
Let’s Read The Word

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Caged By The Cursed Alphas

Caged By The Cursed Alphas




"We, all three of us brothers, accept you as our mate," as I heard them announce in unison, my soul left my body. I didn't want to mate with all three of them, these brothers were Ruthless and brutal. "I---," I wanted to protest but the creatures of the earth were cruel and gross, forcing a divine creature, the Moon Goddess' daughter to be their mutual mate. "My Alpha sons will be able to taste this divine creature," as Lord Ansel announced, three muscular, young and jaw-dropping alphas stepped out of the crowd. Just by looking at them, I knew what was going to happen to me, they were going to break me, rip me apart. ... 18 years old Anastasia Shine, the daughter of Moon Goddess gets caught by the Alphas of the Spirit Keeper's Pack when she is disguised as an earthly creature to spy on them. Her life takes a turn for the worst when the three Alpha brothers decide to share her together just to punish her mother, the Moon Goddess, for cursing them into not having any mates from the earth. Will Anastasia become their victim and eventually give them all heirs, or will she find a way to escape?

I landed in the middle of the crowd, disguised in a black cape to hear the discussion they were holding in an open ground.

My mission starts.

The darkness this night had brought upon the earth was truly intriguing me into staying till dusk so that I can have a better look around the earth and its beauty. The air wasn't as clean as how it was on the moon but the life on earth seemed way better and more interesting than where I lived.

"All because she wants us to follow her rules," an old man, assuming to be the Alpha King, yelled loudly as he slammed the glass on the ground to shatter it.

He seemed very angry and anxious for some reason. He was wearing black pants and a white shirt with a crown over his head.

"Marcellus deserves justice," one young man came forward to announce grumpily while the crowd cheered him on.

"Let's announce the war against the Moon Goddess and her bas*** followers," The Alpha King announced and my voice got stuck in my throat.

It was like the mention of war scared me into coughing severely, I covered my mouth with my hands but everybody had already turned to look at me.

I was struggling while holding back my cough.

Their eyes inspected me, and I heard a shout from their way asking, “Who are you!”

"Ex--cuse me," I was anxious, gurgling through difficulty. It is not late. I stepped backward trying to elapse briskly before anybody could question my identity.

The woods in front of me looked the same to me. I cannot find out which way did I come from. It was dark right now.

"Which way!?" I asked myself as I was supposed to meet my guards at the same spot, but where the heck was it?

"Find her!" a commanding voice shuddered my body into looking around at the possible danger headed my way.

Could it be that they were talking about me?

It was too dark for me to even step a foot without backing off immediately. The crowd of people had come into my view with lanterns in their hands.

“There she is!” a tall, old, buff guy pointed his finger in my direction and my entire existence shook before their eyes.

They were indeed looking for me; I have caused huge trouble before I could even tell my people that the werewolves had planned to start a war against them.

One by one, the knights and the members of the pack surrounded me with a scorn-wearing face.

“Who are you? Why were you sent here to spy on us?” it seemed as they have already figured out who I was and what my purpose behind eavesdropping on them was.

“I---,” I was panicking, swiftly looking at each of them to prevent any of them getting near me was making my head dizzy.

“She is the Moon Goddess’ daughter!” a man shouted with gasps following him.

It seemed my mission was ruined there as someone has recognized me as the daughter of the Moon Goddess.

I was sent to spy on these werewolves who had overstepped The Moon Goddess' rules. My only hope was they can treat me well considering I am the next Moon Goddess.

Instead, they dragged me to the middle of the ground where they were having a meeting. The way they pulled my arms to make me appear before their alpha king was nothing but a huge embarrassment to me.

As a celestial being, I was never touched by stranger creatures of the earth. It was revolting.

I was holding my cape over my chest while looking around in circles at the angry mob. I have never seen so much anger in somebody’s eyes before, it seemed like they wanted to burn me on a stake without having an ounce of mercy for me.

“Silence!” The Alpha King Ansel De Leon, the most outrageous and brutal man to be known in the history of the earth, yelled as he raised his hand to show his people to obey his words. The silence immediately ate up the surroundings. He was the cause behind disagreement between the Moon Goddess and the werewolves’ packs in the first place.

“She sent her daughter to spy on us,” He raised his voice while others growled angrily, “After what she put us through, she thought any of them could step on our earth and spy on us without any hurdle? How dare she thought she is welcomed on our land anymore?” the loud raging tone he was using was making me shiver under my cape. He was speaking about the Moon Goddess in such a distasteful manner that my brain had stopped comprehending anything.

“She never did anything out of sp---ite, somebody has to maintain the ru---,” I murmured in a dying tone and when he glared at my soul, I shut up instantly.

