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Alpha Xavier And The Legendary Evil Goddess

Alpha Xavier And The Legendary Evil Goddess




Xavier recently became the Alpha of the Crystal Blue pack and his friends decided to throw him a party. At the party, Xavier decided to take a walk and then stumbled on a locket thrown carelessly on the ground. As soon he took the locket and opened it, he fell unconscious . When Xavier woke up, he found himself on an island inside a cave. There he saw a girl sleeping. He decided to wake up her up and immediately she opened her eyes, he woke up from sleep that was when he realized that everything was a dream. A month after that day, they were informed that the island of goddess has resurfaced again and the legendary mistress of evil is awake. Xavier and some Alpha where sent by the council of elders to capture her. Xavier was shock to see that she was the girl from his dreams. It was after they brought her back to the pack that Xavier realized that she is his mate. And due to the curse, he has to stay close to her or die. Xavier was left with no choice but to stay with her before a cure to their situation is found. But the more Xavier bond with her, the more he realized that there is more to her than the legendary tale told about her. Just as they started bonding with each other, Xavier’s father warns her to stay away from his son and not only that, her dark past came catch up with them. Will they be able to overcome all the trails that are about come their way or will it be the cause of their separation? Find out as you read …

Xavier ~

Today is the D-day.

Today is the the day that I will be officially crowned as the Alpha of the Crystal Blue pack. From toady my life was going to change and take a new turn. From today, I will in charge of over a thousand werewolves. The thought alone scares me but I was born ready it. Even born as the future Alpha means you have to grow quite earlier than your age mates.

As young as the age of three, I started learning karate. By the age of six, I was a black belt and by ten, i had a golden belt making me a karate grand master. I had to follow my dad to different meetings to get acquainted with the Alpha duties. By the time I became a teenager, my training became harder.

At the age of sixteen I was already going along with the pack warriors for wars. And when my mates where going for night party, I was studying. As soon as school vacates, I enroll at the Alpha’s Royal academy. A school where future Alpha’s like me where being thought on what to expect when we come the Alpha.

After all this training, the time to bear fruit has come. Today am not only going to be crowned Alpha but I get to appoint my officials as well. That’s the rule. Once an Alpha sets down, his officials too steps down with him except in the chase where by the Alpha was impeached.

A knock at the door brought me out of my thoughts.

“ you can come in” I said to the person at the door.

A maid made her way into the room holding a very large package. “Good morning young Alpha, your dad ask me to deliver this to you!” She said point at the package.

“Sure you can drop it on the bed”. She did as I told her and left.

I walked to the bed and opened the package. Inside was the Alpha ceremonial custom. A red tunic embroidered with gold and a black trousers with gold stripe at both side of the trousers.

I took the clothes and wore it together with black socks and a black covered shoe. I stood up to look at myself at the the mirror. I must confess I actually look good.

“You look very handsome my son!” I turned back and saw my dad standing at the door with the Royal mantle rapped around his hands.

“ father, I didn’t notice that you where standing there”. I said as I walk up to him and embrace him and he dropped a peck on my cheek in return.

“I can see you where preoccupied! Oh how I wish your mum was here to witness this day.” Dad said as he started becoming emotional.

Mom had died two years ago after being feed too much poison. A group of rogues had attack her and the wives of the pack leaders when they where on their way for a conference. Before we could and rescue them, it’s was already to late. After of all of them that where attack, it’s was only the Gemma Alfred’s wife and a warrior that survived. It’s was indeed a moment of grieve for the whole pack to loss their Luna, the female Beta and other pack members on the same day. Dad was so devastated when the heard the news. He wanted to end his life too so that he came be with her in the after life. But at the end he didn’t. Because he had a whole pack who depend on him and he can’t disappoint them. Turns that it was Dad’s uncle who was banished from the pack along time ago that mastermind the attack. And went after him with rage! By the time dad was done with him, he was begging for dead to bestow him.

“It’s okay dad, am sure she watching from wherever she is. Okay? So cheer up. Today is a happy day. We don’t want to start get emotional, do we?. I told my dad as I try to console him. Talking about mom is still a sensitive topic for dad.

“Yeap that’s true, am sorry for getting very emotional.” Dad said as he wiped his face and then continued, “ turn around !”.

I did as he ask and he place the Royal mantle on me. The Royal mantle is a long ceremonial garment that royalties wear on the day of their coronation or other special ceremonies.

“Mr Alpha man!” A voice shouted as Jason my best friend and soon to be Beta rushed into the room. He was also dressed in a tunic just like me but his was blue in color.

“Dude! How do u…, he started saying and then pushed. “Alpha sir! Sorry I didn’t notice you where in the room”. Jason said as soon as he noticed my dad standing next to me.

