
Let’s Read The Word

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Two Hearts And A Baby

Two Hearts And A Baby

Author:Jade Wolfe



Can tragedy bring you the greatest love... Faith Summers wasn't prepared for her world to shatter, but in a tragic turn of fate it did. A drunk driver kills her pregnant sister at least she still has Julie's baby, so she thought. Instead the father Kincade Jordan gets custody, well Faith isn't going to take this lying down. However the minute Kincade Jordan opens the door she is lost to the comfort he provides, the desire he unleashed deep inside her. Can she forget that at one time he had belonged to her sister, can she resist the temptation he presents and the love she never knew she needed. Kincade Jordan had no plans of having children until one day he opened his door to a social worker. She informs him he is a father and she's brought him the baby. Now saddled with a baby what was he to do then another knock brings him a woman who makes his body burn with desire. Will his life decisions change. He was definitely in trouble of losing himself to them both. Will they be able to resist each other or will they take a chance on a love born from tragedy.

He sat at his desk looking toward the model of the building he was working on, but something wasn’t right about it. How could he fix what’s wrong when he couldn’t figure out what it was? Getting ready to take a break and grab a drink the doorbell suddenly rang. She stood outside the door trying to decide whether to knock or just leave. Finally, she rang the bell, but then chickened out and began to turn away when the door opened. A gust of frigid air hit her face and he stood there handsome as ever. She didn’t think she could go through with this but then he spoke.

“Hi Julie, I wasn’t expecting you today isn’t our date tomorrow night,” Kincade asked casually even though he felt uneasy.

“Yes, our date is tomorrow but I really need to talk to you,” Julie answered.

She glanced up to see a puzzled look on his face, but he replied, “Very well, why don’t you come in.”

He stepped aside allowing her to move pass him into the entrance closing the door firmly causing her to tremble. Walking past her she noted he wore faded blue jeans with a loose-fitting white shirt. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and he wasn’t wearing any shoes. His bare feet padded across the solid wood floor as he made his way toward the back of the house. Julie on the other hand wore sandals they made a flip-flop sound as she quickly followed him.

“Would you care for something to drink,” he asked as they came into the kitchen.

“No, thank you,” she softly answered.

He didn’t stop just continued into the back room, which contained his home office. Kincade Jordan was a successful architect he spent most of his time at the office, but he still needed a place to work at home. Therefore, Julie was here because he always seemed to be working, they had to schedule their dates just like two business associates. Walking into his office, he sat down behind a desk with designs for a building covering it. She looked around this was the first time she’d been in this room. His desk sat in the left corner of the room while the rest of the furniture consisted of some filing cabinets, a large table where a model of a structure was sitting, finally a large plush sofa sat against the wall across from the desk. To finish off the room a single chair sitting next to a large floor lamp.

“Julie, what’s bothering you,” he finally asked after some tense moments.

She sat down in the chair then clutched her hands together in her lap and after a few minutes of fidgeting she spoke, “Well, I think we should end our relationship.”

She sat in silence for a few seconds then finally looked up to see surprise then relief cross his handsome face, “I see, I’m a bit surprised maybe you should tell me why you feel this way.”

She sighed, “I feel our relationship isn’t going anywhere,” standing up she began to pace, “For Christ sakes Kincade we have to set up an appointment just for a date. Look at what happened when I arrived here you were surprised to see me and it’s because I made an unexpected visit. I just don’t think I’m suited for this type of relationship.”

When she finished, she sat down and looked at him he smiled then chuckled, “It’s all right Julie I understand you’re not the first woman who’s dumped me for the same exact reason. It’s best if I just shrug it off and let you go especially if it’s your wish.”

He watched as relief clouded her blue eyes, “I’m sorry Kincade, I thought things would work out.”

“Don’t worry it was fun while it lasted,” he stood approaching her.

She glanced up as he stopped before her reaching down, he pulled her to her feet. Once she was standing, he tugged her into his arms for a fierce hug. She hugged him back then with his arm around her shoulders they walked back toward the front door. At the door, he leaned down giving her a soft feathery kiss on the lips.

“Thank you for the time, Julie, I hope you find happiness someday.”

She smiled up at him, “You also.”

He opened the door she waved goodbye as she made her way down the stairs to her car. He stood in the doorway for a while after she left just staring out over the neighborhood unexpectedly a feeling of loneliness washed over him. He didn’t like the feeling quickly shutting the door going back into his office to work on the project. He started to think maybe Julie leaving was a blessing in disguise because now he could focus on the Slade project.

One-week later Julie sat in the kitchen belonging to her and her sister Faith crying. She couldn’t believe things had taken such a horrible turn. She broke up with Kincade because their relationship wasn’t going anywhere now a complication decided to intervene.

“I can’t believe it we were so careful using protection every time. How could this have happened,” Julie sobbed.

Faith tried to comfort her sister, “I’m sorry Julie, but even condoms aren’t one hundred percent full proof. Have you decided what you’re going to do now?”

Julie released another sob before hiccupping and finally through more sobs said, “Have a baby what else can I do I’m not getting an abortion.”

“I know but are you going to tell him,” Faith studied her sister closely as she waited for an answer.

“No, it’s over between us, I won’t make him a prisoner of my stupidity,” she firmly stated.

Faith tried not to laugh but couldn’t help it. The laugh however came out more sarcastic than one of genuine mirth, “You’ve got to be joking Julie, he’s just as responsible for this as you are. I mean it does take two to make a baby, it’s a two-way street not a one.”

Julie interrupted her before she continued her tirade knowing Faith, she’d go on forever if she didn’t, “Look I realize that, but I’ll not go back to Kincade and force him into something he doesn’t want. I was miserable in that relationship so for these reasons I can’t go back.”

“Don’t you think I know that I’ve been sitting here and watching you be miserable. I would never ask you to go back to him, but I think he should be financially responsible at least. I mean for crying Christ sakes it’s his baby too.”

Julie glared at her sister and shouted, “I said no, I’ll not be dependent on him for anything from now on this is my baby.”

Faith was surprised, “But Julie.”

She cut her off, “No and I want you to promise me you won’t run off and tell him about this baby.”

Faith sat staring at her sister wondering what had suddenly gotten into her. Usually, she was calm and serene but looking at her, now you wouldn’t think so. Suddenly Julie slammed her palms flat on the oak table that sat off to the side of the kitchen, “Damn its Faith promise me!”

She shrunk a little from her sister surprised at her sudden outburst, “Alright I promise I won’t go near Kincade Jordan.”

She released a deep sigh of relief then flopped down into a chair next to Faith. She felt relieved Faith wasn’t going to tell Kincade anything about the baby.