
Let’s Read The Word

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Stolen Youth

Stolen Youth

Author:Ella Croft



Anna was coming up on her 19th birthday. Soon she’d be free of this orphanage and free of this town. Little did she know that one invitation to a royal birthday party would unlock hidden power she didn’t know she had and change her life forever.

*Anna POV*

Foundry is a small town in Canada in the middle of nowhere, nestled in a valley with a river running through the middle of town. Cobblestone streets, brick houses and stone cottages. Outsiders would say it belongs in travel magazines because of how beautiful it is. For me it's hell.

I can see how it'd be beautiful, but there's a darkness that seems to hide in the shadows. An evil that whistles with the wind.

As I walk down the streets after leaving the last day of school, my mind gets lost in thought and day dreams. My book bag bounces on my hip over top my clothes. and white button down school shirt. I carry extra weight which makes me self conscious. My long wavy brown hair blows in the light breeze and I stare up at the sky enjoying the sun on my face. Based on my pale skin you would think I've never been in the sun before. I wouldn't say I'm pretty but I'm not ugly. Just average. And that's fine as I don't like being the center of attention and I never am.

My thoughts are interrupted as I notice commotion everywhere, everyone seems to be a buzz about something. I feel a pull on my tank top and I turn around startled.

Staring up at me is Mary. She is the closest thing to a sister I have. The closest thing to family I have. She's small for her age. Most people assume she's 6 or 7 but she actually turned 9 a month or so ago. I always assumed it was from the little food we receive at the orphanage. Her black straight hair goes down past her shoulders. She's definitely tanner than I am.

"Did you hear the news?" Mary chirps excitedly.

"What news?"

"The princess and prince are inviting a group of girls and boys to the castle for their birthday tomorrow."

"Wow that's exciting. Don't get your hopes up though. There are alot of us."

Mary's smile fades into a frown.

"But I hope it is you and I have good feeling that they'll pick you." I quickly back peddle after I see how I upset her.

"It'd be fun if we both got to go. Then maybe we can pretend it's your party too." Ah yes my 19th birthday. My birthday is often over shadowed by the twins' celebration every year. That's what happens when you share a birthday with someone important.

"Ya maybe let's go home, Little robin." A nickname id given her as her hair matched the color on the chest of the American robin.

As we turn and walk towards the orphanage my mind and eyes wander to the castle that sits on top of the hill overlooking the city. The royal family which isn't actually a royal family, they are just descendants of the founding family. The Foundry's. Everyone just calls them King, Queen, prince and princess. King Damon, Queen Larissa, Princess Eden and Prince Nathan.

We take a right after the mercantile, walking down the cobblestone road. We hear a commotion up ahead, a bunch of older boys picking on a younger one. What's new. We pick up our pace a little to not attract any attention but it's too late.

"Hey Anna! Where ya think your going so fast?" The eldest boy, Brick, yells after me. I ignore him and cross the street with Mary's hand in mine, pulling her behind me.

"Hey stop! I just wanna talk to you." I grab Mary's hand a little tighter and turn to her and mouth 'run'.

We break into a sprint, running down a narrow alley way between two brick buildings. I can hear quick footsteps behind us. I don't turn around I just pick up the pace hoping Mary can keep up. I get to the end of the alley and turn the corner and run right into what felt like a brick wall. I fall to the ground almost pulling Mary down with me. I am stunned and slowly look up to see what or should I say who I just ran into.

"Are you okay?" His voice hits my ears and part of me thinks it sounds familiar. As I look up the sun is shining just over his head making it hard to see his features. Standing up, I dust myself off then finally get a look at him. Then it hits me as I take in his tall stature, his dirty blond hair, broad shoulders and deep dark blue eyes, who he is. Prince Nathan.

"Yes I'm so sorry. We were just" I stop my thought as I turn and see Brick and his goonies turning the corner. They stop and notice who is standing in front of them and with a glare at me, just keep walking.

"Friends of yours?" I jump a little as my attention is brought back to this gorgeous specimen standing in front of me.

"Not exactly. I'm sorry, Your Highness. We have to get home"

I grab Mary's hand again and start walking away before I embarrass myself. With my luck I'd do or say something stupid.


I turn bright red from embarrassment as he yells after me. Oh look I still said something stupid. I keep waking not wanting to make eye contact with him again.

I drag Mary around a corner and stop to catch my breath and my thoughts.

"You can let go of me now" I'm startled back into reality as she wriggles her hand from mine.

"Sorry, little robin" I let go and kinda guide her in front of me putting my hands on her shoulders as we continue our walk.

