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Five Thousand Years of Refining Qi

Five Thousand Years of Refining Qi



I'm Yang Jin, a genius who can ascend to the Immortal Realm within 300 years. I haven't broken through to the Qi Refining stage for 5,000 years... I'm only at the Qi Refining stage. Don't mess with me!


In Class Three, School of Chinese Medicine, Western Medical College.

After five thousand years of cultivation, Yang Jin, who had come out of the mountain to experience the mortal world, lay on the desk as usual and slept soundly.

It was funny. Yang Jin had lived for 5,000 years since he had tasted hundreds of herbs, learned medical skills and immortal skills with Emperor Shen Nung. If he didn't eat, he would not die, but he would be hungry; if he didn't sleep, he wouldn't die, but he would get sleepy.

During this long period of time, Yang Jin had maintained the appearance of a seventeen or eighteen-year-old man. He had not changed, and the years had not allowed him to die.

What gave him the most headache was that he, who was considered to be able to ascend to the Immortal Realm within three hundred years, had entered the Qi Refining stage for five thousand years, but he could not go any further.

Cultivation: Qi Refining, Foundation Establishment, Innateness, Golden Core...

Yes, he was stuck in the Qi Refining stage of the entry-level of cultivation.

His lifelong obsession was to break through the damn Qi Refining stage.

Last night, he spent a whole night refining the Rank 7 Demonic Beast, Ba-Serpent Inner Elixir, and then he reached Rank 3 in a row. His cultivation had reached the 9880 Qi Cultivation Realm.

But things went contrary to their wishes.

He still hadn't broken through the shackles.

Because he didn't sleep all night, he was sleepy. As soon as he arrived at the classroom, he lay on the "special" table in the corner of the classroom.

The teacher of the Basics of Traditional Chinese Medicine was called Murong Qianqian. She was beautiful and had a golden figure. She was a goddess, and her temperament was better than that of the campus belle.

But this person was not a smile and was very strict. He was famous for being a cold-faced teacher in school.

Murong Qianqian was originally a master's tutor. Since the teacher who majored in the basic knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine gave birth to two babies, she came to replace him for two months.

As soon as the stern-faced teacher entered the classroom, the students were in high spirits, as agitated as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

However, there was one person who was the most unique. He ignored the warm welcome of his classmates and was still sleeping soundly.


As the stern-faced teacher roared, the classroom instantly quieted down.

The stern-faced teacher's gaze fell on Yang Jin. Someone had the guts to sleep in her class?

Her pretty face suddenly turned cold and full of frost.

The stern-faced teacher walked to Yang Jin's side. After learning Yang Jin's name from his classmates, he knocked heavily on the table and said coldly, "Yang Jin, get up and tell me who wrote 'Shen Nung's Classic of Chinese Medicine'?"

The students all looked at Yang Jin sympathetically.

"It's over, it's over! Yang Jin's done for!"

"Haha! A junior student of the first master's degree slept in a cold-faced teacher's class. She was punished to copy "Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor" ten times. If she couldn't copy it, she would lose all her credits. She wouldn't be able to get her graduation certificate!"

"Wow, this time, you can't copy 'Shen Nung's family' for 20 times?"

"A million words in one go, and I'm going to destroy all my hands!"

Yang Jin, who was in a daze, moved to the side, unaware of the potential danger.

With a gloomy face, Murong Qianqian poked Yang Jin's arm with her slender fingers and shouted angrily, "Student, it's time for school!"

Yang Jin stood up slowly and rubbed her eyes. "Oh, is school over?"

There was a burst of laughter in the classroom.

Murong Qianqian's face was as dark as ink. She scolded, "Student, your parents paid the tuition fees. Are you going to study and sleep in school?"

Yang Jin looked up and down at Murong Qianqian. She was the most beautiful goddess in the school and a master's degree teacher. She was very familiar with her, so he was not too surprised.

He rubbed his sleepy eyes and said with some embarrassment, "Teacher, I want to say, you can't teach me!"

As soon as these words came out, the classroom, which was full of laughter just now, instantly became dead silent.

His tone was as loud as the sky.

Who was Murong Qianqian? She was born in a traditional Chinese medicine family, graduated from a master's degree at the age of sixteen, graduated from a doctor's degree in a medical school at the age of 20, and became a master's tutor.

He was indeed a genius.

Although you're about the same age as everyone else, you're a freshman. How can you say that the master's teacher can't teach you?

