
Let’s Read The Word

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Rise Of The Night

Rise Of The Night




James, a small-town kid with dreams to go to a university, to become what his mother always wanted, though fate is not fond of a lot of things we plan. Vampires once hidden in society shall begin to be seen all around deaths, murders, even humans shall learn quickly of a fast-changing world. Where shall our characters go? Will he be the sword and shield of the world, or will he be a destructive vampire? many stories shall be unraveled, friends will be lost, enemies shall arise from their ashes, and the world will forever be changed.

Laying softly on my bed grabbing one of my favorite books and looking outside night had finally taken over. Laying on my back opened up to the last spot turning on my headlight reading the pages. I’ve always found comfort in folklore Greeks, Scottish even the Vikings they all had amazing stories even if they were fake or real it didn’t matter to me, just being able to read books that were rich in knowledge.

Spending a few hours reading through the pages finally reaching the end laying the book on the nightstand. Turning off the light staring up at the ceiling my body was so tired from all the work I had to perform today it never stopped no matter what. Closing my eyes slowly allowing my body to rest finally.

“Maybe one day one of these amazing stories will suck me in and take over my life wouldn’t that be amazing” falling to sleep morning came quickly.

waking up slowly moving my lips around feeling all the dry skin sliding my legs over, grabbing the cup of water that I had forgotten about from the night before. Drinking it fast “ahh that was good don’t think I’ll ever hate this”

standing up as my back cracked. Stretching my arms walking through my room as my foot got trapped in my pants, falling to the ground, stopping myself from hitting the floor getting back up grabbing the pants tossing them into the hamper “that was a close one”.

Going out of the room shutting the door behind me heading downstairs noticing all of the photos of me and my mom. The last one was of my father he has been gone for a long time; wish he would come by once in a while though. Walking into the kitchen starting a pot of coffee as it started to pour into the container. Walking to the fridge looking in, there was two eggs, a slice of bacon, and a slice of bread. Nothing else was in there.

“that’s my luck I always seem to forget to go shopping.” grabbing what was left, cooking it, laying it all on a plate. Grabbing the coffee pouring it into a cup as I sat down. Turning on the small tv that laid on the kitchen counter taking a sip of the coffee, looking to the tv.

“three dead their bodies completely drained of blood. This is the fourth death in the last week. No comments from law enforcement or anybody else. We are being told that they are working diligently on the matter but nothing is found out this is Kyle with channel two.” As commercials started to play,

finishing up the food washing off the plate grabbing my thermos, putting the rest of the coffee in it. Then putting on my shoes and walking out the front door, turning around and locking it up. Then turning to look at the street, people walked up and down it and cars flooded the surrounding area. I’ve always lived in this small town of castle rock not much really happens here but most of the people are certainly friendly.

“James good morning” turning around. Tim came running at me, his hot pink hair tied into a neat bun. He must have changed his hair color once more.

“hey Tim how are you this morning? I see you changed hair color again.” He reached me out of breath leaning over trying to regain it

“you like? Those girls won’t be able to stop themselves from coming at me now!” Tim just graduated from high school this year. We are the same age, but I was able to graduate ahead of the rest. Tim is obsessed with girls although he has absolutely no game whatsoever.

“yea I’m sure it will do, just as great as the other hair colors, but can you explain to me why hot pink?” He laughed, slapping my back, leaning in so nobody could hear him

“It’s because girls love pink. That is why. I finally cracked the code.” I don’t think that’s what the girls will be thinking at all, maybe if he is batting for the same team.

“yea good luck with that bud, let me know.” as we started to walk down the street a couple passing us with a little girl hanging onto her father's back. Tim pushed me

“where are you heading to today? Want to go to the festival with me tonight and hit on some beautiful girls?” shaking my head trying my best not to laugh he really is a nice guy but his priorities are way out of line.

“I’m heading to the library to look for a new book and then I will finish off sending college admissions a little later, and as for the festival I’ll have to pass.” We reached the entrance to the library

“well if you decide to change your mind, I’ll be there at eight tonight, so don’t forget alright.” He ran off chasing down two ladies, smiling opening the door as I entered Margrett stood behind the counter.

The library was small, I’ve almost read everything here, but it’s always nice to read old ones again. “ahh Timothy it is great to see you this morning. How can I help you today?” Walking up her, she had short grey hair and round glasses for reading.

“I’m fine thank you. Just looking for something new to read. I’ll go have a look” as I walked away.

