
Let’s Read The Word

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The Most Powerful Recovery System

The Most Powerful Recovery System


Realistic Urban

Chen Qiang's right hand triggered the magical collection system. As long as he touched the Exotic Beast with his right hand, the bloodline and blood of the human or genetic people would be taken in as a tool. In the end of the world, there was nowhere not to go crazy!

Looking at the surrounding fairyland-like environment, Chen Qiang was a little confused.

"Did I time-travel to 2838 years?"

"Chen Qiang, you want to slack off again, don't you? Hurry up and dispose of these bodies, and then we can go back for dinner!"

A teenager, who was also 16 or 17 years old, wiped the sweat from his forehead and glared at Chen Qiang with dissatisfaction.

Nodding his head, Chen Qiang mechanically picked up a corpse and threw it into the big pit in front of him, and continued to sort out the information in his mind.

After a great biological disaster, eight hundred years had passed. The spiritual essence revived, and species evolved.

When the various types of attribute bloodlines hidden within the human body were activated, the other species on Earth similarly underwent strange changes. Apart from this, the rise of genetic mutated humans even more so became a threat to the human race.

Humans, strange beasts, genetic humans, all of them stood tall. Among them, the human race's living environment was the worst, divided into various inhabited areas.

In the inhabited area where Chen Qiang lived, there were nearly 2,000 people. They performed their duties and protected their homeland together.

"Be careful. Put on your gloves. Don't touch the body naked!"

A white-bearded old man reminded him loudly.

"Grandpa Sun, although our work is dirty and tiring, it's much safer than the soldiers of the patrol team.

It's too dangerous for the patrol team to lose six people with just one Poisonous-fire Blood Bat."

"You're so useless!

Nowadays, the Human Tribe was facing a situation of survival. If they could become bloodline warriors, not only could they defend their homeland, but they could also marry and have children to continue their life.

"Like you guys, a teenage boy with a garbage-level bloodline can only pick up corpses with me for the rest of his life. What kind of achievements can you have!"

Old Sun had just reprimanded him a few words, but when he looked back at Chen Qiang, his face changed greatly.

"Chen Qiang, why did you take off your gloves?"

Hearing Old Sun's shout, Chen Qiang smiled awkwardly and reached out to touch the body next to him.

However, his action made the six children next to him run to the side in panic.

"Don't touch—"

Old Sun was so scared that his white hair almost stood on end. However, it was still too late. Chen Qiang's hand had already touched the black corpse beside him.

"That's bad! Poisonous-fire Blood Bat! There's no way we can save him now!"

"The Poisonous-fire Blood Bat is extremely poisonous. These patrol team members all died at the hands of the Poisonous-fire Blood Bat!"

When his right hand touched the poisonous blood bat's body, Chen Qiang was also stunned.

Having integrated the memory of the original owner of the body, Chen Qiang certainly knew that the Poisonous-fire Blood Bat was extremely poisonous. It was just that he had not completely adapted to this body, so he took off his gloves and wiped his sweat. However, he forgot to put them on and went to touch the corpse of the Poisonous-fire Blood Bat.

"Am I going to die as soon as I time-travel here?"


A clear and crisp sound of a machine rang in Chen Qiang's mind.

The corpse's function collection system detected the host's information and it was about to be activated.

Do you want to activate it?

Just as Chen Qiang was in a daze, the same voice sounded again.

I'm sure to press the key to the system.

To refuse to activate the password or not;

The next chapter: refused to activate it and was immediately poisoned to death.

The countdown, 10, 9, 8...

Seeing that the countdown was about to end, Chen Qiang had no time to think about it and immediately clicked yes!

The most important thing was that the system did not give him any other choice!

Just as he clicked to confirm it, another message appeared in his mind.

The corpse function was activated successfully!

I've already used some of the saved points I've given you!

He successfully collected the Soldier Rank Initial Stage Poisonous-fire Blood Bat!

Owner: Chen Qiang

Level: None

Energy Points: 0

: 0

Constitution: 9

Strength: 25

Speed: 6

Spiritual Force: 23

Cultivation Method: none

Skills: lying in wait

Sound Wave detected

Bloodline: primary level of Poison Flame Bloodline

Information: Energy value can be converted into retrieve value, constitution, strength, speed, and Spiritual Power.

After carefully reading the message again, Chen Qiang was still a little confused.

He was obviously a useless mortal bloodline. It was for this reason that the original owner of this body was assigned to Old Sun.

But now, he had the Blood Meridian of Poisonous Flame, and he also had an ambush skill!

With the memory of the original owner, Chen Qiang knew that Xun Fu and the Poison Flame Bloodline were both characteristics of the Poisonous-fire Blood Bat.

Could it be that he really had the power of the Poisonous-fire Blood Bat?

With the idea of giving it a try, Chen Qiang immediately closed his eyes according to the skill of the Poisonous-fire Blood Bat. His breathing and heartbeat were reduced to the lowest level, and even his body temperature dropped instantly.

