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CEO's Complicated Love

CEO's Complicated Love




Denyx Moore is the CEO and Young Billionaire of Moore Corporation with a very strong and cold personality. His life was devastated and he has no time for love after loosing his childhood crush in a car accident. He met Chloe Johnson as an assistant to his business rival. Chloe Johnson was reborn after the tradgic accident happened to Anna Mc Len. She's back after more than 2 decades. "I want to sign a contract with Johnson company and find his assistant and bring her back to me." He's enraged "Sir. Mr. Johnson is the CEO why you want to sign the contract with his assistant?" His assistant Alex asked. "If you want to live more find her and bring her back to me. Find her ware about within today or else you will be fired."

"I want to sign a contract with Johnson company and find his assistant and bring her back to me." He's enraged "Sir. Mr. Johnson is the CEO why you want to sign the contract with his assistant?" His assistant Alex asked. "If you want to live more find her and bring her back to me. Find her whereabouts within today or else you will be fired." Denyx closed his eyes sitting on the chair next to his office table. He is very angry today that he met Chloe after turning down the Johnson Company's proposal business. "Damn she really look like Anna Mc Len."

He is reminiscing his past 22 years ago. His heart is aching. His first crush died in a car accident. He was just 9 years old at the time and he was in a grade 5 class while Aana Mc Len was in grade 3 class. Denyx was smiling when he remembered that time he first met Anna. She was standing outside her classroom with a teary eyes. She doesn't want to go inside her class. He slowly approached her and asked. " Hi, why are you standing here alone outside your classroom?" Anna looked at him and burst into tears. "I'm scared to go inside without my teddy bear. I forgot to bring it. " she cried.

Denyx reached both her hands and told her " look at me, don't be sad and cry, here's the lollipop. If you feel like you're scared hold it into your hand and think that this is your teady bear okay? " Anna looked at him with confusion and looked at the lollipop on his hand." Come don't be afraid it's for you." Anna suddenly took the lollipop on his hand and hug it tightly. She was smiling after she got the lollipop and held it on her hand. With excitement she hugged him with a gloomy face. "Thank you brother I won't be scared anymore." Denyx pulled her a little closer to him, holding her both shoulders and said "Yes, that's right it will help you to be brave even your teddy bear is not around. This lollipop will make you even braver than your teddy bear." while his pointing to the lollipop on her hand. "What is your name little girl?" Anna smiled at him " my name is Anna Mc Len. " He then patted her shoulder " Alright Anna Mc Len it's time for you to go inside your classroom. Remember the lollipop will make you brave." Anna was so happy then turned around and went inside the classroom with a lollipop on her hand. It was actually her favorite sweet because her mom doesn't allow her to have it all the time. So she can only have it for occasional and mostly she will just stared on it everytime she saw the lollipop in the store.

From that day on Denyx will buy lollipop and handed it to her every time he saw her at school actually he is always looking for her everyday and sneak out from his classroom before the class start just to give Anna Mc Len a lollipop. Anna is so excited to go to school everyday because she was looking forward to get a lollipop from Denyx. But Anna never know his name because he always call him brother.

One day Denyx even caught by his mother hiding so many packs of lollipops inside his room. When Kate Moore touched the door knob and open the door he saw Denyx piling the packs of lollipops in the drawer. "Honey what are you doing? Why there are so many lollipops here? She was surprised with his son's action. "Mom it's for a friend at school, don't worry I won't eat it." His mother sighed with relief after hearing his explanation.

The smile on his face is shown while he is closing his eyes and recalling the past of his childhood with Anna Mc Len. How can he forget that cute girl? She was so adorable. He can't even recognize himself if he was going to school to learn or because he wanted to see Anna Mc Len everyday.

Suddenly the knock on the door woke him up from his deep thoughts. He opened his eyes and the smile faded away. Looking at the door, he saw Alex head pop in the door. He came in after seeing that Denyx is waiting "Sir I made an appointment with Ms. Chloe Mack. She said she is coming back and will be reaching here in the Moore company within an hour. And her whereabouts is here. " Handling the folder to him. He reached the folder and look at the envelope. " Okay, let her come in my office when she arrive. Cancel all my appointments before she arrive. I don't want any disturbs when I am with her. You can leave now." Alex was surprised with his boss. He was confused of his sudden attitude." Is my boss have a fever or what?" He was talking to himself while going out from his office. "It's just so strange that he is always so cold and temperance but then he has done this to an assistant. May be there is something. Anyway who will dare to hindrance him. He is the powerful and rich person in this place. No one dare to proke him." Alex said to himself.