In addition to using the word 'to overturn the sky' to describe your arrogance and ignorance, there was no other word to be used.

This guy was destined to copy the "Canon God's Herbal Classic".

A male student named Weng Mingyan stood up. He was the class leader. His father was a major shareholder of a pharmaceutical company and was very rich. He was a well-known young master in his class.

Weng Mingyan chided, "Yang Jin, are you f*cking arrogant? Our teacher Murong is a master's tutor. Who do you think you are? You can't teach you."

These young masters were so idle that they were proud of being able to pursue beautiful women. However, Weng Mingyan's goal was to become taller, which was to be a cold-faced teacher.

Seeing that Yang Jin didn't give the goddess face, he stepped forward and took the opportunity to sneak away.

Yang Jin just shook her head.

When Murong Qianqian saw Yang Jin's disdainful expression, she ground her teeth. With her cultivation, she was not angry. However, a hundred ways of punishment had already appeared in her mind.

She said coldly, "You're so arrogant. I'd like to see how capable you are. Please answer my question immediately!"

Yang Jin raised his eyebrows and said, "I wrote down the original work of 'Shen Nung's Classic of family Herbs'!"

Another sentence shocked everyone.

In Yang Jin's seat, the class beauty, Chen Fan'er, had just taken a sip of water when she sprayed it all over the students in the front row.


The whole class burst into laughter.

This was the most absurd thing that his classmates had ever heard.

Wasn't this guy sleeping like a fool, or was he playing tricks to tease the cold-faced teacher?

Weng Mingyan sneered and said, "Bah, 'Shen Nong's Classic of family herbs' was the earliest medical record of our country. It was written in the period of the Qin and Han Dynasties. The person who made it up was unknown, but the name 'Shen Nung' was used as an excuse. The original book was written early, and it appeared to be a collection of books from later generations."

"Have you lived for more than 2,000 years?"

The students gave Weng Mingyan a thumbs-up. The class monitor was the class monitor, and he had a wide range of knowledge!

Yang Jin just wanted to say to him, "I didn't live for two thousand years, but five thousand years!" However, he didn't say it out loud, which would make everyone think that he was crazy.

Weng Mingyan directly drugged him and said, "I think you are deliberately flirting with Mr. Murong!"

Yang Jin raised an eyebrow. She had lived for five thousand years and had seen all kinds of beautiful women. To flirt with her? She was not interested.

Weng Mingyan's 'demonic medicine' caused Murong Qianqian's entire body to be filled with killing intent. Her face was not covered in powder, but frost.

The students saw that the cold-faced teacher was about to explode with his silver teeth, a small universe with infinite power.

Weng Mingyan smiled like a thief. "Come, come, come. Students, sum up student Yang Jin's fate!"

"Three words: F*ck you."

Yang Jin shook his head slightly. In fact, he was not lying.

Back then, Yang Jin had been a disciple of Shennong Yan Emperor and had tasted hundreds of herbs with Shennong. The latter had told him in Shennong's language that his medical skills belonged to his master.

It was Yang Jin who was writing. At the same time, he had learned all of Shennong's medical skills and immortal skills.

Three thousand years ago, when his master ascended to heaven in a hundred days, he didn't have a complete copy of the "Canon God's Kusakara Sutra". However, his cultivation had been in the damn Qi-refining Stage and he couldn't make any progress. When he had nothing to do, he also used what he had learned in his whole life to perfect the "Canon God."

After the book was passed down to the world, due to the conservative thoughts of the wasn't passed down from generation to generation, all of the essence was reserved. In the end, only the most common parts of the original work remained.

Yang Jin wanted to break through to the Qi-refining Stage, so she did not focus on medical skills, nor did she make up the Shen Nung's Classic of family medicine.

Therefore, this was the current situation.

Murong Qianqian's face was livid, and she almost ground her teeth. This student was clearly playing dumb and deliberately looking for trouble.

She said coldly, "Nonsense. Since you said it was written by you, then you can write down the original work! Otherwise, you can copy it for 30 times. If you can't finish it in two months, I will deduct your credits. Then you can forget about graduation."

Weng Mingyan grinned and did not hide his pride. He successfully drew his hatred. He laughed gloatingly for the first time and said, "Oh, thirty times? Student Yang, are you surprised? Are you surprised? Haha!"

"To write the original work? Student Yang, you must contribute to the human race!"

A student shook his head and said, "Alas! I mourned for you for three seconds!"

