
Let’s Read The Word

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Betrayed by my mate.

Betrayed by my mate.




Aurora Chandrakant is the daughter of Kaven head of the royal pack warriors. When her and her twin brother were 12 years old, they both began their training their father. All her life her dad shows her nothing but attention and love but for some reason as years goes by that her mother becomes colder to her. Every night she'll have the same dream about a baby being left at the door but not only she can't recognize anyone face, but there is no one she can ask about this dream. Prince Alexander Heinrich is the next in line for being King of the West side packs. His father is always hard on him to be the King that he is now with the packs. He's cruel and abuse to Alexander. The packs in their kingdom don't really care for his way of taking care of them, nor do King Darius Knight from the east side kingdom care for the way he is. They await till Prince Alexander is old enough to take over for his father and find his mate to become his Queen. Aurora and Alexander meets on her first day of training with her father. The first moment Alexander see Aurora he had a feeling that she could be his mate but when she first shift that he will be positive. His father doesn't like that Aurora is a lower rank wolf and wants Alexander to choose a female of higher ranking to be his Luna. Like Kimberly Stone daughter of the Alpha of the Black pine pack. Now Alexander must choose between his true mate or being with someone he can't even stand to be around, but his father forces his decision to whom he will be with. Will this, story end with happiness or just nothing but broken hearts?


Aurora POV

  It was still so dark outside and there were so many people screaming. There was a women looking down at me. She had long brown hair, brown eyes and very beautiful. Her face was full of fear as she was running through the forest. Stopping only to look until there was a sounds of wolfs howling all around us. Then she was off running away from the howling but soon she stop from snapping of some twigs.

  "Who's there?"

  "Its me, your sister."

  A young girl came into view. She looks to be about 13 to 14 years old. Her hair also was brown with brown eyes.

  "I'm so happy its you. Please take her and go to the east palace. Give them this note and necklace it will explain everything. Now please go and keep her safe for she was a purpose on this earth."

  "What about you sister. I cant leave you to die."

  "You must go and protect her. I'll be fine, please trust me."

  Just before she leaves the area there was a loud explosion and that's when I wake up. It was that dream again and the same dream I have almost every night since I can remember. Alright its time for me to wake up for the day. Today is my 12th birthday, well mine and my brother Ethan. Were suppose to start our training today to get us ready for our first shift. Our first shift is usually around our 13th birthday. Im so looking forward to that day to finally meet my wolf and find out her name. I know my wolf wont be that big since Im considered to be a lower rank wolf and female. I hurry up to get into the shower to get ready for my day of training and our birthday. After my shower I go and get my clothes that I laid out last night to save me time in getting ready. I put a pair of black shorts, black sports bra, a gray tank top and black tennis shoes. Its warm outside so the training area will be unbearable. I get dress and race downstairs to get some breakfast. As I get to the table, my family is already there eating. My Dad is always the first one to noticed me.


  "There's my little angel. Are you getting excited about today birthday girl?" He comes over to me picks me up and twirling me around.

  "Dear, let her sit down and eat so you get going before your late for the training class. I looked over to my mother to see how irritated she was getting for some reason."

  "Alright my love."

  He puts me down and kisses my forehead. I sat down to my breakfast of oatmeal, two hard boiled eggs, two 15 grain bread, with yogurt and fruit. We also had a fruit protein drink. I always like putting honey into my oatmeal. Some reason my dad had big smirk on his face as he places a small wrapped box in front of me.

  "Daddy, what's this?"

  "It's your birthday present my angel. Ethan, yours is outside."

  "No way! You got me that dirt bike?"

  "Well of course. That's what you did ask for about 1,000 times. So, angel are you going to open up your gift?"

  Oh wow, I hope its what I think it is. I hurry up to open the box to see the charm bracelet that I been asking my parents to get for me. It was a rose gold chain link with a key charm, tree of life charm, four leaf clover charm, watch charm and a few other charms on it. I ran over to my dad and wrapped my arms tightly around his neck.


  "Thank you, daddy, thank you mom." She smiles at me, but it felt like she had to force herself to do so.

  "Alright you two. Its time we get going. Aurora, please put your bracelet away."

