It all began with two dragons. Yin, and Yang long ago these vortexes of celestial mass collided and created a three headed dragon named by the sound it created that became the universe that we know as today OM.
That's how the shaman began with his hands flailing wildly on the frosty night air.
Even around the campfire Tensk's back chilled from the morning brisk.
What time is it I replied in which the cheifman got louder. Soon the sun arose and the campfire light diminished with his story of the beginning and end of times how we see our very existance is just the the way we view two physical forces constantly colliding yadda yada.
The shaman clapped his hands and bits of smoke and ashes came rushing Tensks way from the act of his elbows dramatically sweeping down by his sides.
When Tensk awoke the second time the shaman said I must have given you too much root tea last night. I tried waking you up with a story, and when that didnt work I tried to make it all the more dramatic.
I know Tensk replied.
Tensk then arose to his feet.
I better get going. It was nice chatting with you, you have given me a lot to think about man.
The Chiefman only replied come back when you are ready to summon the forces of masculinity and femininity in your life and how to command them.
Later that day he did a yoga class and all that he could think about when they meditated on their chakras was his effort to of carrying that intention with him like armor always.
Armor so he can command his chakras like extension of himself like his sword shield and armor.
He decided this chapter of his life will be the chapter of reiki alchemy.
He returned to the shaman since then every week to talk to him about the strange dreams he has been having about the man in the mirror.
He asks the man why he is so sad all of the time, and the shaman told him he was a twin soul and the other more mildly mannered was a yin side to him that he was trying to suppress, but he didnt feel that way.
The dreams kept happening and Tensk tried everything to express his inner Devine goddess.
One day he decided if his inner god was womanizing
or whatever the human rights activists are calling it this day
his inner goddess so he summons her energy to share love with someone else's inner god, and chose the most masculine dude he knew to make love to and it didn't seem to change him any.
The dream kept coming to Tensk.
One day Tensk decided it was time to find his biological mother and father and show honor to them and to learn to love himself greater.
He was disappointed to find out his father was in jail and his mother passed away in a burning house this past summer.
The reporters said that his father went mad after her passing and that his insanity is what the autorneys claimed lead him to wed and sleep with so many of the small towns teenage women.
He had the entire town believing that he spoke for god.
When he went to meet his father he only spoke to the voices in his head. But from what he could make out he thought his father must have mistook him for someone else.
His father said "How can you come back at a time like this your mother was so stricken with grief of you leaving. How could you do that to her? I fell apart, they waned me you'd come back. . . I should have been more prepared, christ almighty how could I have not listened to the levels working when the temptations were so near. . . Everywhere, everywhere!"