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CEO's Love: His Eyes Only for Me

CEO's Love: His Eyes Only for Me



Everyone says that Gu Youchen is like a walking male hormone, exuding male charisma wherever he goes. But he doesn’t seem to be attracted to women, there has never been a woman by his side. Lu Ziyue feels that ever since she met Gu Youchen, it's like a mouse has met a cat - there is no chance to escape! Who the heck says that Gu Youchen doesn’t like women anymore? She will get mad at them!

Late at night, a woman sat atop Gu Youchen, her tender, rosy lips slightly parted. She tilted her head up, revealing her graceful neck.

Her black hair spread out across her shoulders, covering half of her face, which rendered him unable to see it clearly. However, he could see her enticing figure, her slender waist soft and delicate in his hands, and her long legs as white as jade.

Her fingers brushed over him deliberately yet subtly, rousing a yearning flame within him.

Her lips moved ever so slightly, as though she was voicing someone’s name, but he couldn’t make it out.

He bent his head to kiss her rosy lips, to which she responded so submissively, her gaze half-closed in a haze.


Gu Youchen awoke from the darkness, his forehead beaded with sweat...

He softly cursed, "Shit!" He, a mature man in his thirties, was behaving like an awkward teenager.

Turning over, Gu Youchen got out of bed and stepped into the bathroom for a shower.

He had been plagued by this dream for five years. Five years ago, after being captivated by a young girl who suddenly appeared in his life, he found himself impotent. He had no interest in other women, yet he had intimate dreams at midnight. In his dreams, he was still a normal man.

With a click, Lu Ziyue opened the hotel room door with her keycard. She stepped in, nervous and unsettled, her palms slightly sweaty.

Gu Youchen was just stepping out of the bathroom, with only a towel wrapped around his lower body, his disheveled hair still dripping with water.

Seeing this woman who appeared out of nowhere in his room, he slightly frowned. He recalled his meeting with Cheng Xinze from earlier in the day, when Cheng Xinze had said he'd send him a great gift and mysteriously claimed it would surely satisfy him.

So, the so-called gift was a woman. Is this how much Cheng Xinze thought he lacked women?

"Get lost!"

He, Gu Youchen, needs no woman!

Listening to the man's icy rebuke, Lu Ziyue unconsciously stepped back, wanting to back out, but considering the situation she was in currently, she had no capital to turn away.

"Mr. Gu?"

"Are you deaf? Didn't you hear me? I told you to scram!" Gu Youchen roared. He disliked dirty things, women in particular!

"Mr. Gu, I truly have no choice; I am at a dead end." Lu Ziyue bit her lip as she plucked up the courage to say.

Her hands clenched into fists, her palms sweaty with anxiety. In order to get Gu Youchen's investment, she had to humble herself and crawl on her knees.

Gu Youchen sneered, "All for money?"

To sell your own body for money?

"I need money."

Gu Youchen looked at the woman in front of him dressed in a white shirt and jeans, with a simple makeup—she didn't look very professional.

It seemed she was really in desperate need of money and had no option but to sell herself.

"Your first time?"

Feeling ashamed, Lu Ziyue nodded. It was her first time asking for help.

Gu Youchen sneered. He was not in the habit of resorting to women to satisfy his physiological needs, nor did he intend to avail the woman in front of him. However, seeing her nervous and at a loss, he found it somewhat amusing. He wondered if she was pretending to be innocent or was truly so.

"Don't you feel ashamed?"

Money is important, and undoubtedly necessary, but Gu Youchen did not think that a woman could sell her own body for it. Doing so would only make her look cheap and frivolous.

"I need money even more."

Gu Youchen stared at Lu Ziyue for a moment, causing Lu Ziyue to feel cold from head to toe. She felt as if his icy gaze was trying to pierce through her, inducing fear.

"Mr. Gu, I really want money." Lu Ziyue gritted her teeth as she slowly approached Gu Youchen, offering him her business card. However, due to her nervousness, the card slipped from her trembling hands and fell onto the ground.

She squatted down to pick it up and extended her hand to give it to Gu Youchen. However, she unintentionally untied the towel around Gu Youchen's waist in her swift movements. The towel immediately fell to his feet.

Unable to take her eyes off the fallen towel, Lu Ziyue followed the view slowly upwards: calves, thighs, and to a place unspeakable. It was too much for her. She quickly snatched the towel off the floor and covered her face with it, closing her eyes. Her heart raced.

"Since you've seen me naked, shouldn't you be naked too?" Gu Youchen's voice was cold enough to freeze someone, and a hint of disgust flashed in his eyes. He disliked cunning women.

"I didn't do it on purpose." Lu Ziyue was horribly embarrassed.

Gu Youchen darkly reached for the towel in Lu Ziyue's hand, but the woman had a tight grip on it, not releasing it even after several pulls.

"Let go!"

"I really didn't want to see." Right now, the obscene scene filled Lu Ziyue's mind, and she couldn't get rid of it, feeling irritated.

"If you don't let go, fine! You wrap it around me."

Lu Ziyue was stunned. It was only when she opened her eyes and saw the white towel in her hand did she finally react. She hurriedly closed her eyes again, offering the towel to Gu Youchen. Sadly, he did not take it.

"Here you go."

"Do you still want the money or not!"

When Lu Zi Yue heard the irritation and impatience in Gu You Chen's voice, she had no choice but to stiffly rise, turning her head as much as possible to avoid his gaze, while wrapping the towel around him.


Lu Zi Yue twitched her eyelid and moved her hand downward in a foreign manner.

"Lower again!"

Lu Zi Yue gritted her teeth, wrapping the towel around his waist. Her hand unavoidably touched his bare side, which caused her hand to tremble slightly. Just as she finished wrapping up and was finally able to take a deep breath, he suddenly pulled her arm over and pushed her down onto the bed. She stared wide-eyed at the man looming over her.

Her heartbeat quickened, and her breathing hastened. She could not understand what was happening.

"Mr. Gu?"

"Hush!" Gu You Chen put two fingers to her lips. Seeing her panic-stricken appearance, Gu You Chen laughed.