"The cold-faced teacher will do whatever he says. Student Yang can only go home and play with eggs!"

Earlier, everyone had sympathized with Yang Jin, but who would have thought that he would go mad and wipe out everyone's sympathy?

Now, there was only ridicule left!

Yang Jin was not in a hurry. She said lightly, "There are some flaws in the recorded medical theory and the sit-down rules, as well as the 'Seven Emotions and Oneness' proposed. They should have been..."

Yang Jin directly said the part that had been lost, and the more she said, the more excited she became.

In the end, he strode up to the podium, as if he was more like a teacher than a teacher. He kept talking without stopping.

The students were not very familiar with Shennong's Classic of Kusakara, so only a few Chinese medicine practitioners knew something about it.

But the stern-faced teacher had a deep understanding of this book.

Yang Jin's explanation stunned her.

As Yang Jin explained it in detail, Murong Qianqian found that all the parts of his body were currently incomplete, and it could be said to be the essence.

The problems in the medical field, which had been researched for many years, were solved by Yang Jin. He was like a bright lamp to show the way. He opened the clouds and mist and was suddenly enlightened.

Murong Qianqian's expression softened and a look of surprise appeared on her pretty face.

She hurriedly took a pen to record.

Such profound medical knowledge naturally stunned the freshmen.

Weng Mingyan looked at Yang Jin with disdain. "This guy is so pretentious that he even put on a podium? Does he want to get into the family with such a low standard? If I teach him a lesson, he'll even start his own business."

Hence, he mocked her. "Yang Jin, you're f*cking pretentious. Be careful, or you'll faint and be buried!"

Weng Mingyan continued to poison her. In a trance, he saw Yang Jin kneeling on the ground, begging for mercy from the goddess.

The whole class burst into laughter.

Murong Qianqian glared at Weng Mingyan and shouted, " Weng Mingyan, copy the Shen Nung's family's Classic of family medicine thirty times for me. Otherwise, you can forget about graduation."


The student gasped.

"What's wrong? Weng Mingyan was also tricked?"

Murong Qianqian pointed at everyone and shouted, "Now, if anyone dares to disturb you again, copy it a hundred times!"

The hall was destroyed with a roar.

Weng Mingyan's smile was still frozen on his face. The next moment, he was stunned.

What was going on? Was he going to copy it 30 times? Why did he fall for it? What was going on? Did he poison himself to death?

"Women's hearts are like needles in the sea!"

He had an impulse to cry. However, the whole class looked at him with pity, which made him even angrier.

Murong Qianqian was a warning to others. In an instant, the sound of a fallen needle could be heard in the classroom.

They all watched as Yang Jin explained. Murong Qianqian didn't intend to interrupt him at all. Instead, she looked shocked.

The students began to wonder if what Yang Jin said was true. It was incredible!

The contempt and sarcasm of the students turned into shock.

They all sighed with emotion. "This guy is pretentious and pretentious."

Many students began to record with their pens.

Yang Jin didn't take a break until the bell rang. The original work hadn't been uncovered to the tip of the iceberg.

Yang Jin coughed twice and looked at Murong Qianqian, saying, "Everyone, are you done with your classes? Have a rest!"

Yang Jin's tone showed that he regarded everyone as a student, and the stern-faced teacher was no exception.

Murong Qianqian raised her eyebrows. Not only was she not angry, but she also seemed to want to continue. Was this guy about to get to the point and stopped?

It made her feel as if she was stuck in her throat.

She was sure that Yang Jin was not talking nonsense. The medical knowledge he had added was very profound, and all of it was missing.

This made Murong Qianqian extremely shocked.

However, she didn't believe that he was the one who wrote the "Shen Nung's Classic of family herbs" that Yang Jin had mentioned. That was bullshit.

But maybe he had really seen the real one.

She hurriedly said, "No, no, you can continue! I really can't teach you! The next lesson is up to you. We sincerely want to learn from you."

Yang Jin smiled faintly. "Teacher, I still have to copy books thirty times. I don't have time!"

Murong Qianqian's attitude changed rapidly. She waved her hand and said, "No, no, just give me more lessons!"

The students looked at Yang Jin in surprise. This monster had managed to subdue a knowledgeable and cold-faced teacher? And he had even asked him to teach them a lesson? It felt like it was a fantasy.

Yang Jin shook her head and said, "I'm sorry, I'm not awake. I still need to sleep!"

... . . .