Ten minutes later and we've made it to the orphanage. A large soot covered brick building, covered by green ivy. Dead grass and a rusted broken swing set sit out front.

As we push open the squeaky large front door the sounds of girls running from one side of the hallway to the other entering the dining room and orphanage workers yelling at them to slow down fill our ears. A smile crosses my face as I watch Mary drop her bag and join the game of tag that the girls are playing. I grab her bag and walk down the hall to the staircase at the back of the house. I stop at the last door on the right and peek into the kitchen to see Mrs. Joy Leavitt, the orphanage headmistress. Every story I've read orphanages are these horrible places and the headmistress is a horrid women who only wishes to torture or abuse. That's not my experience. Joy is a kind woman who does everything in her power to give us a good life.

"Do you need any help with dinner?" I ask as I peek through the door.

She grabs her chest in fright as I've startled her as She turns to look at me.

"Oh sweetie, you need to stop sneaking up on me like that you're gunna kill this old woman."

I laugh at the notion as she is only in her 50s. Not anywhere close to an old woman yet.

"I'm sorry. Did you need any help with dinner?" I repeat my question with a smile.

"I'd love some help peeling these potatoes if you don't mind."

"Of course, I'm just gunna go drop our bags in our room and I'll be right back."

"Thank you dear."

I turn and head up the stair case which winds opens to another hallway lined with rooms. Bedrooms, and bathrooms. I walk down about halfway and get to our room. Mary and I share a room with two other girls. Four twin beds, two on either side matched with a hope chest at the end fill the room. It's nothing fancy but it's home. I drop our bags on my bed and quickly grab a hair tie off the small vanity at the back of the room all us girls use to get ready.

While walking back down stairs i throw my wavy brown hair into a messy top knot. Grabbing an apron from the hooks from the kitchen door, I walk up beside Joy, grab a potato peeler and start peeling. She nudges me with her elbow.

"How was school today?"

"It was the last day, you know we did absolutely nothing."

"Well did anything interesting happen? I've heard rumours that the royal princess is having a slumber party this year and inviting girls from the town"

"Like did I get an invite? No. But now that you mention it we did run into the Prince."

"Oh..was he every bit handsome in person as he is in pictures?" She gives me a jab in the side with her elbow jokingly.

"Yes.. taller too. At least he seemed pretty tall as I was picking myself up off the ground"

"Did he hit you?!?" Her joking turns to a serious stare and question.

"Oh my god. No I turned the corner and literally ran into him. Smacked my face into his rock hard chest."

She bursts into laughter.

"Oh sweetie. You really are a walking punchline sometimes"

"Hey!" She's right though. If I had blonde hair I would be every dumb blond joke. It's not that I'm not smart. I do well in school. I have one of the highest gpas. But as Joy would say I am 'book-smart not so street-smart'.

I take my peeled potatoes and plop them in the pot she has on the stove.

"What else do u need done?"

"Oh I'm good here. Would u mind getting the plates and bring them to Ms. Frey to get the younger girls to set the table?"

"Absolutely." I walk over to the sink and drop my peeler in it. Wipe my hands on my apron and grab the stack of plates. I walk down the hall to the dining room. Ms Frey is chasing a younger girl around, Tilly. Ms.Frey is about 30 and pretty. With long blonde hair, green eyes and a slim figure. She takes care of the younger kids and also teaches at the preschool.

She nods at me and I place the stack of plates on the table as the doorbell rings. Ms. Frey stops and looks past me to the door.

"I'll get it." I turn around, walk out and grab the front door.

A mailman is at the door holding a package. A package about the size of a shoe box covered in brown paper and a twine string.

"I have a package for the headmistress"

"She's in the kitchen. I'll go grab her.."

"No need just make sure she gets this okay?" He shoves the package into my hands.

"Okay thank you.." He's already down the steps and on the street before I can finish saying bye.

I take the package and head to the kitchen.

"Hey, Joy there's a package for you"

"Oh wonder what it could be"

I place the package on the small wooden kitchen island and slide it towards her as she steps to grab it, wiping her hands on her apron.

She spins it around to read the writing on top.

To the Headmistress

Courtesy of the Foundrys.

"Its from the royal family"

She quickly unwraps the twine and paper from the package. Lifts the lid of the box inside and there's about 20 bracelets inside and a sealed letter. She lifts one of the bracelets out and hands it to me. It looks like a friendship bracelet girls would make at summer camp. I slip it on my wrist and kinda admire it while she opens the letter.

I watch as her eyes scan the letter, when she lets out a gasp.

"What? What's it say?"

"All you girls have been selected to go to the royal twins 21st birthday party."