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The Heiress’s Dark Game

The Heiress’s Dark Game




After experiencing the horrific loss of her face and betrayal of her reputable lover, Kay besought the friendship and attention of his best friend Kirko Dean. Her heart is completely hardened to stone and it takes more than a furnace to break the iceberg. Coupled with a daunting past that ridicules her life. Will she be able to conquer the ghost of her past lover “Roman Hunters”, or, remain under his claws while precipitating the form of a new lover.

In a room, Roman was with his lover Venechia.

Kay walks into his home majestically, noticing a pair of women’s underwear scattered around the floor as her eyes stare dispersedly around the house. Heading straight to his bedroom…

Door opens…

Venechia exclaimed and Roman pause with a speechless look on his face. He stammers

“Kay I…” She looked at him in resentment boiling in a consuming rage of anger. She gave a grin and then walked out without saying a word.

Soon she was packing a few things in a suitcase she had brought out from her set of suitcases, which, she usually only glances at when she’d like to leave the country or take a space from everyone especially her now unfaithful fiancé. Kay was furious. Carmen had walked in holding her stick with a keen interest at the packed suitcase unzipped on the bed.

Where are you going? She asked.

“I’m leaving for a while Mom”

Kay replied with a relaxed tone zipping the suitcase closed. “Where to?” Carmen asked this time wanting more specifics, but Kay had shoved her curiousness only stating that the private jet was waiting for her.

She took a brief look at her wristwatch while seated in her Range and the chauffeur was driving at a good speed but, wasn’t seemingly enough for Kay who wanted to get to the airport faster.

“Could you hurry up Danny” she stated calmly also disclosing the fact that the private jet was indeed waiting.

Yes ma’am, he quickly jumped on the speed limit this time going as fast as safely possible.

It was the highway, and it was night, some drivers just flash their headlights in an exceedingly bright manner almost as if it was to blind the eyes of the opposite driver. Now this was the case therefore, as Danny was trying to dodge one of the incoming trucks, he lost control for a moment causing Kay to shake in fear inquiring in a frightened tone.

‘’oh my God is everything ok Danny?’’

The chauffeur gave her an assuring nod before turning back to look at the road, of course not noticing the trailer coming towards him with a high speed. Danny lost control of the car hitting the trailer itself and the car flipped, rolling over a cliff landing upside down with Kay flying over and landing brutally on her face and the driver falling deep in water.

“I can’t seem to find my panties” Venechia said almost as if she didn’t care that Roman was battling with his thoughts, lost thinking how he would explain the fornication Kay had found him committing with another woman.

“Did you hear what I said? I can’t find my panties” Roman answered with a fume: “what do I care about your stupid panties!”

She shoved him off and pick up her purse leaving him sitting in silence.

Roman rang the doorbell to Kay’s house waiting outside with his hands pocketed in his nice suit. Door opens…

“hello ma’am I’m here to see kay” he utterly stated without any delay. Now the news of kay’s fatal accident had spread around the manor and the maids and workers had been strictly warned not to address the issue with anyone outside the manor but it was Roman, Ms. Kay’s fiancé so she assumed he had heard about it or eventually will once he was already in the premises.

“What kay she replied. Haven’t you heard Ms. Kay was involved in an accident she was rushed abroad”.

He gave her a disbelieving look, thinking to himself that this had been one of kay’s cunning strategy to give an excuse as to why not to see him and also one of her ways of communicating when she was mad at him.

“Yea right, is this the latest she could come up with. Tell her I wanna see her we need to talk”.

“ If I were you I’d pray to be able to talk to her again the woman said closing the door at his face”.

Story starts.

At the office in the Millennium hunters cooperative a company whose shares are majorly owned by the Hunters clan which in fact is in the name, Roman the newly elected COO now running CEO of the partly owned family company was coming out of a room where he usually meets the ‘company’s whore’ which his mother would like to call Venechia his Italian office fuck buddy. He wasn’t interested in her per say or anything she had to say outside the quick sessions they had, he was more of the less talk more action especially when it came to her since she was really as cheap to him as woman would be. He could be seen adjusting himself up and swiftly joining the general meeting at the conference hall. “Hey Uncle”, he said standing right next to his uncle Gale. Gale lowered his voice to ask; where have you been?

