
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Nafiza Ahmed



Evangeline Rossi never asked for anything in her life as everything was given to her before she could even ask for it. She's like a princess, a princess indeed for her father and mother. She never knew she craved for anything else or something missing in her life until she met him, Abram Valentino. But is she willing to stake anything just to be with him? Even if it means abandoning everything behind her? Deluded is created by Nafiza Ahmed, an EGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.

Evangeline's P.O.V

Growing up, I always have this dream, a dream to have a prince. A prince who will love me unconditionally, a prince who will shield me from the darkness of this cruel world, and a prince whom I will have happily ever after.

Despite the fact of knowing deep down inside me that happy endings do not exist at all, I force myself not to believe it. I am determined to find a happy ending.

"Eva!" my mother shouted, waving her hand in front of my face pulling me out of the daze that I did not know I was in.

"My goodness! why are you not dressed yet?" she exclaimed, irritated, pulling me up from my bed towards the closet where she hastily went through all the dresses that I own.

A sigh escapes from my lips as I watch her hastily checking the dresses.

"I don't get it. Why do you want to take me along in this event all of my sudden, mom?" I questioned softly, fiddling with the hem of the dress that I'm wearing.

"I don't really know, my love. It's your father. He thinks it's time that you get exposed to his world." She responded almost in a whisper as if she doesn't want me to hear the last part but I nod my head anyway as there are other things circling inside my head.

I remember when I was a kid how I tried to persuade my parents to take me along with them to this huge and elegant event that is hosted yearly by influential people where everyone wears expensive suits and dresses. It intrigued me but my father would always say that it was not safe for me to be present there so as I grew up, I became wise enough not to press on it further and also because of my social anxiety crippling me whole gradually making me shy and awkward around new people.

"Aha!, found it '' my mother excitedly exclaimed handing me the simple but elegant dress she chose which I obliged to wear immediately not wanting to irritate her further.

Slipping on the dress, I hastily applied minimal makeup only to enhance my features and within thirty minutes, I was ready, walking down the stairs with a small purse on my hand.

As I descend down, I can already see my parents lovingly smiling at me. "You look beautiful, princess" my father gushed out patting my hair but there was something off with him and I can clearly sense it but I brushed it away.

" Shall we?" my father asked as my mother nodded her head yes. As we went outside, I noticed that there were extra bodyguards and before I could even open my mouth to ask about it my father beats me to it.

"Don't worry about it, my love. It's just precaution" he assured me, caressing my hand. But maybe it's normal when you're the only child and when your father has a lot of business rivals wanting to take him down.

Climbing inside the car, I ignored the anxiety starting to kick in as I imagine scenarios of me making a fool out of myself in front of everyone. Shaking all of the negative thoughts away, I flastered a smile on my face just when I remembered I could probably make some new friends there.

But little did I know, that event would change my life drastically.