At the same time, he activated the function of sound waves detection.

Although he did not open his eyes, at the moment when the function of sound waves was activated, everything within 300 meters was clearly reflected in his mind.

First of all, the little fatty, who was close to him, walked up to him, trembling, and called him softly, "Chen Qiang—"

Seeing that Chen Qiang did not respond, the little fat boy reached out his hands with gloves and touched Chen Qiang's body.

"Oh, no! Grandpa Sun, Chen Qiang's body is cold!"

"Nonsense! Even if something really happened to him, he can't cool down so soon, can he?"

Old Sun's face darkened. He glared at the little fatty, walked up to Chen Qiang, and checked Chen Qiang's breath. Then he touched Chen Qiang's heartbeat, and his expression changed greatly.

"Is he really dead?"

"It's over! It seems that Chen Qiang is hopeless. Let's bury him together!"

After that, the two teenagers walked over silently and lifted Chen Qiang up.

"What are you doing?"

Chen Qiang, who was immersed in the game, wanted to continue to play a prank, but he didn't expect that his friends were really going to bury him, so he quickly opened his eyes.

"Ah! Ghost!"

The two teenagers threw Chen Qiang down and turned to run.

Chen Qiang, who had fallen to the ground, rubbed his ass and looked at the stunned people in front of him speechlessly.

"Chen Qiang, are you... okay?"

Old Sun looked at Chen Qiang's state with concern and asked in confusion.

"I'm fine!"

Chen Qiang got up and moved his body, hiding the excitement in his heart.

Although he hadn't figured out the corpse's functions yet, he finally had something to rely on in this extremely difficult environment.

"How is this possible!

That's the Poisonous-fire Blood Bat!

Even if you are a bloodline warrior, you will die on the spot!"

A young man plucked up his courage and came near Chen Qiang. He looked at the body of the Poisonous-fire Blood Bat and tried several times, but in the end, he did not dare to touch it.

After all, there was only one life. If he was poisoned to death, there would be no regret in the world.

"It's really weird."

Old Sun shook his head and finally ordered, "Chen Qiang, throw down the Poisonous-fire Blood Bat and the last corpse. After burying them, we can go back for dinner."

According to what he said, Chen Qiang grabbed the Poisonous-fire Blood Bat and threw it into the pit. Then, he grabbed another corpse.


The system can only collect zero points and can't collect targets.

The system's energy value is insufficient, so it can't be converted into a collection value.

System: Please increase the user's energy value as soon as possible!

Energy value?

How to improve it?

Chen Qiang asked the cold system countless times in his heart, but there was no response.

In desperation, Chen Qiang had no choice but to silently put the body into the big hole.

Soon, Old Sun brought the seven youths back to the inhabited area after burying their bodies.

In the dim mud house, the children each picked up a sweet potato in their hands and ate it listlessly.

However, the other six children seemed to be intentionally or unintentionally keeping some distance from Chen Qiang.

"Be careful. Chen Qiang touched the Poisonous-fire Blood Bat. Maybe he will die of poison at any time. Let's stay away from him."

"It can't be! Didn't they say that the poisonous blood bat would die upon contact? It's been such a long time. There shouldn't be any problems, right?"

"Maybe the toxin is lurking down? It's better to be careful. Maybe the toxin will burst out at some time."

Chen Qiang turned a deaf ear to the discussion between the others.

His mind was full of the strange system in his body.

"Old Sun, is Old Sun here?"

Opening the door curtain, a tall and sturdy man came in.

"It's Captain Qi. I heard that your exploration team has a task tomorrow. Why are you here today?"

Old Sun had just eaten half of the sweet potato. When he saw the visitor, he asked without any pain or itch.

Captain Qi looked at the children who were eating in the room, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Old Sun, it's like this. Tomorrow, our exploration team will go into the mountains to collect herbs. We're short of people, so we want to get someone from you to help us. You see..."

"What? Captain Qi, they are all children without any strength. You asked them to go to the exploration team, didn't you ask them to die?"

"Old Sun, this is not as dangerous as you think. We just want to find a child who can carry herbs. Besides, don't we have our bloodline warriors to protect them?

"You know the predicament of our settlement. There's nothing we can do about it."

Old Sun understood that Captain Qi was right, so he feebly waved his hand and said, "Okay, it's up to you. Let's see who will go."

When the children who were eating heard Captain Qi's conversation, they looked frightened and retreated almost at the same time. In the end, they revealed Chen Qiang, who was thinking about something.

"Hey, what's your name?"

Captain Qi walked up to Chen Qiang and patted him on the shoulder.

"Ah? My name is Chen Qiang."

Chen Qiang came to his senses and answered.

"Okay, Chen Qiang. Let's meet at the sports ground after breakfast tomorrow. This is for you. Take it."

After saying that, Captain Qi took out a ping ball-sized beast crystal and threw it to Chen Qiang. Then he turned around and left.

"What's going on?"

Chen Qiang held the beast crystal in his left hand and looked around blankly.