eyebrows rose slightly, his hand brushed her underarm, and she screamed, jumping back, glaring at him petulantly.

"Miss, are you sure you want to continue playing this game? A slander charge could land you in jail for a few months," Cheng Yichen leisurely said.

"When did I slander you?" She glared at him fiercely, her face flushed to her neck, “No matter what, you have to give me an explanation today!”

"Heh, you are not afraid of death until you see your coffin, are you? Are you sure you want me to call the police?"


Jiang Ruqing glared at him fiercely before fleeing the private room in long strides.

Cheng Yichen frowned slightly, relighting a cigarette, his eyes becoming even more profound.

Outside the private room, Jiang Ruqing leaned against the wall, gently biting her lip. Her small face was full of an unwilling expression.

She certainly didn't want to go to jail. Libel? He had the audacity to even mention it, when all she did was hug him. Such a man he is, unable to let it go.

Suddenly, a group of people blocked her way. She swiftly looked up and immediately understood something when she saw the woman with the leopard print leading the pack.

"What are you guys doing?"

Several women rushed at her, dragging her into the bathroom.

Three in the morning.

Jiang Ruoqing, limping, staggered out of Charme, into the cold night. She couldn't help but shrink her neck, hugging herself tightly while briskly leaving.

Not far away stood a man all dressed up in a suit, leaning against the front of the car with a rogue charm about him. Between his fingers, he was holding an orange cigarette.

It was Cheng Yichen.

Jiang Ruoqing's heart pounded ferociously and she limped towards him.

"Are you waiting for me?"

Cheng Yichen took a puff of his cigarette, and glanced at the woman with the wounded face, his gaze becoming murky and unclear. "Shall we find a place to talk?"

Was this his way of hitting on her? The first thought that popped in Jiang Ruoqing's mind was exactly that. Hesitating for a moment, she then gave a firm nod.

Cheng Yichen opened the car door and got in. "Hurry up."

In his haste...

Jiang Ruoqing got in the car hesitantly, her heart pounding fiercely. She understood what getting into his car meant.

But she made no choice.

At a five-star hotel, Chéng Yǐchén nonchalantly tossed his jacket aside and sat in a leather chair, squinting at the woman who stood hesitantly at the door.

"Weren't you pretty bold just now? Why are you scared now?"

"Cough, I just..." She didn't know how to explain. She was indeed bold in a charming way, but when it came to serious matters, she would chicken out.

"Just what? Weren't you interested in me?" His thin lips slightly tilted, voice laced with slight whimsy. "Now tell me, what did you see in me? My looks or my money? Was fifty yuan not enough to please you?"

He brought up the fifty yuan again.

Jiǎng Ruòqíng chuckled dryly, instinctively tightening the clothes on her body, "Chéng Yǐchén, it's not about the money, I am genuinely interested in you."

"What's the intention, want to be with me?"

The sarcasm in his eyes was particularly striking, especially the smile at the corner of his mouth, as if he were mocking her for overestimating her abilities.

A woman too forward would not receive much appreciation in a man's heart.

Jiǎng Ruòqíng nodded heavily, her lowered eyelids subtly revealing a trace of complexity, "Am I suited?"

"What do you think?"

Ignoring the scornful smile on Chéng Yǐchén's face, she walked over briskly, sat on his lap, "Attorney Cheng, if you're not really interested in me, why bother waiting for me outside the door?"

Her arms slowly climbed his neck, whispering in his ear, "Why are you so sensitive?"

"I'm just interested in your motives."

Before he could finish his sentence, he felt something prick his neck and the woman who had been sitting on his lap hid to one side as if on springs, still holding a syringe in her hand.

"You..." His head turned dizzy, feeling instantaneous obtuseness.

"Looks like the 'Three-step Knockout' I bought online works pretty well. Attorney Cheng, how are you feeling?" The playfulness sparkled in Jiang Ruoching's eyes as she walked over and prodded his chest with a finger.

"What exactly are you up to." Cheng Yichen used his last bit of energy to grab her finger but was quickly shrugged off, and his consciousness plunged into darkness.

"Arrogant man, that's for your contempt and irony towards me!"

Jiang Ruoching violently kicked him twice and with a smirk on her face, she took out a camera from her bag and aimed it at him.