I saw a young woman in a yellow sundress. She had long red hair with a sun hat on. The sweet smell of lilac seemed to lingered where she walked. She dropped a book, making a silent thud. The book had a cover made of old leather with leather string holding it together. The words on the front were nearly faded away, bending over to pick it up and then handing it to her.

“Oh, I’m such a mess thank you very much for that, say do you love to read?” Of course, I did, I couldn’t stop.

“Yes, I’m a huge fan of James Cole his work on the ancient Greeks was amazing.” her eyes lit up

“ahh I’m so glad to hear that. He is a fantastic read. I really liked the last one he just came out with.” Trying my best to remember.

“oh The Life of an Ordinary Fairy? that was a really good one.”

“If you liked that one then I am sure you would love this” Handing me the leather book she had dropped.

“Here you go maybe we can go out sometime and talk more about books” grabbing it

“thank you that would be amazing.” She wrote down the coffee shop across the street.

“Be here in two days at seven o'clock at night. I look forward to talking with you.” Grabbing the slip putting it in my pocket. She went to checked out the books. Watching her in a daze walking up to the counter.

“Margrett, do you know her name?” She took the book that I was holding and rang it up

"I believe her name is Allis. A beautiful name for a girl like her if I say so myself. You better dress up all nice, don’t screw it up.” smiling wide still in a trance.

“I won’t, thank you very much.” Grabbing the bag walking out of the library. I watched as she vanished into the coward of pedestrians, it was a small town.

I walked home sitting at the table, taking out the book, setting the thermos down, doing my best to read the title “Vampires and their Rise.” Interesting, opening the front page there laid a vampire woman long golden hair as her body was draped in a white dress, drinking the blood from a young man, who had shriveled up. light shining down, her eyes were beat red as her fangs puncturing the skin of the man. Her red tail laid on his side, black sleek wings coming out of her back

“was this the vampire? never seen them shown this way.”

I started to read

“vampires are nocturnal creatures, although some types of vampires can walk around during the day. These called half-bloods only a select few are able to do this, though it is still not known how or why. Through the centuries that I have been recording and studying them, I am still baffled by this. One hundred years ago is when I caught sight of my first half-blood, they were stronger and faster than any other vampire ever known. I nearly escaped with my life, though a vampire myself, I’m scared to even go outside. If they are not stopped then this world will fall to ruin if they continue to breed”.

I flipped the page; half-bloods she was right I am enjoying this story. It’s not like any I have ever read. “December 1, 1995, snow has started to fall over the land. I should be safe here. I had finally found a group of vampires that are finally using their powers to build a utopia for our kind. Only to feast on those who have already passed. Throughout the years I’ve been hunted down and finally, I may have found my home we have started to recruit others to the land welcoming all that wish to live in peace and tranquility.”

Moving the page over once more “July 4 1999 it’s been a few years since I started to write this I have a wife that is pregnant and a little one that is already born. Finally, my life is going to be amazing from here on out. Mattew is now born, Eris is now three she has shown signs of being a half-blood though. We caught her running out in the sun. she did not even get burned or lose her powers, but Mathew won’t show signs for a couple more years, maybe this will answer all of my questions”

flipping the page over “August 6, 2005, Mattew is full blood. This should of been the case with Eris too, but she is now attending school and having friends like a normal child. She is now eight years old her hunger though is on another level. She requires blood all the time and never is satisfied. Whereas Mattew can sustain his appetite once a week. This shouldn’t be possible. She shouldn’t be feeding this much; I’ve never seen a half blood eat this much before.”

flipping the page splatters of blood were all over it. looking at the text “I can’t place the date there is not enough time. She has lost it and has begun feeding on the her own kind. Drowning herself in the pools of vampire blood. Its not possible vampires can’t feed on one another. Their blood should be toxic, but she just keeps eating them. She killed my wife and my son now. I’m on my final leg, if any of you see this find a way to end all of this. She will end this world.”

flipping through the rest nothing else was in here. The pages were just stained in blood “what kind of book is this?” setting it down and then pushing it away.

The penmanship was all done by ink and quill this wasn’t done on a computer or even by a type writer. It seems like a biography, but if that is true was that blood the authors and if that’s true how did it end up in the library? so many questions I’ll have to ask Allis about it on our date. She might know it is probably just the author trying to be creative. Some will go to extreme circumstances to be published

as I got up drinking the rest of the coffee, grabbing the letters to the colleges, and putting them in my pocket for safekeeping. Then walking outside.