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Innocent Mask

Innocent Mask

Author:Inori Nikka



Sasaki Yoite, an Honorary Noble from an unknown Family raised at the New Imperial Kingdom where as everything are define differently from the past century. At the year of 2020, the whole world was demolished due to the WW3, as a result, everything including government system changed, everyone has their own Authority if status was the basis, but as the 13th Emperor of the Imperial Kingdom came to rule their Empire, everyone started to treat each other equally. Young, prestigious and polite, a 13 yrs. old Emperor whom loved by his people yet loath by Ministers and Royalties. 7yrs ago, Sasaki Yoite's Village gone Massacred and burned down to ashes at the same time, the Young Emperor was ambushed and now under Yoite's protection. Yet after 7yrs, Sasaki Yoite woke up not knowing himself in no where, a friend Lee Anhuei told him that if someone from the Imperial Palace knew that he had amnesia, he'll be sentenced to death and right after that moment a letter from the Palace came inviting Sasaki Yoite to attend the person that should be under his regimen, it's the Young Emperor's Re-coronation. After knowing that the Emperor was powerless and now had the same condition as him, Sasaki Yoite took the torch inside a long dusk horizon, he tried his uttered to be promoted as His Majesty's Aide, yet as Sasaki Yoite begun to regain his memory pieces by pieces, he was now certain why he suddenly got memory loss and the reason behind the Emperor's amnesia as well as his friends betrayal. Wearing an Innocent Mask was enough to take revenge without tainting the Emperor's name, as they've spend time together Sasaki Yoite became attracted to his Majesty and tried his utter not to disappoint him as a result he became everyones enemy. Beyond Sasaki Yoite's knowledge about his self, there's a dark background lying inside his identity and murderer blood lines running inside his veins, after knowing thing's that connected the Massacre of his village and the coded journal he found under his slumber ,he can't let a remnants to live in his atmosphere, with the use of dark organization, connection in District Government and being the Aide of their Empire's Emperor, he can take his INNOCENT REVENGE WITH JUST A SINGLE MASK, but can the Emperor let his love one to live in darkness or kill him in brightness?. Both of can neither protect nor kill each other, if one loves other, and other's loved no one, the result would be simple, it's a total TRAGEDY.

  A deep black abyss covered a Young man's vision, as he walk closer to this deep chasm, it reflected an image like person without a clear face to be sighted and full of mist.

  "From now on..... Your------"

  Before the MistFaced guy finished his word, the once dusk and shade vision of the Young Man's sight begun to lighten-up with morning concept of chirping birds.

  "Where Am I? "

  The Young man inquire as he seated and forsooth his surroundings. He pulled his foot out of the jade-color sheet and begun to spout words unconsciously.

  "I'm Sasaki Yoite, 16, and an Honorary Noble"

  Yoite focused on his Unknown Question" and unwarily took an action as if he had something to do but can't identify what so ever it was.

  "Sasaki Yoite...... 16....Honorary Noble"

  He muttered as he shook his head and putted his hand in his pocket, yet as he once repeated the same statement, veins poped onto his temple and seemingly rage in either wrath or annoyance.

  His foot seems to act on it's own and before he realized it, he arrived at a public bath like place, having such spacious Hot Springs and on top of that, this place seems to be some kind of luxury Mansion. Fancy decorations in every corner of this mystic space attach on it's vermilion wall.Quiet, peaceful, free from disturbance and turmoil, A "Tranquil Manor" indeed!

  Yoite silently pouted " I’m Sasaki Yoite, 16 yrs. of age and an honorary Noble"

  As he clenched, veins popped on his temple ,his once "Iced shave face" began to melt like molten cream in summer season, despite of Spring blossoms, leafs might burn once it touches Yoite's ranging choler.


  He rasped his grizzled hair that almost took a layer of his skin and frown.


  Yelling in a tranquil place , bounced his voice backwards, echoing like thunder strike in amid of thunderstorms, not a moment after, the door opened with a terrifying "clack, crack" sound.

  "What's with the MIND BLOWING noise! "

  A cold and bold voice complained, Yoite felt chilled all the way from his back down to his toe, turning like untwisted bottled cap. Thought his neck got stiffened, he deliberately look from behind as if being called by some kind of evil deed. As he turn back, a dazzling red buzzer eyes came across his torso like blistering arrows beyond the vermilion wall, it's face was covered in his long tousled hair and foreboding aura came upon this Terrifying Guy. Adding that his eye's almost replicate panda's with narrowed cheeks and shabbily dressed, it's only natural if Yoite quivered until he peed on his pants, IT'S MORE LIKE A SCENERY OF REVIVED CORPSE , A DEAD BACK TO LIFE! How terrifying indeed.

  "Who on Earth shouted?! Let me stab you for a bit! " he added.

  'I don't even know whom my self was yet your asking?! ' silently mocked by Yoite.

  As soon as this Terrifying Guy mades some eye contact to Yoite, his once foreboding aura from upon became a ranging fire of choler and wrath, lightning with crossed-red piercing eyes. A series of rolling sweats from Yoite's Eyebrows like flowing water's down at streams mades him wobbled in his uttered solicitude.

