
Let’s Read The Word

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The man smirked, "So what's the feeling of riding someone with your lover playing the music for us." he whispered staring at the man infront of him who had tears flowing down while biting his lips to seal his noises. But the man on his lap didn't dare to enjoy. Crying, he lowly muttered, "" burying his nails on the man's shoulders But the man didn't mind it at all, "Do you still insist that you're an alpha even in this state?" .... BEI RUOYE was born to be a simple man who just wanted a simple life. But upon his father's demand to marry the domineering and influential CEO, Liu Jiangli, his life was entrapped. They didn't knew each other and knotted the bond without commitment. However, during this cold marriage he met the artist the he adored for a long time, Lin Ri and upon meeting, he finally knew that this artist had also developed affection towards him! Ruoye never acknowledged his marriage so he entered an affair with this artist but will he keep it until that way when this omega artist had became too obsess on their relationship? Or will he even realize things when his alpha has started to get obvious on his true affection? Tales started to unfold between these three... ! THIS STORY IS AN OMEGA VERSE !



ALPHA - The top of the pyramid, strong, intellectual, and excels at any factor of skills and talent but they are aggressive and unreasonably possessive.

OMEGA - Weak and feminine, mostly discriminated because they have the 'heat', a seasonal phenomenon where they give off hormones that can make the Alpha's go wild and sensual.

BETA - Just normal beings, they don't have heat and they can't be affected by the Omega 's heat. They are everyone's friend.

ZETA - Can be the Alpha for the Omegas and can be Omegas of the Alphas.


It is the 22nd Foundation day of the Liu Finance Company. The venue was buzzling as the Oriental concept welcomed people.

" let us gladly welcome the president!" the emcee then stepped out and a handsome man took over the stage. A great entrepreneur at such young age, recorded as one of the successful person in the country, tall and domineering CEO of the Liu Finance Company, Mr. Liu Jiangli.

"At such young age, I took out my way to build something I can do by myself without relying on someone. The world is tough, tremendous change waves off the industry in anytime. It was tough."

".....but persistence is something people has, we have. And a key to something far more greater than just a door..."

After the speech, everyone applauded as they admired the handsome CEO at the stage, his countenance shining brightly.

"The handsomeness of your husband doesn't really fade out as time goes by Ruoyi." Mierin clapped loudly as she said this to her friend.

Ruoyi rolled his eyes and stared at the familiar figure in the stage smiling.

Liu Jiangli was his husband, it's TRUE, but he was not confident if they can be called a couple, they were victims of arrange marriage after all.

Bei Ruoyi was the third son of the Bei Corporation, an allied company of Liu finance Company and there, that day the news got to him that he will be marrying this domineering CEO and he was utterly shocked. He didn't even had a glimpse on this man personally that time. Everything went smoothly after marriage, he didn't love him and Ruoyi didn't loved him either so nothing happened between them except for media exposure and business matters.

"Hey Ruoyi can you come later?" Mierin asked as the ceremony come to an end

"Yes of course." Ruoyi replied.

"I thought you and Mr. Liu will be having a shareholders dinner later?" Mierin pondered.

"Yes but I bet he won't need me at the dinner. All the people who will attend later would be the people who knew we were both strangers inside the marriage." Ruoyi casually replied.

"Oh... right." she contemplated, she knew it very well "Well then,...! See you later!" Mierin said said and cheered him on.

"I'll call." He said

He took his way on the President Floor to ask Jiangli about the party he'll be attending. And he opened the door half way when he heard noises.

"Oh, sorry, did I disturb something?" he awkwardly asked as he saw a woman aggressively kissing the unmoved Jiangli.

"Ooh!!" the woman shrieked and fixed her clothes, she panicked and immediately went out leaving both of them on the large office. One was standing, and one was sitting with his shriveled clothes.

Oh he forgot to say, while they were both tied in their marriage, Jiangli had a lot of affairs he can't even count on his ten fingers.