This was disrespectful, I was their future Moon Goddess and he was giving me these looks. I shouldn’t be standing in the middle with an angry mob surrounding me, making me shudder under my skin.

“Your mother cursed us!” he shouted his head off whilst he lurched forward in my direction. I covered away from him until he backed off, “She didn’t even have the courtesy to tell us,” He argued again.

I don’t know what curse they were talking about, I have not been made aware of this curse or maybe, they were lying. Ansel was The Spirit Keeper Packs Alpha King, he started going against Moon Goddess’ words and attacked the neighboring packs, killed their alphas, and brought the members to expand his pack. Currently, there was only one pack left and it was The Sprit Keeper pack because of how they have taken control of other lands and packs. He then refused to pick one alpha among his three sons, one chosen mate for his sons. The pack was known for adultery and mischievous acts by the superiors of the pack.

“We did not know what was happening, why so many mates were dying until my son, My Marcellus mated with his one true love and she died, she died in the bed the instant the mating ended,” Ansel was shouting to make sure I shiver at his every word.

“Because the Moon Goddess had cursed us from mating anyone on this earth for the next 60 years. Our Royal bloodline will never continue, the kids of this pack will be 70 and older by then. She jeopardized the whole life on earth because of her ego, she didn’t even let us know about the curse and waited for us to find it out ourselves, and by then, we have lost too many mates,” He was screaming with his eyes glowing red and his nerves popping visible.

Their mention of the curse made me take a step back.

What has mother done?

It wasn’t only unfair and cruel, but the thing is she intentionally sent me to earth knowing these werewolves will be likely to treat me as their punching bag! “We cannot mate with someone from the earth,” one of the young men shouted from the crowd, “but she is not from the earth!” as he continued to speak, the words got stuck in my mouth.

“What!” it was like a gasp my lips made and everybody went silent.

What do they mean by that? I am their future Moon Goddess, they should not even be thinking about me in that manner.

“Well!” Ansel, who was clamoring along with his people by now, smirked very calmly, “My royal bloodline will continue, it means,” The way his eyes watched me had me feeling like I was naked.

“Since the Moon Goddess has punished us, we will not only repay her but show her that we have found a way to mate, and the mate my sons will share will be no other than her own daughter- You - Anastasia Shine!”

The announcement of my fate from the alpha king’s mouth was cheered upon by his people. I was stunned at the cruelty of his words,

His Alpha Sons?

“My sons will make as many babies with this powerful creature as they please,” his every comment was lewd, my existence was scarred and bruised by the ideas and plans they carried for me.

“From today onwards, she will be a shared mate for my Eldest son Abner De Leon, my second son Caspian De Leon and my youngest one, the one who deserves her the most,” as he was calling them out, two young but muscular guys came out from the crowd. Just by looking at them, my body felt a disgusting shudder, “Marcellus De Leon!” the last name reminded me of what he has spoken about him losing his mate.

As he walked out of the crowd with a frown on his forehead, I was able to see the fire growing inside his eyes. He had so much hatred and anger inside his body that he had to constantly squeeze his palms into a tight fist to calm his nerves down.

“You can share her!” as the father of the Alphas declared, Abner and Caspian lunged my way to grasp me by my arms. The instant their skins came in contact with my body, a loud scream escaped my lips.

“No! I am your Moon Goddess; how could you humiliate your Goddess like this?” I was shouting now since nobody had heard my little pleas before. Where Abner and Caspian dragged me with them, Marcellus turned around and disappeared into the crowd.

“Our Goddess? I always had a kink about f****** your mother,” Caspian’s lewd remark was able to run chills down my body. I have never known that the worshippers of my mother had such thoughts about her.

It was disgusting!


I was not just a mere occupant of earth, my body was made out of divine matter, their touch was making me turn red and have a weird nervous feeling be felt.

They dragged me back to their dark mansion and pushed me into a huge hall, it was covered with red carpet, red curtains, and red decors. Everything was too dark for a divine creature like me, I was not used to such ambiance.

My energy thrived on brightness, positivity, and kindness, not this monstrosity,

“Ah!” a little scream slipped out of my lips when Abner pushed me over Caspian and he held me tightly to examine me.

“Big blue eyes, blond hair, red fuller lips, and soft skin,” he was moving me around to scan my body and features with his eyes shining like he had found a treasure.

“I want to see how her divine body looks like,” Abner’s wish shuddered me in Caspian’s grasp and he laughed at my misery. They were indeed curious to see how a Goddess’s body looked like, but I have only turned eighteen, a virgin, and never been naked before anybody’s eyes, it was too much for me.

I feared the instant they see my body; they will not be able to hold back as I was not like anything they have ever seen before.