
Let’s Read The Word

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Saunter Till The End

Saunter Till The End




A strange moggie creature searches for a job to earn money and pay a ticket. Luckily she stumbles upon a kind hunky tiger who is willing to help her. Sadly there were some misunderstandings that lead to a fight. And her first boyfriend dies. So she seeks revenge and makes a deal with a demon. And with these powers she pays back by slaughtering the murderer. Only problem is, there were a few witnesses, and that lead her to problems. But what was more problematic was the deal. The demon now dwells in her.

The sun was shining high midday, heating the afternoon with its rays. Cars passed by a Candy Apple Camaro that was parked near a meter. Its time was out and a meter maid was looking at her watch. She then walks over with her pad and starts jotting down on it. After that, she placed the ticket under the windshield wiper and was ready to leave. But soon came the owner of the Camaro, who was this slender white creature with big long ears and a cottontail. She wore a straw hat, striped shirt, some old brown pants, and a pair of frazzled shoes. But once she noticed that there was a ticket on her car and the meter maid was walking away, she quickly calls out to her, "Hey there ma'am, I am not as late as it seems, I was only gone for five minutes!"

The meter maid glances at her unamused then responded, "Five minutes? You took an hour!"

Nervous, the moggie replied, "Ah, my bad. I get lost of time in thrift stores." She lets out a skittish chuckle at the end.

Yet the meter maid only closes her eyes and let's out an annoyed huff while muttering, "Mhm, right." Then as she passed the moggie she added, "Tell that to the judge and hope he reduces your payment."

The moggie chuckles nervously while responding, "Sure..." And then gets inside her car. After starting the engine she buckles up and grips the steering wheel feeling anxious. Thinking to herself she said, "This is getting out of hand. I knew I should have gotten a job sooner before most of my money slipped away with these ticket problems."

As she said that her stomach grumbled. She frowns at the feeling of her stomach being empty but soon she came across a small restaurant in the corner of the street, which had large window panes and a beautiful sign that read, 'Montemere's Dine In'. Delighted, the moggie decided to go to the restaurant. So she parks her car and locks it.

Once inside, she looks around and sees that there are large predators in the restaurant. Bears, tigers, wolves, and lions were either sitting at their table or ordering something to eat.

The moggie approaches the line, and with a friendly smile, she greets a bear that was standing in front of her. She said, "Good afternoon, sir!"

But the bear only huffed and glared at her. So she shrunk back feeling a little scared and waited for him to order his meal. But as she waited she suddenly felt like someone was watching her. She looks around and found herself glancing at a white tiger, who sat alone at a table with his stare fixed on her. She quickly swivels her head away from his stare and starts to slightly sweat.

Soon the bear sat down at a table and the moggie walks up to the counter.

There a slender orange cat meets her with a smile and asks, "May I take your order?"

The moggie looks at him a little nervous and responds, "Can I just get a salad loaded with radishes?"

The cat was quite surprised but then responded smiling, "Sure! We'll take it to you, so sit anywhere you like!"

"Thanks," she said. Once she paid her salad, the moggie headed to the table where the white tiger was at.

The tiger, however, didn't notice her approaching the table. He sighed looking away from the direction the moggie was coming towards. But suddenly jerked a little startled as he saw the moggie pull a chair and sat at his table.

The moggie glared at the tiger but as she settled, her face shifted into a more charming smile as she said, "hope you don't mind me sitting here!"

The tiger twitched his ears back as he slightly flushed red. He looked away and said, "It's alright I don't mind…"

"Good," the moggie replied, "cause, either way, I was gonna sit here!"

"Here's your salad sir," the waiter said as he placed a bowl in front of the moggie.

"Why that was quick!" She remarked. "Thanks!"

"You're welcome," the waiter said and soon left.

The tiger looked down at the moggie and felt uneasy. He uncomfortably shifted in his chair, when suddenly the moggie began devouring her salad, he watched her feeling disgusted by the way she ate.

"Ahem!" The tiger tried getting her attention. But the moggie was busy eating the salad she didn't notice. So the tiger persisted and said, "Excuse me, who are you?"

The moggie stopped midchew and looked up at the tiger. She then swallows her food and sets down her fork. Looking down at her hands she replied, "I am..." But before she gave an answer she looked at her reflection on the window. Her face was slender, dusty, and her original identity was gone. Her eyebrows had its fur sticking together, causing them to appear cracked. And the bottom eyelids were purplish pink, from horrible sleep patterns. Her hair even lost it's original color.

So she looks back at the tiger and finished her response saying, "I am Brandon Marshall! New to this town here."

"Oh, that's..." The tiger still felt uneasy with the moggie, but then continued, "that's a nice name. I am Blizzard by the way."

"Nice meeting ya!" She said cheerfully, "now Bliz I-"

"Please just call me Blizzard." He interupted.

"Blizzard," she corrected, "Do you know where I can find a job? I have this ticket crisis and it's been eating my money since I moved here!"

"Uh," his eyes widened for a moment, but then blushed and nervously said, "I have a, bar.. And I need help."

"Wait," she said, "You're offering me a job?!" Her tail uncoils and starts to wiggle happily as she leaned closer with a joyous spark in her eyes, "I'd be more than happy to accept it! MOSTLY CAUSE I AM DESPERATE!"

Blizzard flushed a little more and looking away he said, "Sure I'd gladly help you. And pay you extra too if you want."

"Nah, whatever the amount you'll pay me I'm good!" Brandon said cheerfully. "As long as it's enough to survive and get my tickets paid!"

"Alright then." He said, "I can show you where the pub is that way you'd know."

"Brilliant!" She replied. "Let's go see it now!"

Blizzard nodded and got up. He gets in his car and waits for Brandon to get in her car and follow him.

Once she was ready, they both drove off and headed to a freeway.