  I hurry up to put it away so not make my daddy wait too long. We get going to the pack training house. Its a good thing we don't live that far but that might be the reason my daddy pick out our house in the first place. When we get there, I was amazed on how big the place was. I have never been here before this day and it was so over whelming. There were two big fighting rings in the middle of the place, some work out machines and even a few empty rooms for classes. My dad brings Ethan and I into one of the larger empty rooms were there three boys and on girl waiting for us. I cant believe there is another girl going to be here, I was only there because my dad was the one training. Maybe Ill be able to make a friend today.


  "Ok everyone, I would like you to my so Ethan and my daughter Aurora. Ethan, Aurora this is Chad, Anzac, Armond and Raina."

  Oh, wow Raina, such a pretty name. Im so hoping that we will be able to be friends. The weird thing is that I don't remember her from school. Well my brother and I do go to private school with humans. I wanted to go up to her and introduce myself to her, but she beat me to it.

  "Hi, Im Raina but you already knew that. Im so glad that there's another girl here. I was afraid that I was going to have to hang out with these boys all day."

  "I was thinking the same thing. You know Im Aurora and the boy next to Chad is my twin brother Ethan."

  "I'm here with my brother as well."

  "Really? Which one of the three is your brother?"

  "Oh no, my brother is 16 years old and he's in another area of the building. Today he's in the fighting ring area. He's over there, the guy in black sweat shorts with brown hair and blue eyes."

  I looked over to the fighting ring on the right seeing two guys hand to hand training. Both had brown hair but the one with the brown eyes had gray sweat shorts on. They both didn't have a shirt on and they both had tone bodies. Looking at the one with blue eyes and Rainas brother I couldn't keep my eyes off him. I found myself mesmerized him, his body and just his mere present. I almost didn't hear Raina talking to me.

  "Aurora, earth to Aurora. Are you even listening to me or would you rather stand there and droll?"

  I hurry up to wipe my lip with my hand.

  "I was only joking Aurora. Well some what joking. You were stirring at my brother with such goo goo eyes." She started laughing at me.

  "That's not funny." I stand there folding my arms and potting with my lips" Well, what's your brothers name and who's the other guy with him?"

  "Well my brothers name is Alexander and the other guy is his friend Dani."

  I stood there watching them fighting out but are they training?

  "What are they doing?"

  "Well, Dani is trying to prove to my brother that hell be a great Gamma for him and the pack."

  "The royal Gamma?"

  "Well yeah. My brother is the prince and future king of the packs."

  My jaw just drops. I cant believe he's the prince but wait that will mean Raina is the princess. I just realized why I haven't seen her ever at my school, all royal children and Alpha go to a special private school just for werewolves.

  "I'm surprise you're in my fathers training classes."

  "Well my parents are too busy and the royal Gammas is over there busy training my brother."

  I just looked back at the guys fighting with no shirts on. Her brother was really good cause the other guy Dani isn't even laying a finger or punch on him.

  "Wow your brother Alex is amazing."

  As I say that Alex turns to look at me with a puzzle look on his face and right than Dani took the opportunity of Alex distraction to bring him down to the mat by tackling him. Oh no, but what was that about? Why did he look at me at that moment? Not even a second later I hear my dad clearing his throat.

  "Alright everyone give me your attention. Right now, all of you here are or just turned 12 years old and you also know that form now till your 13 years old can expect your first shift. Before that can happens your going to need to not only train your body but also your mind. Were going to start with endurance, and this will increase your breathing but also your heart rate. Lets say about 20 laps around the building and then well go to balancing by some Tai chi. You will also be getting this watch to keep track of not only your heart rate but also your body temperature. Youll be wearing this till your first shift occurs. The information will always be sent to my phone. Alright lets get started with those laps and I expect it to take no longer than one hour but lets see if anyone can to do better. Also, FYI 20 laps will equal to about 10 miles so I wouldnt waste time to start."

  I decide it will be best to put my hair up into a lose bun. When I was done and just about to head out thats when I felt a hand on my arm.

  "Aurora, whats that behind your left ear? It looks like a crescent moon."


  "Oh, its just a birth mark and no it doesnt give me special powers." I than laugh it off cause I been ask about that too many times. I really dont have a true answer but that I was born with it.

  "Ok, lets get going before your dad notice were not outside starting the laps."