“It’s fine Jason. How are you doing. I better leave you kids and go get dressed too. See you at the ceremony”. My dad said as he pat my shoulders and went out of the room.

“Dude! Look at you, you are looking so great. you are going the give the unmated ladies in this pack a heart attack!”. Jason said as he kept going around me like a general inspecting his men.

“I understand that you are part of the warriors but you need stop cycling me or..

“Or what?” He cut me off looking at me with a smirk.

“Or I will beat the hell out of you!” I said as I made my way to him and gave him a playful punch. Jason and I have being friends since we where babies. Our parents where already best friends and always hanged out together. So is not as if we had any choice, we where struck together. Although even if I was given a choice, I will always chose him. He said s a great friend and always have my back. When we lost our mothers on the same day, we grieved together.

“Alright mr Alpha, I give up!” Jason said as he bowed. “But serious how do you feel? You are about to take control of the pack.”

“Am actually a little nervous, but I can handle it. I have trained so much for this moment.” I answered him with a small smile.

“Alright! The ceremony is about to start. It wouldn’t be good if you come late to your own coronation. Let’s get going”. Jason said as she stood up and started making his way to the door.

I rolled my eyes at him “You keep referring to it as my coronation only as if you aren’t going to to get crowned today too.”

“Whatever!” He said as we both made our way out of the room.


The ceremony was to take place at the pack assembly ground that was beside the Pack’s conference hall. Important announcement that needed the attention of the either pack was done there because the conference hall can’t accommodate the either pack members.

I was seated on the stage at the right -hand side of my father while his Jason dad his Beta sat at his left hand side and Jason was sitting beside his dad.

My dad stood up and address the crowd; “Greetings to you all members of Crystal Blue Pack”.

“Greetings to you too Alpha” the crowned echoes. There where so much people present. Almost every one in the pack, if not all where present.

“As you all know that we have gathered today to witness my son Xavier get sworn in as the new Alpha.” My dad beacon at me to over go and I stood up and when and stood before him.

“Xavier here! My dad said as he lift my right hand up and then continued. “He has proven himself worthy to became come the Alpha. He passed the test set by the council of elders. The council of elders set my moon goddess have to assess and test you before they declare you worthy to be an Alpha. Anybody who went against them and declare themselves Alpha will be denounced and punished as well.

“If anybody has a valid reason why Xavier should not be sworn in Alpha, he or she should step forward or forever remain silent”. My dad continued and everywhere went silent.

Nobody stepped forward. I released the breath I didn’t know I was holding. Even if anyone should have step forward, whether his accusations where true or false, the ceremony will be pulsed. It actually brings a lot of complications. I remember when one of my friends Roman, Alpha of the Luna Pack was accused on the day of his coronation. The ceremony was pulsed and before the investigation finished, it was a year later.

Seeing as nobody was going to talk, my dad went on with the coronation. He beacon on me to repeat at him.

“I xavier Gray”

“ Promise to be a good Alpha to this pack”

“Promise to always put the good will of the Pack before anything else.

“ Promise to treat each Pack member fairing”

“May the moon goddess help and guide me!”

I repeated each line after my dad. After which my dad took the ceremonial knife and pierce the center of his palms and he did these me with mine and then joined our hands together tightly.

Immediately he did that, I felt strong power rushed into me. Indeed I have officially become the Alpha.

My dad raised our hands still joined together and shouted to the people; “ behold your new Alpha!”

And the people became clapping their hands shouting, “ long live the Alpha! May the moon goddess be with you!”

“Congratulations son, am proud of you and am sure your mother will be to” my dad whispered into my ears as he hugged me.

After hours of different speeches and presentations it was time for me to chose my beta and Gamma.

“By the power bestowed in me as the Alpha of this pack, I swore you Jason Drill as the Beta of this pack!” I said as The crowd kept on clapping and I announced the Gamma in the same manner.

Soon the ceremony was over but people stayed back to socialize with one another. My dad left immediately saying something about having a meet to attend.

A lot the Pack members brought gifts to me. I was really touched at their love which am great full for. Because it’s another entirely to be an Alpha to people who hates you.

“Well well! Guess who finally became an Alpha man”. I turned around and saw my friends I made from Alpha academy. Those that where mated even came long with their mates.

“Congratulations to you bro or show I say Mr Alpha?” Simon one of the Alpha said.

“Call me whatever you wish Simon.I don’t care. Anyway, I want to thank you all for honoring my invitation. It means a lot to me guys”.

“It’s was no big deal, we where not going to miss it for anything in the world, right guys?”. Matthew stated and the rest nodded in accordance with what he said.