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The Handicapped Billionaire's Bride

The Handicapped Billionaire's Bride

Author:A Spicy Dumpling



In Autumn of 2026, Celeste Devereux, the adopted and despised daughter, is forced into marriage with billionaire Gabriel Wellington. Bound to a wheelchair and shunned by her family, Celeste discovers Gabriel is not the paralyzed man she was led to believe. As love and passion blossom between them, Celeste must navigate Gabriel's distrust and the relentless schemes of her adopted father's biological daughter- Charlotte. She has to also save herself from her scheming and wicked family. Amidst betrayal and dark secrets, can their love survive the ultimate test? What is the real truth about her birth? But most of all, who was her real enemy? The true person behind the scenes plotting everything since the beginning.


For once, the maids are actually being nice to me.For three years I've lived in the Devereux household, I was either ignored or bullied if possible.

“Is the handicap not ready yet?!” the question rang through the entire house. Even today, Charlotte would not forget to remind me of what I am. The only reason I am going through this sham of a marriage is for Olivia's sake. She still doesn't know that I am being forced to marry in her place.

The door swung open loudly to reveal the angry face of my adopted mother,

“Well get on with it! Be quick! Hurry up the driver is already here you do not want to keep your future husband waiting”

The handle of my wheelchair is dragged and I am rushed down the stairs by the maid almost tumbling over. There, the whole family is waiting for me Mr Seth Devereux, my adopted father, Anthony and Charlotte- his biological children and my twin sister, the one who is doing this for Olivia.

“Is the driver still outside?” Mrs Grace Devereux asked, climbing down the stairs calmly.

“ I think he is waiting in the car”

“ Beggars can't be choosers, they are meant for each other. Even if he refuses this marriage no other reputable family in the country would in their right mind marry their daughter to a paralyzed man.” Still laughing, Charlotte continued,

“Imagine the shock when he discovers that his bride is also paralyzed like him” she was cackling at this point laughing at what she assumed to be my luck.

Mr Seth Devereux cleared his throat and brought the attention back to himself. “Make sure you don't sign any other thing other than the marriage license and certificate. If he wants you to sign any other documents, refuse immediately”.

Very typical of my adopted father to only care about what I sign.

Flashback to a week ago

“You are going to marry him whether you like it or not!!”

“What about Olivia, I thought you people wanted Olivia to marry, what changed?”

The Devereux couple looked at each other exchanging a knowing glance. They were hiding something from me and they did not want to tell me. Ever since they adopted Olivia and I three years ago, they've basically been giving all this etiquette training to Olivia and whenever I asked if I could join they would tell me I had no use for it. It was three weeks ago they announced Olivia getting married to a Mr Gabriel Wellington.

How was I not aware of my own twin sister's marriage?!

Olivia refused to talk to me after this announcement. Looking at it, it was obvious that she was well aware of this but why was I just finding out now?.

Then to my shock and surprise, they came today to tell me that I was the one getting married instead of Olivia.

I immediately refused. I want no part of whatever they were scheming about and the three years I've suffered in this household with the sham promise of a corrective spine surgery was obviously a lie.

“If you don't marry him, we will throw you and your sister out on the streets. You might be an adult but you have no money! Your pain medications, your food and even your clothes! Where do you think you or your sister would get the money for it?”

This kept me quiet.

Three years ago at the orphanage, the only reason the Devereux adopted the both of us was because Olivia told them we're a package deal. After much reluctance, they agreed.

I was overjoyed when I heard about it.

It was now I fully understood. They never wanted a daughter or anything, they only wanted a pawn they could substitute as a daughter.

After thinking about Olivia and my future if I refused to marry, I felt hesitant.

After considering the pros and cons, I gave a nod of acceptance to my adopted parent's happiness.

I would do anything for Olivia. Maybe now she can finally go through school and become a film director.

Flashback ends…

Olivia immediately walks up and crouches down to my wheelchair. She cries and begs for me to stay.

This marriage is inevitable for the both of us. It was either her or me, and I chose me.

