
Let’s Read The Word

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Destiny or written story

Destiny or written story

Author:Thinking blossom



There is a school which is famous for their owner.The owner is nit an ordinary person.No one ever saw the owner but still call him as a mystery man.His school is not like an ordinary school.It has it own rules.If you don't follow that rules your death will come by your own.No one can stop you from die.The school is also called mystery school.





  RULE 5:???? DON'T DO IT.

  Rule 6:If you survive for one year you have permission for rule 5.

  I can't do all this shitty things.I am not gonna study here.And we also have night class.But why?

  The girl said because of frustration.

  Oh come on dear it is the top school in the whole country and you have to follow just only some simple rules.

  Her mom said to convince her.

  Ok.But what the hell is that rule number 5 and 6?I heard that everyday more than 20 students die here.Death is a exam of it.

  It's all rumor.

  Umm. Okay.but why everyone is staring at me like creep.

  Because you are the most beautiful girl from Lee family.

  Yeah yeah i am just famous because of my royal family.

  The girl said in a mocking way.

  Her mom just sighed because of her that attitude.

  Ok,where am I gonna live?

  In dorm duh.

  I mean what is the dorm number?

  Oh it's umm 45.. no no it's 85 on thr 9 th floor.And you have to take stairs.

  WHAT!Ok never mind. Cheap school huh.

  Ok now, bye. Me and you dad are gonna come here every month.Be a good girl,ok.


  Take you things.

  Oh yeah,give me.

  Bye sweetheart, I will miss you.


  When the girl was going to her room she bumped into someone.

  Oh,I am so sorry.I will help you withvyour stuffs.Give me that.

  No no it's okay.I don't want anyone to stole my things.

  Hey that's rude.

  I don't care.

  By the way I am Kim taehyung.I an one of the top visuals of the school.And you? The guy asked.

  None of your concern.

  Oh come on a beautiful girl like you come to our school and being that much rude.It doesn't suit you.

  What ever.Yeenun.


  Yeeneun.Lee yeenun.My name stupid.

  Oh,aren't you the 4th daughter of lee family.

  Oh you knoe me.Then why did you ask my name?She asked.

  Just wanted to be socialize. He smiled.

  Can you now let me go?She asked in a mad way.

  I will help you.Give me your room number.

  Ok.She gave her key number.

  Oh that is beside me.He yelled out of surprise.

  Ahh you are giving me headache.

  Why are you so short tempered? The boy pout

  Anyway you can call me Tae.

  Anyway you can call me Yeun.

  Both of them said at the same time and laughed.

  You know you should laugh more.It makes you more beautiful.

  Yeun blushed.

  Ahh let's go.

  Hey are you blushing, huh?

  No I am not Taetae.

  Oh you give me new nickname.I like it.

  I just said it accidently. But if you like it I will call you that everyday.

  Hahaha.He laughed.

  Here is your dorm..

  Oh, thanks.I appreciate that.No one in my life was so friendly as you.Yeun smiled .

  Well,I am glad that I made you smile.So friends?

  Ummm, ok. They shake hands.

  As a friend I am telling you something.

  What?Yeun look at her with curiosity.

  Don't ever go to dorm 07.It's an abandoned dorm.

  Why though?

  I heard that a girl committed suicide there.And whoever go there never returned alive.

  Huh I don't beleive this.They are just stories.Did you ever see any death body there?



  Hmmm,you have a point.

  Ok,bye Taetae.

  Haha bye,yeunie.

  What the....-_- Don't give me nicknames.

  Hehe,I will see you later.

  Yeun unlocked the door with her key and scream her lung out.

  Ahhhhh!What the hell is this?

  A girl was standing in front of the door like a ghost that scared her.

  Looks like you became close with Taehyung.

  Umm were you hearing us?

  You two were talking so loudly. The girl said with a blank face.

  Umm btw I am Lee Yeenun.

  Hmm.The girl nodded.I know.You're famous for your family and beauty.And I am Jennie.

  Oh ok.Can I come in?

  Yeah. It's your dorm, too.

  Haha.Yeun let out a akward laugh.

  Cool.Yeun said with admiration.

  Yeah,it is one of the expensive school right?

  Hmm.Yeun nodded.

  Do you know what happened to my ex roommate?Jennie asked her while sitting on her study table.

  What?Yeun asked with a confused look on her face.

  She found dead in the rooftop. Someone mercilessly killed her.Jennie said without any emotion.

  But why?Yeun said with a pity tone.

  Don't be kind here,ok.And she broke the 5th rule for that.Jennie said.

  But there was just question mark on 5th rule.Yeun said with full of confusions in her mind.

  Who knows? Jennie said with an unreadable look.

  By the way just call me jen.And as I know people call you Yeun, right?


  Class is gonna start soon.You should get ready.

  Okay.Yeun said while unpacking her things.

  I am going to class,bye.And listen don't go to room number 07 nor talk with Taehyung.Cuz he is not what he looks like.I never saw him that sweet to someone.He is known as the Cold Prince of the school.That's all,bye.

  Jen did not even let Yeun spoke.

  Wheb Yeun was going downstairs she saw room number 07.She got a sudden urge to go there.It looked like a normal room but the floor was dark black.But then the bell rang.Everyone in the hall ran to their class and Yeun too.

  In the class everyone was silent.It was written dead room.

  Don't speak.

  Yeun went to a empty seat. Then the teacher came with a dead body.Yeun was shocked. The teacher was literary burning the whole body.Suddenly the body looked ate Yeun.And she screamed.

  Yeun, what happend?a voice came from her left side.

  She turn around and saw Taehyung.

  I am trying to talk to you for 5 minutes and you are standing like a statue.

  Everyone in the class was looking at them with shocked face.

  A boy suddenly said "woah,our cold prince is in love or something"

  Yeun looked at the boy and she was thinking it was same teacher she saw in her imagination.And then sudden realization hit her.It was....

  Who was he?