Not his business either way so whenever he's asked, Ruoyi can only shrug.

"Hey Jiangli, I will be attending a party later." Ruoyi casually asked.

Jiangli sharply eyed him.

Ruoyi forced a smiled, "I know about the shareholders meeting of course but I think it's not a problem if I'm not there right?"

Jiangli massaged his head. "Your father will be attending later."

"It's not a problem. Really, as long you're there it will be fine."

There was bit of silence.


Ruoyi smiled widely and clapped "You're the man Liu Jiangli!" and he immediately ran off to prepare for the party. He called Mierin.

"Mierin wait for me in your house."

"So you're really coming?!" she exclaimed on the other line.

"I wouldn't call you if I will not!"

"Okay okay hahaha. 6pm, sharp!"

The sun was setting down and finally, they both reached their destination. It was a luxurious modern manor where party lights are all over and people were busting down to the beat of the loud music.

"Fun fun fun!!" Mierin exclaimed to him and pulled him at the crowd.

"Hey Shu!" Ruoyi called to a hot guy standing near. Tall, and has good features, his Hawaiian polo was a bit loose.

"Shu!!" Mierin also called out.

The man called Shu finally heard them and smiled when they spotted them. He walked over.

"Does business running wild that you both can finally come here?" Shu was the host of the party and the owner of the manor.

"I'm persistent to see your arts my dear Shu." Mierin who was a bit classy, flirted with the man.

Shu only laughed, "You really suck at flirting."

Mierin slapped him.

"Where's Xian?" Ruoyi asked.

"He was touring his cousin around who just came back from Europe." Shu replied as he take a sip on his drink.

"This looked like a club party than an Art Party." Ruoyi stated as his gaze travel around the area.

This party was actually an exhibit for Shu's arts that includes painting, sculpture, crafts and many more.

But you see, Shu is a party guy so he made it in his own style.

"Did you expect the classic style you married man?!" Shu exclaimed

Mierin laughed "An Oldie."

Ruoyi "..."

They walked around the place and explored the displayed arts, Shu was full of inner talent because he was flexible at anything. There are mostly a lot of products from pottery and wood carving, he also had paintings and digital made decorations.

When they finally reached the second floor, they saw their friend Xian and a good looking guy beside him.

Admiring the displayed arts.

"R-Ruoyi is that an angel??" Mierin whispered as she witness the angelic face of Xian's cousin.

Fair skin, slender and had a small but gentle face, waist smaller than a lady. Partly foreign on his appearance and had his hair a bit in a curl, they were sure he is younger than them.

Ruoyi was also in awe at this rare beauty but stopped when he noticed the guy was staring back.

"Are you done?" Shu kissed Xian on the lips as he asked him not minding the people around.

Xian nodded, "You're quite an artist Lin said."

Lin smiled and nodded "It is indeed."

Shu smiled, "Thank you very much! Didn't thought that a well known global artist will compliment my arts."

"He is also an artist?!" Mierin exclaimed

Xian laughed "Mierin, Ruoyi let me introduce you Lin Ri."

"Lin Ri??" Ruoyi asked. Everyone turned their eyes to him.

"He's really well known, he won a Nobel prize for his two consecutive works!" Ruoyi said.

"It's him?" Mierin asked in all curiosity

Ruoyi glance at Lin and Lin was also staring back, he blushed with their continuous eye contact without the other people noticing. "He was famous!"

"And actually," their eyes turned again to Lin who just spoke.

"I knew Mr. Bei ever since. He showed his support at my works in any platforms I participated." Lin smiled.

"Ooh~" they all said in chorus.

Ruoyi scratched his head "You didn't show your face or given any details that's why I didn't recognize you but I'm a great fan!" he bowed

Lin was startled and waved his hand to Ruoyi to rise up.


"We'll be leaving you two." Xian and Shu said

"But----" they both dragged Mierin away.

Only Ruoyi and Lin was left behind.

