
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Cassandra James



  For a small town girl who is really shy and quiet, living in a city all by herself is difficult for Venus. Especially when she keeps getting herself in danger.Ace Rivera is the unsolved mystery of his school. No one knows why he is the way he is. What everyone knows is- to stay away from him.But when the shy girl piques his interest, no one knows what's about to come.And, Venus had never thought the mystery boy of her school would be her knight in shining armour.One thing is for sure though...Ace's grey life is about to become very colorful.

This is my second time coming to the city. The first time was about a week ago. The tall buildings and huge roads with so many vehicles, the noise— the city as a whole, would take time to grow on me.

However, this visit is different from the last. I won't be going back.

I look outside the window as cars zoom past us. The car I'm in is my uncle's. There are boxes beside me, packed with my belongings. It's a four hour drive from my uncle's home and my legs have started cramping. We're almost there, I slightly remember the neighbourhood.

It's one of the depressing parts of the city. To be honest, I don't like the place I'm going to live in. The apartments look old and plain depressing. The fact that I'm going to live alone hits me right then. I've been feeling ecstatic since I heard I would finally get to live in a city but now it sinks in.

I'll be all alone.

My uncle parks the car. The gloomy apartment didn't look as gloomy last time. I open the door and get out, finally able to feel my legs again.

My uncle and I carry a box each. That's all I have. The elevator ride is really awkward. It's been ten years living with him but we rarely talk. I've still not gotten used to the awkwardness.

For the last four hours, we haven't spoken once.

I sigh in relief when the elevator door opens to my floor. We carry the boxes to the door.

"Venus," my uncle calls out, "stay safe and don't do anything we wouldn't approve of," he says sternly. He hands me the keys and a credit card. My parent's. He leaves after a small nod. No smile, no goodbye. I have to arrange everything on my own.

I've got to stop expecting from others.

The door opens with a creak. The place isn't that bad except the blinds aren't hanging as they should and the floorboards have come off at some places. The couch is not in the best condition either. The place is in a really bad condition. I feel tears pricking my eyes. I've never been on my own in the seventeen years of my life and out of the blue, I'm living in the worst apartment that exists.

I blink the tears away. Not the time to cry.

I mentally make a list of things I need to do. Dusting, rearranging and all. There are two bedrooms, I let the other be and choose the better one or shall I say, the bigger one. The rooms are really huge and if only they were in a good condition, it'd actually be a good place to live in.

Two hours later, the place looks a lot better. I change into the only wearable dress I have. Pink top tucked into a black high waisted jeans. I put my old sneakers on and take my keys and the only thing left by my parents — the credit card.

A week ago, uncle showed me around. The grocery store and my school aren't far from my apartment but the mall is an hour walk. It's eleven already and I haven't eaten anything so I stop at a cafe before going to the mall.

I firstly buy a phone, I wasn't allowed to have one earlier. Then I buy stuffs for daily use— towels, toiletries and all. I also buy some clothes for school. After spending so much, I feel really guilty. I wish I could earn my own money.

Once I've finished shopping, I come out of the mall. It is starting to get dark outside and it's going to take an hour to walk home. I also have to buy groceries. My arms are already aching because there are so many shopping bags in my hand. I feel frustrated but there's nothing I can do.

It's really dark when I finally finish grocery shopping. I can't feel my arms anymore and they're going to hurt really bad tomorrow. I have to cook myself dinner too.

As I walk home, I bump into someone causing all the bags to fly away, including me. I moan in pain as I stand up, dusting my jeans and looking at the source. Did I bump into an elephant or something?

I freeze to see a guy. A very muscular one, if I may add. Wondering what if it's a guy? Well, I haven't really interacted with one before. I went to an all girls school and I didn't have a brother or a male cousin of my age. Or any age, unless you count my uncle.

And, he does not just look like any guy. He's got that dark, mysterious, sexy look. It's dark outside but I can say he's got the sharpest jaw I've seen and his eyes are a shade of brown or black. He's in his gym clothes probably, showing off his muscular— woah.

I need to stop.

He just looks at me as I pick up all my stuffs. I'd say he was being a jerk but maybe he's just tired from all the workout. We should find good in everyone, my momma used to say.

However, I do think he's being a little rude when he doesn't even apologize. He literally sent me flying into the ground.

"Sorry," he says and he's got a deep, rough voice. I spoke too soon, didn't I?

"It's o—okay," I say as I rush to leave from there. I'm really shy and I get nervous pretty easily. I feel his eyes burning holes on the back of my head which I just ignore.

Once I'm home I flop into the couch. Home, I smile. This is so much better than living with my uncle and aunt. It's difficult but comparatively, no. This is so much better. There's something bothering me though.

It's just.... I've never been around a guy and I don't want to... well act like how I acted today when I was around that guy.

I just hope school isn't that bad or I might as well kill myself. Just kidding, I wouldn't do that. I don't want to disappoint mom and dad.

I put the bags in my bedroom. I freshen up and change into my pjs. I also make myself dinner. Once I return to my bedroom and unpack my new clothes, my heart almost stops. I search here and there but it's nowhere.

Oh no.

I left a shopping bag on the sideway. When I had bumped into him I thought I had picked up everything. And, it is not just any shopping bag, the ones that had my new undergarments. Just great.

I just hope the guy didn't see it or it'd be really embarrassing. And I desperately hope I don't run into him if he did look into it.

However, I do have a feeling that we would run into each other. Really thin chances but something tells me we will.

I fall asleep at some point that night as I'm really tired, hoping other guys don't have that effect on me or boy, I'd actually have to go back to my Uncle's.

What I never thought was we'd be going to the same school.