Chapter 1 - A Birthday to Remember.. or not.
"You did not just say that!"
Laughter and music filled the air out on the balcony. It was June, and the girls and i were on holiday in Ibiza for my 21st birthday.
"What?" My best friend Georgina asked.
"You heard me. Honestly George, where do you even find these lads?" I laughed, my Geordie accent always came through thicker after a few drinks.
"I've told you time and time again George, your worth more than that." Lucy shouts.
Lucy was normally the quiet one of the group, but a few drinks in and you would never know that, she always made us laugh, she was crazy.
"Yes I know, I know. But how was I supposed to know he was gonna have a dick the size of a cocktail sausage? I mean you all know that saying, big shoes?"
We all laughed. George was definitely the wild one of the group.
I loved nights like this with the girls.
"Well clearly that's not always the case" she said through her laughs.
"Right right, enough about Georgina and her interest in men with tiny dicks!" Our other friend Layla shouts as she makes her way back out to the balcony to join us.
Layla was the sunshine of the group, that's what I always called her. She was always so happy and positive and was never afraid to speak her mind. For such a tiny person she had such a big personality.
"When are we leaving? It's our last night here, I wanna make it a good one!" She shouts at us growing impatient.
"Yeah, She's right. let's get a move on! I wanna get out of here before I run into little pecker again." Georgina grins, downing what was left of her vodka and coke.
We all crease up again.
"Stop! My cheeks hurt from laughing" I whine.
Trust her to find someone while we're in Ibiza who just happens to be staying in the same hotel as us, and now we have to avoid him.
Typical George.
"We're just waiting for the usual suspect over there to crack on." I say pointing over at Lucy as she sits brushing her long blonde hair.
"I mean you'd think after all this time you would all be used to this" Lucy laughs as she finishes her hair and stops in front of the mirror to add some lipstick.
After all the years of knowing Lucy I was used to it. We had grown up together from the age of 4, we drifted apart when we got to high school then come back together, we always just clicked, I could tell her anything.
After checking herself out in the mirror for the last time, she pulls her dress up her petite frame and straps on her sandals.
God I wish I had a body like these fuckers. I however was blessed with serious hips and an arse that could give Kim kardashian a run for her money, and my belly wasn't flat and toned like my friends, it had a little jiggle going on, but this was me.
The yo yo dieter as me and George liked to say. The pair of us had always been the same, since I met her at college at 17. We immediately hit it off , we're so different yet we're exactly the same too. We both would kill to have the figures that Layla and Lucy have, but we were both made with curves. We're always the same when it comes to diets, we start off great then get distracted by some chocolate or something sweet along the way, me and my bloody sweet tooth.
George was who I had known for the least amount of time but when I first met her I just knew she was going to be my best friend, she just got me like nobody else and I knew she would always be there for me.
You know that line,
A good friend knows all your best stories, but a best friend has lived them with you.
That couldn't be more true, she's like the Samantha to my Carrie.
Oh Yes, we love sex and the city.
"Finally!" Layla shouts from the door.
"let's make our last night one to remember girls!" Georgina says as we walk through the hotel.
And we did.
God we did.
"I honestly feel like I've been hit by a train." Lucy groans throwing the pillow over her head.
"Me too" I say, sitting up in bed next to her.
"What a night" I cringe.
Flash backs of foam parties and dancing on tables in the club start coming back to me, then I remember the shots.
Oh the shots. Fuck my life.
"Why do you do this to us every time scar?" Layla groans from the bed next to us.
"Do what?"
"Get us shots, you know it never ends well. I mean Look at George, she fell asleep with her head on the toilet seat" she points to the set of legs coming from the open door of our bathroom.
I cringe again, shit yes she did. Flashbacks of how drunk my best friend was last night come flooding back and I start to laugh.
"I mean come on guys, I never forced them down your neck and really it's not even my fault it was Lucy! She was the one getting us 10 euro deals of fat frog cocktails, vodkas and free shots."
God the drink was cheap here.
"Urghhh, don't remind me" Lucy says from next to me in the bed.
Least we have most of the day to recover before we have to get to the airport for our flight home.
"Come on girls, maybe we should go get some breakfast. Some greasy food to soak up the booze and get some fresh air before we have to pack and get ready for the airport later" i say to the zombies on the bed that resemble my friends.
"That actually doesn't sound too bad" the voice from the bathroom croaks as she crawls on her hands and knees towards the bed, poor George.
"What about you two? Are you coming?" I ask Lucy and Layla even though I know what the answer is going to be.
"Definitely not" they both say at the same time.
When Georgina managed to pull herself off the floor we both throw on our swimsuits and shorts and I quickly brush through my brown wavy hair and tie half up and throw on some giant sunglasses.
"That's about as good as it gets today" I groan.
George twists her long baby pink hair into a perfect bun on the top of her head.
she always makes a bun look good.
she joins me with some giant sunglasses and we're on our way.
"Oh Scar!" Layla shouts as We're about to walk out the door of our hotel room.
I turn and raise my brows questioning her.
"Happy birthday! 21 at last babes!" She shouts making Lucy groan at the noise but then she joins in.
"Oh god yeah! happy birthday scar, wish I could join you for breakfast but I just can't face it"
I laugh and thank them and walk out through the hotel to Georgina singing happy birthday to me.