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Beautiful Boss

Beautiful Boss

Author:Santri Kelabu



Ardi a widower who is quite self-sufficient, he can finally work at a well-known job, but not good luck has come to him. In fact, the bad luck that happened in his life, he was faced with a cold boss. The love between a widower and a beautiful Boss.


The sound of the cellphone alarm that Ardi had installed last night was heard loudly filling the entire room in his room. He just shuffled because he was uncomfortable with the sound of the alarm. The boy, who was about four years old lying next to Ardi, immediately got up to sit on his bed while collecting some of his lost lives.

Rehan Raditya Mubarok, Ardi Raditya Mubarok's first son. her mother died at the same time she was born, now she lives with a father who loves her very much.

"Yeah! Wake up already five o'clock." exclaimed Rehan while shaking his father's body.

Ardi just cleared his throat. however, after his body continued to be shaken by Rehan, he immediately rushed up and kissed his son's forehead. "Yes! Daddy woke up. Come on! Wash your face and then do your ablution, after that! We pray." Invite Ardi who immediately got out of bed.

"YeahCarry it. "asked Rehan, rubbing his eyes roughly.

"Spoil this one child." muttered Ardi, lifting his son's body.

After finishing berwhudu and morning prayers. Ardi tells Rehan to take a shower and get ready to go to the market. They both live well, with Ardi who sells vegetables belonging to friends of his grandparents.

In the past, Ardi was an orphan, who was adopted by an elderly couple when he was twenty-four years old. As a child in the orphanage, Ardi was always humiliated because of his physical deficiencies, namely in the legs.

He always limps along, because of an accident when he was seven years old. at that time he helped a small child who was almost hit by a car which even injured himself, it made his leg crushed by car tires and ended with him now.

Once, there was a young couple who wanted to fight it when Ardi was ten years old. but unlucky, the husband of the couple refused Ardi because of his limping way of walking.


"Mah! Do you not want to have a child with a disability like that? Can you think about what our family will say. Better look for another child."

"But pahthe child looks like the late mamah's father ?! "

"Anyway, daddy doesn't want to ?! If you keep on then force you to take care of all your needs."


Ardi's chest feels tight when the memory returns. Not just once or twice. however, almost every couple, one of whom wanted to make Ardi a child. It will end up like that.

"Rehan are you ready yet ?!" Ardi replied, sitting on an old bicycle belonging to his late grandfather who was ready to be gayuh.

"Already" replied Rehan who came out while tidying his clothes to put in his pants. With alacrity, Ardi helped his son enter the clothes that looked too big.

"Are you ready !? Come on, let's go."

Ardi pedaled his old Onthel bicycle at moderate speed. while enjoying the moment the morning breeze gently hits his face.

"Yah! Can I stand up?"

"Have you sat. Danger, have you ever dropped it ?!" answered Ardi who warned. According to him, his little son immediately stood on the seat where he sat and it made Ardi's balance disturbed due to shock.

Spontaneously he twisted his hand to support Rehan's body so he wouldn't fall. his little son, who ignored his anxieties, only laughed because he was dissolved in his own imagination.

Ardi sighed softly, throwing away his negative thoughts. In fact, she prefers and is comfortable hearing her son laugh over this little thing.

with a faint smile he continued pedaling until he came to his place to earn a living. When they arrived, Ardi immediately stopped and parked anything.

"What is this?!" asked Ardi in surprise.

"M-mas !!" said someone, when he realized Ardi's arrival. ardi immediately turned his head, and found Pakde Sadi, the first son of his grandfather's friend.

"What is this, Pakde. How come! The shop has been dismantled ?!" asked Ardi in panic.

"We have already sold the shop, Mas Ardi, you know, my father has to seek treatment in Jakarta. All hospitals in Yogyakarta have all given up their hands, brothe doctor suggested to be rushed to the city. "

"So, because of the cost! We as a family agreed to sell this shop, bro. Now this ?! There is an extra for me, because I have helped our business all this time. I also apologize for forgetting to notify Ardi."

Pakde Sadi handed some money to Ardi. Limply because of a little shock Ardi received the amount of money with a bitter smile.

"Thank you Pakde. Then I'll stay here ?!"

"Yes, please. Oh yes, these are vegetables that are still fresh, please bring them! If it's not enough, just take it, it's up to you, bro."

"Oh yes, once again I thank Pakde." Ardi replied, shaking Pakde Sadi's hand politely. He immediately turned around, with a bitter feeling that ran through his mind.

"Rehan kid !salim to Pakde, we want to go back, "said Ardi, while looking at his son who was joking with his fellow salesmen.

"Well, bro, are you going back?" Asked Arifin, a fellow salesman who was surprised when a child who was cool in his joke was called.

"Yes! Oh yes, goodbyemaybe then I won't sell anymore. "

"How come ?!"

"Yes, the shop owner has sold the shop as well as his selling items for medical treatment."

"Ouch, bro ... There's no side, it's going to be quiet."

"Well, what can I do. I will say goodbye." Ardi then turned to Rehan, who was being given several bills by Pakde Sadi. It can be seen that Pakde Sadi gave some advice to his children not to be naughty and obey their parents.

Seeing Rehan, who was smiling innocently, made the tightness in his chest even heavier and sicker. A negative image suddenly appeared in his mind, but this harsh reality. He had to swallow it himself.

She stroked her son's head gently, after running from where Pakde Sadi was towards him.

"Rehan want to eat Bakpia or not ?!" asked Ardi curiously.

"Want !but yeah, just use Lehan's money. Pakde said, my father will no longer sell vegetables. It means that later dad won't have money, if you buy Lehan Bakpia. Here ?! "Rehan exclaimed, smiling innocently, handing him a hundred pieces of money that Pakde Sadi had given him earlier.

Ardi's heart hurt even more, hearing the shocking statement from his son. He bit his lower lip hard.

Ardi crouched down to match his son's height. "This money is for Rehan's savings, I have money." Ardi replied softly.

"Alright. Lehan will save it for dad later, "said Rehan, smiling proudly.

Arifin, who already understands Ardi's situation. Get sad, after seeing the conversation of his best friend. He headed towards Ardi while tucking some money into Ardi's pocket.

"Is this bro ?!" asked Ardi in surprise.

"Alright, buy Bakpia for rehan." whispered Arifin, patting his friend's shoulder casually.

"Then thanks bro. De, salim to Om Arifin too." after Rehan finished greeting Arifin. They got back on their old Onthel bikes and pedaled away.

arifin, shook his head because he was sad about the condition of a fellow vegetable seller like himself.


On the way when Ardi was still pedaling his bicycle. To her surprise, Rehan suddenly patted her back on the back.

"Father. Why are you just staying silent?!Lehan's been talking about daddy just shut up ?! "

"Uh, sorry Father Rehan didn't hear. Why ?!"

"Lehan wants to buy a bag like that !?" exclaimed Rehan, pointing to the child who was holding a red bag with the Adidas logo on it.

"Yes .. Daddy will buy it !but later, today we buy Bakpia okay. "

"Yes, father." Rehan replied, gritting the wound back to Ardi.

Ardi let out a heavy breath long enough, he was confused about what to do next. However, in his heart he strengthened himself by saying I can do it. she had recited BISMILLAHIRROHMANIRROHIM many times, in her heart many times.