After Alex left and closed the door Denyx who has holding the folder finally open it. He was hoping while ago that he will find out Chloe's whereabouts with satisfactory. He started reading the information inside the folder details by details. Name: Chloe Mack, Age: 28, Height: 5'4 feet, Parents: None, School: Boston University. His face darkened while continue to read. " There's no trace of information to link her whereabouts to Anna Mc Len. It is impossible. I know she's Anna Mc Len. No, it can't be." He stared on the information given to him. He closed the folder and reached the drawer. He pulled it and stuffed the folder in it. Then he closed the drawer.

He is still hoping until now that Anna is still alive. Every Sunday he will drop by in cemetery to give Anna a lollipop and flower. Since Anna died his love for her never fades. He still love that little girl he used to care so much when he was young. He never forget her blue beautiful pair of eyes. Her heart shape lips and tall pointy nose. Her skin was white as snow.

Unfortunately he never see her again even to her burial. Anna's coffin was closed while her mother Marie's coffin was opened for everyone to see. He really wanted to open that coffin where they said her body was and God knows about it but Mr. Mc Len said he can't bare to see them both because it was so painful to see her beautiful young daughter died, so at the end no one is allowed to see Anna's body inside the coffin. But years passed by it gave him hope that what if she wasn't there. What if Anna is still alive? What is something happened miracle to that little girl that he used to gave lollipop? This uncertain feeling gave him a little hope when he met Chloe Mack in the lobby.

Earlier this morning he met Mr. Johnson the CEO of Johnson company who wanted to expand business here in Los Angeles. He heard that Johnson company was outstanding and being maintain on the top of business in Boston. They're trying to expand their business here in L. A and they wanted the Moore Corporation to invest for some projects here. Denyx wanted to meet Johnson's CEO so he agreed to had an appointment with him. He was curious with this man's identity that he never seen yet. Although he wanted to meet him but he has no interest of dealing business with Johnson's company. He knew he doesn't need the Johnson company. He built his own business the AML the most successful Technology Company around the world under his own name, while helping the family business the Moore corporation as he promised to his father's death that he will still continue his legacy to the Moore Corporation. When his step father Mike Schmit took over the company it begun to spin around. He was so young at the time. When the Moore corporation started to fall the investors pulled back their investment and only Mr. Mc Len shares left in the Moore corporation haven't pulled out yet. But then the tragedy happened to his family. He lost his wife and daughter at the same time on that car accident. He was so devastated and depressed that he couldn't even think about his Company. The Mc Len Business Company fell after 3 months and no one knows why, or maybe because Mr. Mc Len was in a deep sorrow that he didn't even think about his business. Then one day he left without no trace. They said he became ill and may be died as well after few years of suffering to his lost.

When he rejected Johnson's Business proposal both of them left the conference room and when they walked out to the lobby of Moore Corporation his assistant was running and calling "Mr. Johnson I'm so sorry my car had issues along the way here. I wanted to call you but I was afraid you're in the middle of your meeting. Sorry I am late." She was panting. "It's okay Chloe there's nothing to worry about. Let's go we have more matters to deal with." He grabbed Chloe's hand and pulled out towards his car.

Denyx was stunned of what he saw. He couldn't even say a word and his face is full of shocked. For a long time he doesn't move while watching the woman who appeared in front of him while ago without even single glance to him. The car disappeared long back but he was still standing in the front of the glass door. No one dare to asked him because no one can afford to lost their jobs.

"Alex it was her!" Finally he exclaimed. "Sir. What do you mean it was her?" Denyx look at Alex who has full of confusion. "Nothing forget about it. Please call AML that I can't come over today and I will signs the documents tomorrow. Let's go back to the office first." He came back to his office like he was floating. Alex who was walking behind him was so confused of his master's indeference.

When they reached Denyx office. He ordered Alex to call Mr. Johnson and that he will sign the contract but only Chloe Mack will bring it to his office.