“Taking care of some stuff” he disclaimed.

Uncle Gale gave an inhaling and exhaling sigh before turning to focus back on the spokesman without uttering anything else.

At the Heathrow international airport London, Uk Kay is seen coming down an airplane wearing a pair of dark sunglasses as she breathes in the fresh airs of London.

“It feels good to be home” she said giving an exhaling smile before stepping down on the grounds of the airport and her escorts follow up with her luggages.

Kay Lanez’s resident, at the manor

Kay entered the house pulling her shades just in time as her daughter Mary came rushing her with screams and embrace. Hearing the exciting voice of Mary welcome her reaffirmed her decision in getting pregnant for her in the first place and now that she was back in London for good, all she wanted was to give her daughter the best care and protection. Especially from men which she despised in general and had no regard for let’s not forget she lost her face because of one.

“Mommy” Mary said holding her hand to sit down. She had a lot of stories and she couldn’t help but tell kay all she had missed while she was away when her grandmother Carmen walked in of course exceedingly happy since she barely saw her favorite child at home.

“ Kaylie, she smiled coming to give her a warm embrace as they peck one another.

“Oh my god where did you get that coat from?” Gigi kay’s big sister said rushing to touch the beautiful furred jacket. Gigi acted like the baby of the house but she was older but older. Taking everything, she had from kay down to her underwear.

“I wanted something like this, ordered from Paris but I got what I got vs what I ordered so”.

“Gigi” kay smiled giving her a tight hug.

“But seriously I love this” Gigi continued...

Kay’s PR gave her insights on her newly acquired partnership with the millennium Hunters factories. An extension of one of the many companies and industries headed by Roman and his family which she knew Roman was the direct head to this branch. So, seeing him wouldn’t be difficult since he was as devoted to his businesses as she was. Kay had a plan.

She had asked her PR to keep her name as an investor confidential. Of course, Roman by all means would recognize the name and refuse doing business with her, as he would see it as a sabotage mission since they hadn’t really talked or seen each other ever since her accident. However, she had the papers of their partnership in her hands God knows she had fantasized about this moment just wasn’t sure if she was ready. It was a well-orchestrated plan so it couldn’t fail, and there was no room for backing down, so she summoned all the readiness she needed and embarked on her conquest. Roman who wasn’t aware of the plan was waiting with his board of trustees to finally meet with this mysterious investor whom he hasn’t met. Of course, hasn’t since he was seeing that face for the first time welcomed the PR which he recognized and kay into the room populated with a few numbers of persons including Venechia. Soon they were seated, and the PR introduced his boss to Roman. Kay stretched forth hand, “nice to meet you Mr Hunters”.

Roman’s face couldn’t hide the fact that he was surprised he thought the investor to be an old soggy man. “it’s a pleasure to finally meet you” he replied giving a smile. “There goes that smile I detest it” she said to herself as he shook her. He was a chronic womanizer but even him knew when it was time to be in business and when not plus, with an investment made as large as this she must be worth billions of dollars since she dealt with him in that currency.

“So I’ve sent all your files to your PR and all we need to do is to seal the deal unless there is some sort of dissatisfactory on your end”.

There was silence for some seconds before kay shook her head indicating that there wasn’t any.

Well, Roman said without further delay…she interrupted before he could finish his sentence. “I have a gift for you Mr Hunters” he blushed as soon as he heard those words from her.

“Really” He asked and she signaled her escort to give him the little gift box. Open it she encouraged but Roman only stared at the box hesitantly.

“It’s not a bomb”. She collected the gift to unwrap herself while everyone watched her. She brought out a thong and threw it on Vee’s face instantly.

“Hah! That’s my panties” Venechia exclaimed.

Roman was confused and so was everyone.

“Hello Roman, did you miss me?”

There was only one person who had that charisma, Kay his ex-girlfriend.

