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Can you mend my Broken heart

Can you mend my Broken heart

Author:Humble love



Eric Coleman a handsome man, he sleep with girls and dump them like trash, everything he wants is under the skirt, he sleep with girls and dump them like trash, love isn't on his dictionary, but everything changed when he meant Lucy, according to him she is the most beautiful woman he has ever set his eyes on, Lucy is a cold lady she doesn't believe in love, she vow never to love again after what happened to her in her past, she had a secret, a hidden secret, that secret is her night mare" Now let asked ourselves" Will Eric be able to mend her broken heart??

Lucy came down stairs, fully dressed, her blonde hair were dropped below her shoulder, her enchanted face was pale, but she still look beautiful, her eyes were swollen, anytime she gets to remember what Zack did to her, she can't bear it"Zack ruin her life, she took her lips in trying to control the tears from falling, but it failed" she sat down, wiping her tears, but it kept on falling the more"

Her mom stare at her with concerned look, Lucy it's okay, this aren't the end of the world, please stop crying, I promise everything will be okay" she console touching her hair". " Mom don't worry about me, am fine she replied wiping her tears" she gave her mom a faint smile trying to brighten her up, meanwhile her mind were inching" Emily stare at her daughter, before serving the meal which was" hamburger buns and milk" let eat dear " she gesture Lucy nodded and started eating.

Were are you moving to dressed up like this Emily asked eyeing her daughter dress, and Lucy smile showing her perfect dimple, mom Mr Coleman Eric is searching for a PA" so am going for the interview, you know" let me give a try" she struggles.

Are you sure, see Lucy I can take care of everything, I don't want anything to happen to you, Emily said sadly Lucy gave her a irresistible smile, reassuring her that it will be okay,

Okay please if you need anything don't hesitate to phone me Emily said and Lucy nodded before walking out.

Lucy boarded a cab and it drop her at Eric petroleum company, she took a deep breath and took her lips in, her heart was beating faster" "Lucy stop concentrate, I know he will choose me" " here I come Mr Eric " she muttered , she entered the elevator and it drop her at the third floor" her mouth flew open staring at the place, it looks really beautiful" she thought still staring at them, like a lost child, who is searching for her parents" she was taking aback when she heard the sound of laughter" she stare at the people kneely , she bow her face in shame "this is a complete disgrace she mummured with her face still bowed"

After some minute a lady walked out of Mr Eric office, with tears rolling down her cheeks, "and her jaw dropped, her body shivering, her heart beat raised rapidly , many questions were running in her thin mind, but nobody was there to answer her, " like Will he choose her?? What about if he chased her away?? Why is the lady crying?? Sweat tickled down her cheeks,

She was jotted out of her thoughts, when she heard the receptionist telling her to go in, that it was her Time, the receptionist kept on staring at her in disgusting way, " maybe because of the clothes she wore" she taught sadly before heading to the office door" she crack the door open and her heart almost jump out of her chest, staring at Mr Eric" " he is handsome, but that's not her fucking business she taught and bow her face when Mr Eric raised his head.

Eric stare at the lady who was know has madam baggy, but Damm her curve are reveling" he lick his lips with smirk plaster on his face" he stare at her for some minute, before speaking up"

Miss you're wasting my time, seat down or you get outta my office he yell hitting his fist on the desk, and she jumped up in fright, and she quickly apologized and sat down, removing the hair that was covering her face," his jaw dropped staring at the beauty in front of him, her enchanted face like shinny armor" " this lady is the definition of beauty, her beauty is not to be compared .

Lucy bow her face quickly, feeling uncomfortable with how Mr Eric was staring at her, he raised her chin, and his eyes diverted to her hazel eyes, it was really beautiful, and his eyes went down to her sexy and curvy lips, it was pinkish" " I wonder how it will taste" he taught not taking his eyes out of her eyes.

Sir... Sir I thought .. I mean please let start the interview Lucy sluggter nervously and Eric came back to his senses, when he heard the voice of the angel, he stare at her for some minute and sat down, giving her an irresistible smile which she didn't returned, "he himself is wondering what type of girl is she" " other girls will be craving for him, want to have one night stand with him, but this lady is totally different, he will make her fall for him , that is a promise he taught and stretch forth his hand, demanding for her CV, which she willing gave him, and he use the opportunity to hold her hand, and place a soft kiss on it before letting go of it.

Lucy shivering at his touch, this is probably not the first time a guy had touch her like this, but his own seen different.