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Diary Of A Girl Child

Diary Of A Girl Child




Being a girl ought to be very easy but it is the most difficult gender to be, especially when she gets to teen age. The decision she makes can either make or mar her life. For everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven. A time to be loved and to be hated; A time to be hurt an d a time to heal; A time to weep and to laugh; A time to break down and to build up; So are there season and times in the life of a girl child

It was evening and everywhere was getting dark. I knew my mum would arrive anytime soon, so I

had to go home fast. I went home’ opened the door and ran into my room waiting for my mums

arrival. In less than five minutes she was home. I know she would be calling and shouting my

name anytime soon.

Rejoice mhi, Rejoice!! She called.

Yes mum, I said as I ran out of my room to go meet her to avoid any form of annoyance.

I saw you enter the house just now,where were you coming from? My mum asked me

Then I told her I went to my neighbour’s house to have reading session with him , Wilson’s house

to be precise. She was so annoyed with me, I had to look for ways to calm her down. M um

I know you told me not to have anything to do with boys but you have to understand me, I’m

really lacking behind in my government, so I just had to do it.

It looked like she was going to slap me but I never knew she would do something worse than

that. Anyways, where are your brothers? She asked.

They are in their room quarrelling as always. I told her.

Your punishment!!! You are grounded for two weeks. It sounded like a bomb just exploded. She

should have slapped me or beaten me, I said within myself

Rejoice!! Rejoice!! I hope you are set for school. I heard my brother, Richard saying while

knocking the door.

Hey billygoat, calm down I’m almost done with the dressing. You know today is my first day at

the new school finally I’m going to be attending the same school with Wilson.

Ok I pardon you for keeping me waiting at the door but am never going to pardon you for calling

me a billygoat and drooling over someone who isn’t as handsome as I am. I promise you that you

are going to pay for this. Don’t forget I remain Richard. He said and smirked putting on a devilish


Ok, now I’m very scared because whenever Richard smirks , it means something is definitely

wrong. Anyways let me just relax and see whatever he will do.

Ok, guys its 6;30am . Kelvin said. He demanded what to cook and I as a baby told him to prepare

golden morn but I knew Richard will never agree to that plan of mine. He is just this kind of

brother that has, is and will always be stubborn.

Rejoice, you know that’s not possible because only babies take golden morn. Richard said

smiling at me.

I knew it, he was always up to something whenever he smirked. Then a thought came to my

mind. I put on this puppy face that I knew my brothers wont be able to resist, it revealed my

dimples. Actually, everyone in our family has a dimple, it makes us feel special anyways.

Pls Richard, Kelvin talk to him pls. I pleaded

It’s fine , make golden morn. Richard said wearing a kind of look. I thinkit’s a mixture of smile and

frown face sha.


Good morning , mum. We all chorused together.

My little babies…How are you all doing?

Ohh my sweet mum…Richard said sarcastically.

My night was fine mum… I trust you had a nice sleep.. I replied…..


When we got to the school…. The principal took me to my class was I was basically the newbie

among them and I wasn’t so shocked to find out that my brother Kelvin is so popular in

school….All the girls were just flocking around him, I wonder if they don’t have any feeling of

shame or so…. And they even accepted me more because Kelvin was their headboy….

And when we got to class… I was really so shy… I could a hear a lot of students chattering…

wow.. I think she is senior kelvin’s sister.. the dimples tells it all. I was so blushing right on that


A very good morning to you all..

Good morning principal they all chorused..

We have a new student around here today.. can you kindly introduce yourself. He said and

looked at me with a big smile.

I’m Adeleke Rejoice, y’all with get to know me as time goes on… That was all I could say.. and

also I smiled at them revealing my inherited dimples…Everyone in my family is characterized by the presence of dimples, it appears on the two side of the cheeks except for my dad, who has it

on just one side.

Classes went on ,and apparently I knew the answer to every godamn questions that was asked

in the class… I didn’t bother to raise my hand because I was a new student and I don’t want

much hates on my first day.

When I got to Richard’s class… I found all his female friends drooling of him of course..

As I got there, someone asked are you Rejoice? Richard told us so much about you..

Ohh she is the newbie? Someone asked…

Yes she is……