His mind wandered off shortly before demanding everyone to leave the office. “I said out!” He yelled and soon they were all leaving including kay. She picked up her bag to leave.

“No not you he stated calmly we need to talk…”

Who are you? He asked and she replied with the overly satisfied smile on her face.

“Kay, just a few years and you forget my voice and even my body? I only had face surgery”.

“ I-I” he stammered.

She looked at him for a while then she said; maybe you’d recognize this. She pulled her coat down to show him the summer tattoo she had gotten between the time they were together.

He cleared him throat. “Maybe you should bring it down a little further”.

She turned around and give him a resetting slap. “Whoa *his eyes spun* I don’t feel so good”. Really, she replied giving him a harder one,

ok ok! He yelled with an outburst, he could stand many things but being hit on the face was too delicate especially not from a woman. “You made your point”. He sighed adjusting his suit to sit down.

“Don’t worry I won’t do it again I am satisfied” she assured picking up her bag to leave then he called out.

“Wait, where are you going, we haven’t finished talking”.

“We have for today” she replied exiting the office with her escorts behind, leaving him absolutely confused.

A Nanny waited at the lobby with Mary, and they got up as soon as they sight kay coming. Mommy! Mary ran towards her, and she held her by the head gently leading her out of the lobby.

“C’mon let’s go baby”.

On getting to the entrance, they met with Kirko Dean. Of course didn’t recognize Kay’s face since she had major plastic surgery.

“Meet your daddy Mary” kay said.

Kirko looked at her in an absurd manner, saying rudely, “I am not your daddy”. He then headed for the lobby and Mary holds him. He felt some chills run down his spine, but he ignored it stating strongly that he had no connections whatsoever to the little girl with his eyes stating that they might be mental.

“ Daddy” Mary cried out holding on to him even tighter and he paused.

Kay sighed then she said: She’s your daughter. Kirko was in an awkward position and all he could do was ask if she was mentally disturbed not giving the slightest chance that he could be a daddy to anyone God forbid right now that his career as Uk’s top high ranked model was on the run. I am not your daddy he repeated pushing Mary aside and headed for his destination.

Door opens…

“My god, you would not believe what just happened to me. Women are really desperate now huh, some woman, who I think is going loca by the way stopped me at the lobby asking her daughter to call me dad, pffts me? Mans better be high on jokes I never do it without a condom…” he noticed Roman was silent for a while. “What’s up with you?”

“She was here” Roman replied.

Who was here? he asked again this time wanting more details.

kay, my ex-girlfriend Roman scoffed.

“I thought she died Kirko replied with a straight face”, he couldn’t be more convincing that he actually thought otherwise. “Well, what did she tell you, it had better not be what that mad lady told me”.

No, no Roman answered. Our conversation was a whole lot different, she’s back mate.

“Back to where London?” Kirko asked knowing full well there was history and definitely going to be a problem.

She had face surgery Roman disclosed.

“Wait a minute, was that Kaylie I saw at the lobby? Speaking of which she did have the body of your ex, I would recognize that anywhere just not sure why she would tell her daughter I was her father. I didn’t even know she had a daughter.

Roman looked at him with suspicious face. “You tell me mate”

“Oi, for real mate I never slept with your ex, never! Aye back that up never ever…”

“Then how comes are you the girl’s daddy?”

“ I don’t know” he replied. Maybe she can explain, this doesn’t make any sense.

Loud laughs from Kay’s room sound as she laid in her room watching Tele meanwhile, a soft knock sounded on her door.

Who is it? She asked before the door was opened. Excuse me Gigi greeted politely; I just need a pair of shoes. She headed directly to the enormous display of shoes in the almost leaking shoe closest and grabbed a pair.

“How many are you taking kay” asked reluctantly and she replied: just one, don’t wanna be greedy. Awwn you’re too kind kay said forced smile.

“Oh, uh someone’s waiting outside for you, ex-boyfriend alert”.

Roman is here? kay inquired with bulging eyes.

Oh, that’s his name, I thought it was Rolland Gigi answered leaving the room.