  The Shabbily dressed guy inquired "you----"

  "I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!!!! " Yoite exclaimed as he threw a bucket of water at this person's face. Rushing outside with an escape endeavor. As he went back at his room, he putted tons of heavy equipments nigh the door. Letting not a single ant to come over.

  While trying to catch his breath that almost pulled his lung out of his body, he muttered; "is---was-he---WAS THIS MANSION HAUNTED?! "

  As he fell down at his gesture of demur, a "clinging" sound like metals sprang and rattled his eardrums, at first he didn't paid attention yet as he pass through the mirror, he saw a glimmering Earrings binded with elegance. This Earing was pinned from his Helix down to Lobute with feather like shape bundle of strings hang at his left ears. As he look closely, the pinn at his Lobute are much bigger and unscripted some image like black crescent moon.

  Yoite admired" woah I'm just an honorary Noble yet I've got a crest? or did I got this at the Family who adopted me? "

  As he deliberately caress his left Ear, he noticed that this crest was quite unique and undefined "mn.. "While shooking his head.

  "I've never seen such Crest before nor heard about 'Sasaki' "

  "----er wait? How come I know such things if me myself can't even define my own? And did I just depict my self as someone?! "

  In one's haunches nigh the door, he wondered and murmured endlessly trying to figure out his situation, as sunlight begun to enter inside his room, a sparkling thingy beneath his slumber caught his attention, he approach in turtle like speed having thought whether it's "thing" or another sign of "Haunted mythology ",as he stretches his arms and trying hard to grab this sparkling thingy, a box like surface call upon his utterance.

  He immediately took a grip and pulled it out beneath, this box was kinda familiar on him and tried to open, yet it's lock, he was about to open it forcedly yet someone called his name alarmingly, having such tremendous footsteps approach with either wary or wrath. Yoite hid the box from where it came and blocked the door with both hands and foot glued at the doorsill.


  "Wh-who was it?! "Yoite asked hesitantly

  "Wait-what? Kaijou, don't fool around, stop that at once"

  'No I’m not messing around I don't really know you! ' He murmured

  Just an intuition, but as what he think about this situation, he can't afford to let anyone drag from his problems, adding the suffix of his name as "kaijou" , he might got the wrong idea about this place, it's not a Luxury Mansion but a Pompous School instead!.

  As he opened the door, His eyes fell upon this Young Gentleman's appearance, his hair are define in foreign country, lightly wood brown and fluttered through the air as if one in nature, it's eyes where glowing morning sky, as if you've sawn a pitch blue ocean sparkling at night sky, undoubtedly this Guy was a noble!.

  As he look at this young man's attractive feature, he's incredibly overflowing in beauty, but had a very week and delicate yet well build personality, every movement he'd take are field with elegance and refinement ! You'll even thought that he's a Young Maiden than a Young Gentleman . In what Yoite knew, he was just staring this young gentleman with admiration yet as for the Young Gentleman, his rein and unhampered imagination turn out to be like he's been staring by some kind of weirdo and an obscure maniac.

  Due to Yoite’s drooling upon this Innocent Young Gentleman, he pushed the door open wide and made Yoite stumbled like flickered kite.

  The Young Gentleman approached as he hunker down beside him; "neh, Kaijou? Why didn't you told us about you're arrival? It's been a week since your appointment, the President's paperwork’s are all thrown at my desk place, it almost killed me on insomnia"

  He continued as his lips twitches "you even threw a bucket of water right at my face, you sure wanted to die huh?! "

  The once thought of "Angel from Heavens" became a "Demon descended from Hell" . He cleared his throat and shone a Radiant smile like brilliant sun.

  "O-oh..... It's you, umm........ Er----nice to meet you....... again~??" he tittered.

  "Yo-you------.... " a shockingly pouted by this Young Gentleman

  Yoite innocently pointed himself on a matter of fact tone "me? "


  Hearing such words mades Yoite's bright smile froze in serenity, simple question yet unabled to be answered. His lips was opened a few times yet still can't provide a respond, He tilted his head downward and gently said;

  "Actually Young Gentlemen, I don't really know Am I.... "

  "You've got to be kidding me! " the Young Gentleman yelled in vigor.

  Yoite" what's wrong? "

  "Everything" the young Gentleman held Yoite's shoulder and wailed "If anyone from the Imperial Palace knew about this"

  "YOU'LL DIE! "

  Although “Death should be taken seriously, Yoite didn’t felt frightened at all, he would even responded like “Really? “ with his Innocent tone and clueless face yet as he took a glance with this young Gentleman, he felt guilty, not because of his incoming respond but because it ruined his delightful appearance.

  “Young Gentlemen calm down” as he patted his back and gently caress his chin “Thought I had no Idea of who I’m , I had a feeling that the both of us shared some past”

  Soon, the Young Gentleman sobs dried like non-watered soil in dusk place as he inquire “tell you what? “

  “My past of course ~”

  Little does he know, his past are all beyond his imagination, if Heavens gave "blessings in disguise " then Satan would give him "Pleasures in affliction".