
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:unwanted desired passion



### Ayra,I want this"he uttered placing one of his finger on her lips "Oh..wh.what?!!" She squeaked out,her eyes popping wide open. "You make me want you sweety"he said petulantly, tightly holding her waist. He sealed his lips on hers, savouring her taste&quot Warning!!! This book has a little bit of matured content Read at your risk

City F, outside an airport, an auburn haired girl about sixteen, with a pretty little milky white face and that beautiful gray eyes called out to her mother.

She felt agog, aglow and excited to move to another City.

She moved closer to the entrance before she felt someone drag her back to the car. She got annoyed and beckoned on her mother to move faster.

"Mum!, You're slow and why are you sitting inside the have to hurry up or we're gonna miss our flight?"the girl folded her arms around her chest and sighed frustratedly when she felt her mother still focused on the phone and not reacting to her plight.

"Mother!" She moved closer to the car and uttered petulantly. "Mum" she opened the car hurriedly in annoyance."mum, why aren't you coming out, we're gonna miss our flight?"she asked pouting.

"Young lady, do not interrupt my can see that I'm busy" she paused to touch her forehead. "If you need anything, ask one of the bodyguards and leave me be" she replied curtly unknowingly hurting the young girl, who felt deprived of love and attention. She sat beside her mother with a dull face.

A while later, a Lamborghini similar to theirs came into notice with a man in his late thirties coming out of it. He walked up to them which brightened the young lady's crestfallen face as she instantly opened the door and ran towards her father for a hug.

"Father!,you came ...mother told me you won't be joining the both of us but you're here" she smiled widely with two cute dimples popping out from her cheeks.

The man stared at his wife with a yearning and pleading eyes but she didn't even stare at him, what she was focused on was her phone.

"Would you at least stare at me?. This is torture for me " he thought before he felt a hand tugging on his shirt shifting his eyes back to the girl.

"My baby, ofcourse I would come. I wouldn't want to miss your engag...."he paused not completing his sentence when he felt his wife glower at him as if she would throttle him in no time if he had the temerity to ruin the surprise,. But unfortunately for them, this intrigued the girl's ardour.

"You wouldn't miss my what, father?"she queried petulantly peering brightly into Har father's eyes who In turn was scouting around for someone to bail him out from his inquisitive daughter. He sighed in relief when his wife finally moved out of the car.

"It's nothing baby, your daddy is just babbling silly things" she said as the girl shifted her gaze from him to her." He meant to say that you're looking very enticing" her mother complimented cupping her little face and placed a kiss on her cheeks which made her redden shyly.

"Mum!this is really embarrassing, I'm grown up already, you shouldn't kiss me don't have that right anymore. My cheeks belongs only to my future should go to your hubby if you feel like kissing" she yelled out loud at her mother who felt flabbergasted by what the girl blurted out alongside the bodyguards except her father, who couldn't stop his laughter.

"Now, that's my daughter" he thought inwardly with a grin widened on his face.

"And what are you grinning about, uh?"she yelped at him with an angry look. She was sorely tempted to throttle him."I'm still very much with you, you get it"she groaned annoyedly trying to go back to the car.

"Maya, I booked the next flight for us, we can't miss it. I'm sorry we couldn't take the private jet"he said to her. "My dearest darling, don't be angry at me anymore, it hurts" he pleaded.

"Can we go please, father?"the girl yelled in a pettish tone.


Inside the plane.

The VIP lounge.

A dark honey brown haired teenage boy excused himself from his butler to the restroom. A few seconds later, the young girl excused herself from her mother ,who guided her to the restroom.

Moments later, both teenagers came out from a separate restroom together and collided mistakenly.

"What the heck, didn't you see where you were going?. Bitch!!"he arrogantly ranted out.

"I'm sorry,I..I. I didn't see you coming" she replied in a soft tone which further infuriated the boy.

"Trying to play innocent. I've met girls like you, who only wants to get into my pants. What a slut?!!"he angrily left approaching to his lounge.

"It was just a mistake, he didn't have to be rude. I didn't know he was there and what right does he have to call me a slut...he doesn't even know me, why then would he call me names?. What a brute!"she poured her lips and approached her lounge.


Back at the boy's lounge.

"Young master, your father is on the phone" Greg, the family butler announced to Kris.

"Tell that man, I'm not in the mood to chat with him" he non chalantly replied playing a car race game on his phone.

"Young master, please don't make it hard for me. Master is really angry with you for leaving the house unexpectedly" Greg tried to reason out with him to receive the phone call.

"Arghhh, what sin did I ever commit to have a cursed family?" Kris blurted out arrogantly.

"Don't say such things young master, your family isn't cursed?"he rebuked "They're just overly protective of you, most especially master. He wants to train you as the leader of the loguire."

"Well, I don't need their damn protection, I'm capable of taking care of myself. They deprive me of my freedom and that's something I don't adore so much" he cried still playing the game until he felt a phone placed in front of him ringing out loud.

"Damn it!!"he cursed.

"Alright Kris, calm down. It's just a phone call from your biggest foe, it's nothing to freak about, you can do this" he reassured himself before collecting the phone from Greg, he pressed on the call button and placed it closer to his ear.

"Hello, who's this?"he asked.

"WHERE ARE YOU!!!" A voice roared out from the other line in rage.


Hello my readers, welcome to the first chapter of this book.

Read and enjoy.

Also, read my other books

Falling into your smile and unwanted desired passion

Your lovely author, Rihanna.