Ruoyi was bit awkward but managed to invite Lin around. Lin shyly agreed.

"....I was a bit devastated where you went to hiatus last summer. I don't know but the updates on your works makes my day."

Lin giggled, "It was due to some health reason and I did see your messages flooding my inbox after I came back."

Ruoyi took a glance at him and can't help but to feel something, maybe because finally he saw the person he really admired "Sorry about that. But your works were very therapeutic for me Haha."

Lin smiled without Ruoyi seeing it.

After a long walk with a bunch of conversations and laughs, they reached the partying crowd at the open hall.

"This Art Party is something." Lin managed to said under the loud beat of the music.

"Watch out!" Ruoyi pulled him when a drunk passed out right on his spot.

"I'm not drunk..." the man uttered, his actions contradicting his words.

"Sorry, about that. Come on now..." his friend apologized and carefully dragged him out.

"That was close." Ruoyi said until he realized that his 'pull' was a bit over acted. Lin was now lying on his bosom with his arms surrounding him.

"S-Sorry." Ruoyi immediately called out, flustered and withdrew his hands.

"It's okay." Lin chuckled seeing him flustered.

Then they settled down on an inner room where there were less crowd.

"Here." Ruoyi reached a drink for him.


He sat beside him but made space between them as if they were still a fan and an idol.

Lin giggled at him "You're funny."

"You're flooding me with your utmost respect online but here you are, being distant." he said

Ruoyi drank all his part, "I'm quite a shy person." he joked

They both laughed. But Ruoyi still can't take off his eyes on Lin's face, his whole demeanor was attracting him so much.

Lin noticed his gaze and curved a smile at him. "What's the matter?"

He was startled and avoided his gaze, "Nothing! Haha"

But Lin was more curious and took the gap between them "You were staring at me the whole time." he spoke gently as he lean on him.

Ruoyi blushed. "I-It's not what you think."

"I'm not thinking anything." Lin whispered as his hot breaths touched Ruoyi's skin.

'Oh boy...'

He nervously blinked as he felt Lin's hand slowly caressing his body in a seductive way.

And all of a sudden, Lin settled on his lap.

Ruoyi was dumbfounded.

He didn't knew that this angelic man can be very straight forward.

Lin smiled at him "I've been attracted to you, you know." he placed his arms on Ruoyi's shoulder.

"I didn't even know what happened but I ended up yearning for your messages and compliments and..." Lin placed his head on Ruoyi's shoulder, still staring at the mans' face whose about to break down with a more push.

"I wanted to see you." he seductively spoke under his breath

Ruoyi felt a beat on his heart and stared back at Lin.

"You... you're not serious aren't you?" Ruoyi blinked.

Lin giggled and reached for the rim of Ruoyi clothes, his delicate and cold hand touched the man's skin.

"H-Hey....!" Ruoyi ceased his hand from entering inside and looked around.

"I-I can't do this and, you should not do this. I'm not worthy for your affection, i-if it is." he said

Even though Jiangli freely cheated on their marriage but Ruoyi swore not to do anything within the bond, and he never imagined himself having an affair, he may be rich and decent but his looks were so-so, it's not even worth turning for. That's why he is somewhat confuse but also excited on Lin's behaviour.

Ruoyi gently took Lin's small head to face him, "I'm already married." with his disappointed face, he raised his hand to let the other see the ring on one of his finger.

Lin's emerald eyes stared at the ring and smiled, he leaned and licked Ruoyi's finger.

Ruoyi twitched from his wet tongue touching his skin "H-Hey....!"

"I know." Lin said "I looked up to you and found out you're a son of someone big and married a big fish I know." he settled his arms again to Ruoyi's shoulder and his face an inch apart from the man.

"But it's not even serious. Arrange marriage?" Lin giggled as he explored Ruoyi's neck with his lips.

Feeling that Ruoyi was already stiff, he slowly grind on his lap to properly declare he was seducing him.

Ruoyi jerked at his sudden movement.

"You're up."