
Let’s Read The Word

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His Wanted Mate.

His Wanted Mate.




“Our pack is under attack. Please leave here, immediately!” he said, but I didn't want to leave my parents behind and run away like a coward. Both my parents’ faces were etched with worry and fear. My mother was slightly trembling, and tears were streaming down her cheeks. … A blood-curdling howl was heard, and I turned in the direction of my father to see him lying dead with his throat torn out, my heart nearly stopped, and my throat tightened. I ran towards him, but my mother pulled me away and pushed us both outside. “We must go,” she mumbled, and we ran outside, but we were soon attacked by a group of warriors who were outside. Mom and I were fighting two different wolves, and I was so focused on trying to poke his eye, I didn't see the wolf that was coming from behind me. “Alondra!” mom yelled, and I looked behind to see she jumped in the way, and the wolf tore her into pieces. I know that I had no chance of surviving here by fighting these wolves, so I did the next best thing that I could, I ran. “Find that girl and bring her here!” I heard a strong voice command, and a chorus of ‘yes, Alpha Alvarez’ was followed. Who is this Alpha Alvarez, and why is he slaughtering everyone in Alondra’s pack? Read more to find out what would happen in Alondra and Alpha Alvarez’s life.

Alondra Elisa Ramos - POV

Beautiful, confident, humble, and challenging is what everyone in my pack calls me. As the daughter of the Alpha of the White Blood pack, I am trained in combat, both in wolf and human form, but all those years of training had gone down the drain with a massive attack on our pack. Houses were burned down, women and children were slaughtered in front of my eyes while our warriors were all falling to their death one after the other. My once beautiful and serene pack is now turned into a blood bath.

It all started in the dead of night. As usual, I was up late and reading a few documents that needed to be submitted to my superior tomorrow. I work in the city as the editorial manager for a fortune five hundred company. My father wasn't very happy about the idea of me working in the city, but after a lot of pestering, he finally agreed. While I was concentrating on the paperwork, I heard a crash sound downstairs which made me alert.

Five minutes passed by in silence when my bedroom door was barged open, dad and mom rushed in. “Alondra, you must leave the pack right now!” dad commanded, my heart started to race at an inhumane pace, and I got up from the bed and rushed to his side.

“What happened, dad?”

“Our pack is under attack. Please leave here, immediately!” he said, but I didn't want to leave my parents behind and run away like a coward. Both my parents’ faces were etched with worry and fear. My mother was slightly trembling, and tears were streaming down her cheeks.

“I will fight with you!” I said, stubbornly, even though I have never really fought in a real battle but I didn't have the heart to leave my pack members behind.

“I order you, as your Alpha, to leave from here immediately, Alondra Elisa Ramos!” and just then, I heard screaming from downstairs. I was unable to defy my dad’s alpha command, so I begrudgingly agreed to leave.

“We promise to meet you at the other side of the pack border.” dad said, pulled me into a hug, and placed a long and reassuring kiss on my forehead while mom did the same.

“I will take you outside the pack house, and after that, you should run towards the border. Okay?” dad asked me, and I nodded my head. We rushed downstairs, and when we were about to open the main door, it was broken inwards, and a group of warriors rushed in. Dad and mom fought the majority of them while I killed a few too. But the number of enemies was too much to handle.

A blood-curdling howl was heard, and I turned in the direction of my father to see him lying dead with his throat torn out, my heart nearly stopped, and my throat tightened. I ran towards him, but my mother pulled me away and pushed us both outside. “We must go,” she mumbled, and we ran outside, but we were soon attacked by a group of warriors who were outside. Mom and I were fighting two different wolves, and I was so focused on trying to poke his eye, I didn't see the wolf that was coming from behind me.

“Alondra!” mom yelled, and I looked behind to see she jumped in the way, and the wolf tore her into pieces. I know that I had no chance of surviving here by fighting these wolves, so I did the next best thing that I could, I ran. “Find that girl and bring her here!” I heard a strong voice command, and a chorus of ‘yes, Alpha Alvarez’ was followed.

“Alondra!” I turned around to see Beta Steele running towards me. “Thank God! you are alive,” he said, and my eyes promptly started to water.

“Uncle Steele,, and mo... Mom is dead.” I muttered, and he pulled me into a warm hug.

“I know, I heard the howl. I will not let anything happen to you, Alondra,” he whispered in my ear. “Come on, let's get moving,” he said, I nodded my head, and we started to run into the forest, away from all the bloodshed and murder. The forest was tranquil in contrast to the war that was happening in the pack. “Alondra, move!” beta Stelle yelled and pushed me away from him, just as a wolf jumped on him.

“Uncle Steele!”

“Alondra, run!” he yelled, but I didn't have the heart to leave him here. He soon changed into his brown wolf and started to fight with the wolf, he briefly turned in my direction and growled at me, and I left him alone with tears and ran deeper into the forest.

The forest was dark since there was no moon today to light up my path, so I stumbled and fell on the roots of the trees a few times, but I didn't stop. I heard an agonizing howl vibrate from the forest, which momentarily flattered my steps, and I closed my mouth to prevent the scream. Uncle Steele is also dead.

Everyone that I hold dear to me is now lying dead in that pack, and I am the only one to survive. Thoughts of suicide were constantly crossing my mind, but I didn't want to die a coward. I want to live and bring my pack back to glory and kill Alpha Alvarez for killing innocent lives.

“There she is!” I heard a distant voice, and I picked up my pace and ran faster, but the wolves were gaining on me. I ran till I came to a stop near the forest clearing, and I walked further to see that it was a steep cliff.

“Where are you going to run now?” a few warriors surrounded my exit, and I propelled back. I looked around me, to see that more wolves had come, and I had no way out. They were taking slow and steady steps towards me while I took shaky steps backward till I came to a stop at the edge of the cliff.

“You have nowhere to run.” one of them mocked, and I looked down at the dark cliff. I do rather die by jumping off this cliff than in these monsters’ hands, so I took a deep breath and jumped.