“Celeste you don't have to do this. We can.. we can just…”

Holding her hands tightly to calm my nerves I bring her close to a hug. “It's okay Ollie, don't stress about it okay?”

Olivia's face is red with tears dripping from her eyes.

“Oh spare me this bullshit”

“Charlotte! Mind your language! You are from the Devereux clan and you shall act like it!”

“But mum!...”

“But nothing!,” looking around at the servants still around, she continued. “I don't care what you say! What would people think if they heard rumors of your behavior?”

This made all the maids wish they could enter the floor. They had all been required to sign an unfair NDA before being allowed to work here but still Mrs

Grace Devereux didn't trust them, especially around her foul mouthed daughter, Charlotte.

One scandal, and all their planning of years would go up in shambles, she would not risk it.

I got tired of seeing their usual antics so I rolled to the door. On the way out, Mr Seth continued exhorting me on what to do and what to sign. He seemed to care about what the Wellingtons would assume of our family after seeing me.

The driver was polite and helped me into the car before ignoring my adopted father's attempt at small talk and driving off. I had to bite back the small smile on my face seeing Mr Seth's face reddening in embarrassment and anger but also composing himself.

The ride to the registry was a silent one. The driver appeared to take his job rather seriously and it helped me with my nerves. I would rather be silent than any small talk or comments.

I can't believe I'm getting married.

What if he's ugly? What if he hates me?

What if I hate him?.

How are we going to relate as a couple?.

I had heard from Charlotte's snide comments and gathered from the maids pitying glances that the man I was to marry, Mr Gabriel Wellington, was also in a wheelchair and paralyzed like me.

‘Well at least we'll have one thing in common and that's necessary for a healthy relationship’

I let out a rather loud snort at my thoughts and immediately cleared my throat when the driver cast a glance at me before looking away back to the road.

‘great. Now he must think I've gone off the rocks’

We get to the registry in no time and I'm wheeled in. After confirming everything, I'm taken into the VIP section and ushered into a private room.

There two documents lay already signed on.

“Mr Wellington had urgent business to take care of so he went on to sign the documents first,” the driver pushed the documents to me and continued. “Sign here and here and your certificate would be given to you in a while”

Is he just an ordinary driver?

As if sensing my curiosity, he continued, “I'm one of Mr Gabriel's secretaries ma’am”.

“Oh no, you don't need to call me ma'am, just Celeste would do, thank you”

“Understood ma'am. Just sign here”

Okay if he wants to call me that then he should go ahead.

I pick up the documents and start scrutinizing them. I came to the conclusion after a while that the Wellingtons were truly rich and did not care about anything. No prenuptial agreement, no legal action against any sort of fraud or anything whatsoever! It's like they don't even care because according to this, I get 10% share in the Wellington corporation if I sign the agreement.

This is something Mr Seth did not even know!

The amount of money from those shares could buy me several islands. And large ones at that.

I quickly sign after being subtly reminded to sign one last time from the secretary/driver. He must've been fed up with me already.

With no ceremony, fifteen minutes later I'm handed a certificate of marriage and I'm now a married woman.

I got married.

This would take plenty of getting used too.

We enter the car and I'm being driven back home but I stop him. “I would like to take a detour to the city's Cemetery”

He looked at me weirdly at that. According to his understanding, I was the blood daughter to Mr Seth and Mrs Grace Devereux so why would I need to go to a Cemetery on this day.

I provide no more information and when he sees that I'm not explaining or saying anything about the matter, he quietly detours and goes to the cemetery.

On the drive back home, after escorting.e into the house, we are met with lots of luggages that I've never seen before. I find out later that they are ‘mine’ with all of ‘my’ precious clothes.

“I apologize for any misunderstanding but I'm only here to take Mrs Wellington to the registry. You'll have to communicate with Mr Gabriel over her housing situation”

The secretary, whose name turned out to be Simon, bowed slightly at me and walked off, ignoring Devereux's questions.

“What does he mean he doesn't know?!”